Approved Log My Training Log - My Transformation

Looking lean there. Sus & Npp nice bulk and strength, from your logs your body handles higher doses well. So probably go with something like 500mg and 400mg of NPP. But you'd know best with your doses.
Sounds good brother a 500 , 400 for 12 wks sounds good maybe tapper up a little mid way and see how the results go.
Will need to try to keep food fairly clean and will you guys posted !!!!
Sounds good brother a 500 , 400 for 12 wks sounds good maybe tapper up a little mid way and see how the results go.
Will need to try to keep food fairly clean and will you guys posted !!!!
If you don't mind me asking, what's the benefits of doing Sus over Test E or C? I was prescribed Sus years ago when I was on TRT through a GP but switched over to Test E and also took it a few times during my cycles when I ran out of Test E. Never really gave it a fair go, but just curious, as alot of guys really like sus.

I like how I feel on sus compared to test e or c due to the short esters that make up 2 parts of sus but to keep bloods close to level you do need to pin every other day or at least every 3rd day @Skays.
I think it is a personal preference but I have also always noticed my blood work is always on the higher end with sus.
Morning boys & girls another beautiful Sunday morning @ 2am no one to bother me at my local for a decent back sesh been doing a bit of thinking which can be a little dangerous sometimes depending on my head space gonna throw in 300 primo with my next cycle opinions?
Counting down the next 2 weeks.
As always only quality supplies sourced from @nexuspharma
Another day Another sesh at the local Arms today💪💪.
Went with high reps tries superset with bies
5 sets x 20 reps
Cable push down with cable arm curls
Skull crushers with standing barbell 21s
Dumbell behind the head raises with hammer curls
French press with cross body curls
Then headed across the road for 3 cheese burgers and a thickshake
Little bulk kick-start LOL


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I like how I feel on sus compared to test e or c due to the short esters that make up 2 parts of sus but to keep bloods close to level you do need to pin every other day or at least every 3rd day @Skays.
I think it is a personal preference but I have also always noticed my blood work is always on the higher end with sus.
Thanks for that. So it's more on the bloods is where you notice and get the benefits/difference?
Yes & No brother to keep bloods stable you need to pin more frequently which usually resulted in higher T levels when getting bloods done but you also get that bit more aggression with the shorter esters.
I used to be a fan of test P & definitely find the short esters hit harder and definitely affect my workouts