Approved Log My Training Log - My Transformation

I never lift to heavy my workouts are all about volume and control
i will always aim for 4 to 5 sets with 15 to 20 reps & usually will hit failure
around rep 13 of the 4th set @shrekmode
have always had joint problems and a few tendon surgeries so have found better progress
with more volume
Good strategy!
One of my favourite combos.

Is this the first time you'll go on stage?
@darkHORSE yes this will be the first time i will have been on stage i have
thought about it over the years but had a very hectic lifestyle working for myself
Now every thing has settled down for me and i can concentrate on getting myself in the right
headspace i have a good coach who i have known for a while but only just started with a few months ago
and hopefully will be ready for around next April
@darkHORSE yes this will be the first time i will have been on stage i have
thought about it over the years but had a very hectic lifestyle working for myself
Now every thing has settled down for me and i can concentrate on getting myself in the right
headspace i have a good coach who i have known for a while but only just started with a few months ago
and hopefully will be ready for around next April
Good on you man. Takes a lot of hard work and dedication. I've had a few mates over the years go through the same path. A lot of respect for the discipline that comes with it 👊
Age 42
height 179cm
body fat around 15% dex scan booked for more accurate results
Been resistance training 11yrs

am on a current cycle
1200 sus 250 , 600 mast spaced over 3 injections PW plan on running for another 8wks

10mg Cialis
20mg arimadex PW

gear supplied by Nexus pharma which has proven its self as a supplier of quality gear that
has been helping myself get ready to get on stage in 2025.

I look forward to keep you all posted on my training , diet and supplementation over the next
That's a solid cycle @natzz

Do you always run high cycles like that or do you mix it up depending on goals etc.?
Hello again my fellow brothers & sisters here @agw
been busy @ work the last few days as i am on call so writing this tread while sitting in
my work ute.
Trained back 2am Tuesday morning
wide grip lat pulldown 4 x failure
low row 4 x 15
bent over BB rows 4 x 15
wide grip machine rows 4 x 15
Nautilus machine pull over 4 x 15
food while being on call is muscle chef meals x 4 and usually MacDonalds depending what
time im out to 😔.
was back at it Wednesday morning 1:30 am for shoulders with
standing cable x overs 5 x 20
cable face pulls 5 x 15
behind the head military press superset to shoulder press 4 x 15
lateral raises on a 45 degree bench 4 x 15
DB front raises 4 x 15
food for the day post work out 8 Weetabix & protein shake
chicken &rice x 3
but ran out of food a couple of hours ago so will be looking for something soon
definitely hard when do busy with work but life ain't sposed to be easy


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Hello again my fellow brothers & sisters here @agw
been busy @ work the last few days as i am on call so writing this tread while sitting in
my work ute.
Trained back 2am Tuesday morning
wide grip lat pulldown 4 x failure
low row 4 x 15
bent over BB rows 4 x 15
wide grip machine rows 4 x 15
Nautilus machine pull over 4 x 15
food while being on call is muscle chef meals x 4 and usually MacDonalds depending what
time im out to 😔.
was back at it Wednesday morning 1:30 am for shoulders with
standing cable x overs 5 x 20
cable face pulls 5 x 15
behind the head military press superset to shoulder press 4 x 15
lateral raises on a 45 degree bench 4 x 15
DB front raises 4 x 15
food for the day post work out 8 Weetabix & protein shake
chicken &rice x 3
but ran out of food a couple of hours ago so will be looking for something soon
definitely hard when do busy with work but life ain't sposed to be easy
Total respect for those early morning workouts bro. I'm assuming its the only time you get?
Have been training around 3am for close to 10 years @BigAPE i moved to WA about 8mths ago
from nsw so with the time difference my body clock wakes me around 1am so now
i hit the gym around 2ish i find i enjoy the gym alot more at that time i am usually pretty aggressive
during workouts and swear a fair bit so aint the best when im at a packed out gym probably a bit
stronger if i went after work but don't get anywhere near the same intensity.
Hi @powerlifterbro
I have usually around 700mg mark for most cycles so this time increase a bit but i have been
cruising & Blasting for 9yrs and wanted to go abit harder this time.
only compound i will lower is for next year i will throw in tren a @ .3 iu daily before the gym with
50g anadrol daily for cut leading into show.
Age 42
height 179cm
body fat around 15% dex scan booked for more accurate results
Been resistance training 11yrs

am on a current cycle
1200 sus 250 , 600 mast spaced over 3 injections PW plan on running for another 8wks

10mg Cialis
20mg arimadex PW

gear supplied by Nexus pharma which has proven its self as a supplier of quality gear that
has been helping myself get ready to get on stage in 2025.

I look forward to keep you all posted on my training , diet and supplementation over the next
Proportion is on point @natzz
Hello again Fellow Gym whores
been a while since last post due to working 16hrs per day have gotten to the gym for arms
scull crushers ezy bar 5 x 15
overhead db extensions 5 x 15
cable tricep pull downs 5 x 15
cable bicep curls 5 x 15
ezi bar curls 5 x 21s
hammer x body curls 5 x 15
shoulder is another session
rear cable X 5 x 20
cable face pulls 4 x 15
standing machine shoulder press 4 x 15
db front raises 4 x 15
seated db lateral raises 4 x 15
one arm cable lateral raises 4 x 15
As you guys may have noticed i have only been training upper body as i have multiple grade 4
tears in my meniscus in my left knee and have a operation booked in 2 weeks time so plan is to get this
dopp done and slowly introduce legs 🦵🦵
Hello again Fellow Gym whores
been a while since last post due to working 16hrs per day have gotten to the gym for arms
scull crushers ezy bar 5 x 15
overhead db extensions 5 x 15
cable tricep pull downs 5 x 15
cable bicep curls 5 x 15
ezi bar curls 5 x 21s
hammer x body curls 5 x 15
shoulder is another session
rear cable X 5 x 20
cable face pulls 4 x 15
standing machine shoulder press 4 x 15
db front raises 4 x 15
seated db lateral raises 4 x 15
one arm cable lateral raises 4 x 15
As you guys may have noticed i have only been training upper body as i have multiple grade 4
tears in my meniscus in my left knee and have a operation booked in 2 weeks time so plan is to get this
dopp done and slowly introduce legs 🦵🦵
That's a serious tear brother. I wish you the best with the op and recovery 👊
flew back to Sydney to see the family and meet up with my coach for a traning
sesh but will be having a few days off the gym which my head will struggle with but
will be good for my body and help me to put on some kgs.
i wanted to see if by training a bit less would help as i do think i probably train to much
thats why i struggling to get past 94kg
what do you guys think ?


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I'm a total believer that training less, if balanced right, can help you gain muscle. Working each muscle group 2-3 times a week can be effective, and I'm sure your coach will set up the right structure for you. Rest is crucial, so on rest days, focus on recharging both mentally and physically. I find yoga and meditation really helpful for that.
flew back to Sydney to see the family and meet up with my coach for a traning
sesh but will be having a few days off the gym which my head will struggle with but
will be good for my body and help me to put on some kgs.
i wanted to see if by training a bit less would help as i do think i probably train to much
thats why i struggling to get past 94kg
what do you guys think ?
I think its a good idea. You can also just take a 1 or 2 week complete break?
definitely are @hubbles i just really find difficult but i am aware body definitely needs a break i think having more breaks would probably help me grow more