Approved Log My Training Log - Fit, Filthy & Forty

So after a busy as phuk week working away and no training šŸ˜” Iā€™m back into it!

Kicked off my cycle today (and my first cycle at that) and Iā€™m pretty excited for whatā€™s to come.. šŸ’ŖšŸ¼

For the next weeks Iā€™ll be running:
Test E @ 400mg/week
Mast E @ 200mg/week
Anavar @ 50mg/day

All my gear supplied by @gearmaniac101 šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


Injections twice a week. Anavar split into 2 x doses per day. Running Defend cycle support alongside Anavar for the 6 week duration.


Also started a new program today which I made up. Basically an Upper/Lower split, training 4 days per week. 1st went really well and having a planned regime just made me that much more focused as well.

Iā€™m using a free iPhone app called ā€œIronotesā€ and it seems pretty bloody good for a freebie once I got the workouts sorted in there. Will be good to track progress and overload moving forward. Cbf typing it out so see some screenshots below šŸ‘‡šŸ¼

Upper Body 1

Some exercises I did an extra set where I felt necessary due to gauging strength etc. Will be better from next week when I have a better idea of where Iā€™m currently at.

Bit of meal prep for dinners throughout the fortnight.
Thai Green Curry
170g Basmati, 160g Chicken Breast, Green Beans. Really donā€™t mind eating the same thing over and over. It tastes good and easy to prep up šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


Annnnd a current physique pic (poorly taken) below. Keen to see the difference at the end of cycle

Hopped on the scales fasted and post-poo to find that Iā€™ve dropped a little more weight. Pleasantly surprised as last week was all over the shop and my usual routine was completely out the window..


Standard 1st meal oats, frozen blueberries and whey. Had to tame it porridge style because the NutriBullet wakes the Mrs up apparently šŸ™„

Some whey plus meals throughout the day kept me full and satisfied.


Wrapped up work, pumped my 2nd dose of Anavar and pre then off to the gym for Lower Body 1.


Feeling out some newly incorporated exercises in the plan, and just tinkering with some different rep ranges. Enjoying adding some different exercises and utilising some different pieces of equipment.


Enjoyed the deep ROM on the lever-type leg press, and the single leg curl machine is dope. šŸ¤˜šŸ¼

Need Gear? šŸ‘‡šŸ¼šŸ‘‡šŸ¼
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Thanks bro!!

Competing was certainly a different experience. Having a certain goal in mind and a timeframe certainly helped me with motivation, but having never done it before I was really running blind with no expectations as to what I could achieve, I was more interested in seeing how far I could go. Certainly got tough in the final weeks, mentally more than anything. Was a good experience but I probably wouldnā€™t do it again lol.
Totally understand where you're coming from. I've gone through times when I trained and prepped as if I were going on stage.. **** it's challenging. Reason why I never followed through, too difficult. I have a lot of respect for the dedication and discipline.
Totally understand where you're coming from. I've gone through times when I trained and prepped as if I were going on stage.. **** it's challenging. Reason why I never followed through, too difficult. I have a lot of respect for the dedication and discipline.

Yeah man Iā€™ve seen a lot of people start strong, give the standard instagram updates and hashtags #10weeksout blah blah then all of a sudden drop off because it gets too hard. And it does, itā€™s extremely hard especially trying to fit in with a ā€œnormalā€ life. Iā€™m stoked I made it to stage, but yeah probs never again

Started off the day with standard first meal. Big glass of water and 20mg Anavar plus support.

Cruisey day at work which seemed to take forever.


150g Chicken Breast, Turkish Bread, Low Fat Cheese and Nandos XXL hot sauce for lunch was delicious. Smashed another 30mg Anavar and support about an hour before training and finishing work..

Upper Body 2 day today. So far Iā€™m digging the new plan. Sessions are a bit longer than what Iā€™m used to but Iā€™m pushing through and enjoying them.


Adding some Creatine back into stack. Will be 10g/day moving forward.


Tamed a prepped meal for dinner and now trying to sort kids out lol.

1st week into cycle and feeling awesome!!
End of my first week on cycle and so far so good. Feeling really good and no noticeable or reportable sides as of yet (itā€™s still early days though).

Training has been great, feeling strong and focused in the gym.

Havenā€™t made any adjustments to the diet as it seems to be ticking along well and Iā€™m leaning up at a slow and steady rate.

However today just felt a bit flat and hungry so ate a bit more food than usual (no food bender). Itā€™s good knowing that one day of extra food isnā€™t going to be damaging to my progress šŸ¤˜šŸ¼

Few pics below of current fiseek. I always feel I look decent in the mirror then the pics turn out shit lol. Bring on the next 11 weeks!

End of my first week on cycle and so far so good. Feeling really good and no noticeable or reportable sides as of yet (itā€™s still early days though).

Training has been great, feeling strong and focused in the gym.

Havenā€™t made any adjustments to the diet as it seems to be ticking along well and Iā€™m leaning up at a slow and steady rate.

However today just felt a bit flat and hungry so ate a bit more food than usual (no food bender). Itā€™s good knowing that one day of extra food isnā€™t going to be damaging to my progress šŸ¤˜šŸ¼

Few pics below of current fiseek. I always feel I look decent in the mirror then the pics turn out shit lol. Bring on the next 11 weeks!

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Which compound will get me a smile and grin like that?

Mate I am so super excited to see what you do on this cycle.

I think you're going to have an aweose transformation