Approved Log My Training Log

Skipped training today to recover from this cold/flu and rested more, took the right medicines and dosed up on organic tea's and fluids.

Finally passing and gaining my appetite back.

Dinner was the only meal I had all day so I stacked it with lean beef mince Paddy's seasoned in paprika, garlic salt, pepper, Himalayan salt and made a nice sanchoy Bow dish with lettuce, carrot, onion, green beans, spring onion and tomato.

Made some beef Paddy's soaked in egg and cooked in macadamia oil and a heaped spoonful of mustard seed relish.

Started to log my water consumption and track that also. From next week i will start planning to have meal preps weekly ongoing.

Had a mocha after dinner and will probably have some almond nut toasted muesli as a before sleep snack.

Tomorrow will hopefully feel a bit of strength increase return now I'm no longer feeling sick so I will smash a solid workout in the evening.

Hope everyone's had a good week and staying on top of their goals!


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Welcome bro. Nice log and details are great. Great advice from @flexymcflexface

I personally like the stack that was suggested, its all about what works for you. It's a classic stack for bulking and building mass. With deca ****, keeping Test higher usually does the trick, but you could also look into adding something like Proviron to keep everything running smoothly. Looks like you have everything else under control. Consistency, disicipline and regular blood checks is very important.
Welcome bro. Nice log and details are great. Great advice from @flexymcflexface

I personally like the stack that was suggested, its all about what works for you. It's a classic stack for bulking and building mass. With deca ****, keeping Test higher usually does the trick, but you could also look into adding something like Proviron to keep everything running smoothly. Looks like you have everything else under control. Consistency, disicipline and regular blood checks is very important.
Thanks heaps, I appreciate the feedback and the support from the community and seeing also what everyone is up to.

I'm thinking of Running Sus250 and Dbol after a bit more research as this sounds more suited to my training style and I hyper respond to Sus250.

Would 500Mg of Sus250 for 12 Weeks or 500mg of Test E and this Dbol Cycle I'll post as an image for the first 6 weeks be a good stack?

What PCT should I run after cycle also?


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End of week update.

Dropped a bit of weight since coming off Sus250 3 weeks ago. I was also sick and didn't get any regular training in but still got in a couple sessions regardless.

Finished the weekend watching a couple videos on cycles and cycle advice with the pros/Drs and learnt some new things to take into account before I get started and commit to a solid cycle.

Hope you all had a great week/weekend and hit your goals, made some gains and are ready to smash the new week ahead!

Would like to thanks the legends giving me pointers, feedback and engaging with my log. I appreciate you all and feel extra motivation to stay on top of my goals!


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End of week update.

Dropped a bit of weight since coming off Sus250 3 weeks ago. I was also sick and didn't get any regular training in but still got in a couple sessions regardless.

Finished the weekend watching a couple videos on cycles and cycle advice with the pros/Drs and learnt some new things to take into account before I get started and commit to a solid cycle.

Hope you all had a great week/weekend and hit your goals, made some gains and are ready to smash the new week ahead!

Would like to thanks the legends giving me pointers, feedback and engaging with my log. I appreciate you all and feel extra motivation to stay on top of my goals!

New week new gains brother!!
Day one of the new week

Day 1 of the new week after recovering from a cold/flu and not getting much training in its time to drill down on eating big, training hard 4-5 times this week no excuses.

Breakfast :
started today off with a protein packed peanut butter Banana and caramel latte smoothie for breakfast with some French toast, scrambled eggs and a coconut yoghurt cacao and maple syrup dipping sauce. All eggshell used went into the smoothie ad well.

Big bowl of Eggs mashed in with some Mexican salsa and tuna, mushrooms, spring onion and paprika to season.

3 medium rare Kangaroo paddys made from minced meat, Sweet potatos roasted/oven grilled and some broccolini fried up in olive oil butter with pepper, salt and some paprika as I put it on everything!

Feeling full. Got some protein yoghurt, peanut butter and maple syrup chocolate frozen treats for dessert still yet to put away with some Strawberry and cream Taar valley yoghurt.

Will definitely be training tomorrow after work in the evening.

Hope everyone's having a good start to the new week!


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Late start back to work on days for a week before back to my regular routine of Afternoon/Nights

Today I tried to balance a bit of work and nutrition as it's been a couple months due to injury.

Finally back at it.

Lunch I had some toast, fried egg, scrambled almond milk eggs, sweet potato 2 hash browns.

Didn't get a photo of lunch but had a good dinner, sanchoy Bow lettuce cup's, kangaroo mince, sweet potato and a banana honey, maple syrup smoothie.

Having a before bed snack filler of Yoghurt, Sliced green apple, watermelon, Manuka honey.

Got my kgs up a bit more after being sick so almost up 2-3kgs.

No training yet but made a commitment to hit Back to back Sessions.

Locked In:
Wednesday - Chest - Biceps
Thursday - Legs
Saturday - Back - Triceps
Sunday - Shoulders - Traps


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Has anyone got experience with Sus350 and Tribolan?

Any info would be great as I'm getting a vial of each to sample so I might give it a stacked run as probolan is said to be not anabolic enough to be classed as a p.e.d but more for healing properties.

My research has shown it's quite strong stacked with another anabolic.

Should I run both for 10 weeks? Regardless I'll be running @nexuspharma pharma for my next cycle!

If you need gear hit them up on Telegram!

Gear pictured in the photos is not Nexus. I'm just being given a vial of each.


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Shoutout to @nexuspharma for the positive feedback on my log making it official and giving me the opportunity to get involved with all you legends and hold each other accountable, share knowledge and support each other.

I've never had training partners, anyone to guide me with cycles, most importantly a support network to empower and also give support to as it really does motivate and keep us all in check when we need.

Just wanted to thank all the legends for the advice, guidance and positive feedback. Had a rough few months with a bit of shoulder pain, not training and hating myself for not setting goals so the logs and group has been really beneficial for my mental health as well.

looking forward to seeing everyone's results and shoutout to Nexus for the approval and consideration as an ambassador.

Get your gear here 👇🏼

Telegram: @nexuspharma


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Breakfast - Protein Shake

Lunch - fruit
Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, mango, an almond mocha, some Quinoa rice and a home made protein bar.

Pre dinner snack - Protein bar homemade
Smoothie - Mango, kiwifruit, coconut yoghurt, almond milk

Black rice, salmon skin off, cherry tomatoes, spring onion, broccolini, garlic flakes, wiltered spinach, sweet potato dressed in lemon dressing and olive oil.

I had some candy (ADHD) Sugar rush.

Been training mostly at work (lifting stacking pallets) But will be training properly over the weekend. Next week put in my cycle order and will be starting my first proper tracked and serious training log/cycle. @nexuspharma Thank you again for everything!

Hope everyone smashed their goals this week!


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Update on cycle

I'm going to start off with 500 Test for 4 weeks get bloods done then either add 300Mg of Deca to the cycle and run that for another 10-12 weeks.

A bit nervous to finally be on a proper cycle and monitoring the results.

It's not too often you hear this but my misses is gonna keep me in check too and make sure I'm regulating all the necessary supps for liver support and was wondering what you veterans would suggest as other supplements to use while on cycle?

Been upping the food intake, smashing more electrolytes and water which is something I sometimes don't consume enough off.

Excited to start next week and have that sweet sweet test surge of energy running through me while training.
Finally decided on my cycle

Sus250 500Mg Weekly
Deca 300Mg
Tribolan 75
- Methandriol Depropinate 40mg
- Nandrolone Decanoate 35mg

Will be doing bloods 4 weeks into Sus250 at 250mg to start then I'll be doing a 10 - 12 week cycle on Sus and Deca with Tribolan.

Will be asking you veterans what PCT I should hit after this cycle and if there is anything else I should consider taking while on cycle such as liver detox, any types of supplements or things also to avoid?

Been upping the food intake and have had some good weight gain while staying in.healthy ranges of Body fat, water weight etc.


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Finally decided on my cycle

Sus250 500Mg Weekly
Deca 300Mg
Tribolan 75
- Methandriol Depropinate 40mg
- Nandrolone Decanoate 35mg

Will be doing bloods 4 weeks into Sus250 at 250mg to start then I'll be doing a 10 - 12 week cycle on Sus and Deca with Tribolan.

Will be asking you veterans what PCT I should hit after this cycle and if there is anything else I should consider taking while on cycle such as liver detox, any types of supplements or things also to avoid?

Been upping the food intake and have had some good weight gain while staying in.healthy ranges of Body fat, water weight etc.
Sus and Deca together should pack on size and strength and the Tribolan adds a bit more nandrolone and Methandriol which some say helps with synergy 🤷‍♂️ keep an eye on estrogen and prolactin. You can also some get caber on hand in case Deca gives you issues. Liver support isn’t really a huge deal here unless you’re running orals but NAC and Tudca never hurt.
Sus and Deca together should pack on size and strength and the Tribolan adds a bit more nandrolone and Methandriol which some say helps with synergy 🤷‍♂️ keep an eye on estrogen and prolactin. You can also some get caber on hand in case Deca gives you issues. Liver support isn’t really a huge deal here unless you’re running orals but NAC and Tudca never hurt.
Legend thanks, that's pretty much the exact advice I was given by a few of the boys too.! 💪🏼
My logs are usually late due to my work life Afternoon/Night shifts in cold storage/Logistics.

Pretty much lifting and stacking pallets 5-8 Hours a shift and I pick up the heavys and smash a few reps before I stack too.

Signing back up to my gym and going to hit workouts daily before work when I'm back on cycle starting next week.

Smashed some Basic food today at work

Weetbix protein coffee shake with Rule 1 Protein

snacked on a couple nut protein bars + Protein Yoghurt

Lunch: Two fried eggs on toast, kiwifruits, a couple bananas washed down with an almond milk Milo coffee.

After work: Smashed Nando's again
Next week will be all meal prepped and ready to go with a solid routine, logging all the training and pinning Thursday/Sundays

Will take some Before starting cycle updated pics and then let the transformations begin!

If anyone needs gains Telegram me @Auschwitzscience for your Next Nexus cycles and pharma!