Approved Log My Training Log - Fit, Filthy & Forty

Jumped on the scales this morning first thing and was quite surprised to see weight down from last week, considering I was a bit more relaxed with food over the weekend.


Was 99.1kg same time last week. I know there’s lots of variables/factors at play but still good motivation for me and my goals.

Pumped my fave breakfast smoothie this morning.
50G Oats, 2 scoops protein, frozen banana and blueberries 🤤


Had an amazing push session this afternoon. I think from some added rest last week due to being sick and the extra foods over the weekend. Nonetheless I was focussed and completely dialed in with all my lifts.

Flat Bench Press (Plate Loaded)
1 x 13 @ 50kg
1 x 7 @ 60kg


Incline Bench (Smith)
1 x 10 @ 60kg
1 x 6 @ 80kg (probs tried to go too heavy tbh)

Dips (leaning forward - chest focus)
2 x 12 @ body weight

DB Shoulder Press
1 x 32.5kg (felt a little unstable)
2 x 8 @ 27.5kg

Chest Supported DB Raise
Ok these felt fkn awesome 😎
1 x 10 @ 12.5kg
1 x 7 @ 15kg

Skull Crusher/French Press
2 x 9 @ 40kg

Tricep Pushdown (EZ Bar)
1 x 10 @ 32kg
1 x 9 @ 41kg

Currently in the process of working out a new program to implement in the coming weeks.
Upper/Lower split, training everything twice a week and allowing me more days for rest/recovery. Downloaded a cool free app which should be very useful for tracking lifts and progress once I’ve got the planned workouts locked in! 🤌🏼

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Staple breakfast this morning before work.

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100G Quick Oats, 50G Blueberries, Scoop of Protein Powder and a Banana

62C, 37P, 11F

Cruisy day at work today and not 1000 degrees so was keen for a big pull session this arvo.

Decided to hit Rear Delts 1st this sesh as they’re often left till last. Definitely had a better connection and felt like I worked them quite well.

Workout looked like this:

Bent Over DB Fly
3 x 8 @ 17.5kg

X Body Cable Fly (felt awesome)
2 x 10 @ 14

Rack Pulls
2 x 9 @ 90kg
1 x 7 @ 110kg

T-Bar Row (V Handle/Grip)
3 x 7 @ 60kg

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Fkn Handlebar Pull Down lol (refer pic)
2 x 8 @ 59kg
Got horny on these at they felt really good and gave a great ROM. Decided to superset with some straight arm Pulldowns as well.

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Seated Row - Pin Load (higher seat to target lower lat)
2 x 10 @ 36kg

DB Curl (one arm at a time)
3 x 8 @ 15kg

Cable Curl (each arm separately)
2 x 7 @ 18kg
These felt really good, slow negatives (as always) and constant tension the whole way through the movement

Had the deadly tunes pumping as well so really got me hyped to lift lol

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Home for dinner and pumped a prepared meal out of the freezer.

Thai Green Curry w/200G Chicken Breast and 200G Rice. Fried shallots because YOLO

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It’s also PINNING DAY! Still gets me excited!

Still just cruising on 250 Test E for now. Trying to diet down before I kick things off in Feb..

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Need Gear? 👇🏼👇🏼
AGW & Telegram
Hay bro, just remember 40 is just a number. Means nothing, you look great. I'm 53, been training for 10 years, and thanks to gear maniac101, it's time to get Large. Looking forward seeing your progress. Top stuff mate.
Hay bro, just remember 40 is just a number. Means nothing, you look great. I'm 53, been training for 10 years, and thanks to gear maniac101, it's time to get Large. Looking forward seeing your progress. Top stuff mate.

Thanks brother!! 👊🏼 I feel the best I ever have, just daunting getting older haha
Started the day off right with the staple meal of Oats, Protein + Frozen Blueberries. Mrs complains when I use NutriBullet early before work (5am) so had to run it porridge styles.


Have only been having 1 coffee a day, just trying to avoid extra calories from the milk. But I make sure it’s a good one!


Hot, busy day at work but always ensure I get my meals in 😋

Tuna, Rice, Beetroot + Chickpeas

Decided to hit one of the other gyms this arvo that I don’t normally visit. It’s the busiest gym in town and usually packed with 1000 youths doing sets of phone scrolling which is fkn frustrating, but this arvo wasn’t actually too bad!

The gym has quite a few pieces that my regular gym doesn’t have so it was nice to mix it up. Anyway had a big pull sesh and this is how it went down ⬇️⬇️

DB Rear Delt Raise/Fly
2 x 11 @ 15kg
1 x 8 @ 17.5kg

Row (Plate Loaded)
1 x 11 @ 30kg/side
2 x 8 @ 40kg/side
I really enjoyed this. Chest supported and really felt the movement


Low Row (Plate Loaded)
1 x 10 @ 35kg/side
2 x 9 @ 40kg/side


Straight Arm Pull-down (Rope)
1 x 12 @ 27kg
2 x 7 @ 43kg

Alternating DB Curl
1 x 12 @ 12.5kg
2 x 8 @ 15kg

Reverse Grip Cable Curl (EZ Bar)
1 x 13 @ 23kg
1 x 8 @ 36kg
1 x 6 @ 36kg

EZ Bar Cable Curl
2 x 8 @ 50kg

Arrived home to my stimulus package from @gearmaniac101 🫶🏼 Arrived quickly and packed extremely well


All the gear and no idea huh?! Lol

So I’ve got everything I need now and ready to roll when I kickoff cycle in the coming weeks!!
Day started the same as every other day. First meal is consistent and really sets me up for the day.


Busy, draining, hot day at work and tbh I really didn’t feel like training today.

And as it ended up, I had a pretty ordinary leg session. Gym was fkn packed, everything I needed to use was being used, and just generally wasn’t feeling it. But, I was there so I did what I could..

Tricep Pushdowns (EZ Bar)
1 x 10 @ 50kg
1 x 10 @ 59kg
1 x 8 @ 59kg
I feel my arms have been neglected a bit being thrown into the end of workouts, so decided to bang some out while I was fresh.

Hack Squat
2 x 10 @ 80kg
1 x 8 @ 100kg


Slightly wider stance with pointing outwards a touch to incorporate more hamstring into the movement.

1 x 12 @ 36kg
2 x 7 @ 43kg

Stiff Leg Deadlift
1 x 10 @ 70kg
1 x 8 @ 100kg

Lunges (Kettlebell)
2 x 12 @ 12kg/side

I suppose workout wasn’t terrible, but yeah wasn’t what I had planned.

I’ve found I have no real structure to my workouts besides frequency, and even then it’s a little sporadic. I’m currently working on building an Upper/Lower 4 Day split and look forward to having some structure to my training again, as well as allowing for better tracking and progressive overload…

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Kicked off the day with my protein smoothie!

70g Oats, 70G Frozen Blueberries, Frozen Banana, 1.5 scoops Protein Powder + Water


Slow af boring af day at work, but managed to power through it 😂😅


2nd push day for the week. Thankfully gym wasn’t overly busy and I felt much better mentally so the workout went pretty bloody well!

Incline DB Press
2 x 7 @ 47.5kg

Incline DB Fly
1 x 10 @ 20kg
1 x 8 @ 22.5kg
1 x 6 @ 25kg

Supine Press (Flat Plate Loaded)
1 x 8 @ 60kg
1 x 5 @ 70kg
Actually surprised myself with this one! I thought doing later in the workout I wouldn’t have as much strength as opposed to doing the exercise first! I really enjoy this machine and it’s ROM.


Chest Supported Lateral Raise
1 x 10 @ 15kg
1 x 6 @ 17.5kg (wasn’t happy)
1 x 8 @ 15kg

Didn’t hit any Tricep as I hit them them yesterday before legs. Plus Mrs needed me home so had to cut it short. But all in all it was a pleasing workout 🤌🏼
Absolutely agree with you there.

@YAT35Y Brother, your updates are on point.

How did you find competing and the whole journey to get on stage?

Thanks bro!!

Competing was certainly a different experience. Having a certain goal in mind and a timeframe certainly helped me with motivation, but having never done it before I was really running blind with no expectations as to what I could achieve, I was more interested in seeing how far I could go. Certainly got tough in the final weeks, mentally more than anything. Was a good experience but I probably wouldn’t do it again lol.
Weekly Monday morning routine before work/meals. Jumped on the scales and was pleased to see further progress, down from 97kg from last weeks weigh in 😍


Breakfast smoothie. Running mixed berries in there now and it’s been delicious!


Still sticking to same meals/macros. Fat loss has been moving in the right direction at a steady. It not aggressive rate so no need to change things up yet..


No training today unfortunately. I had all intentions of going but between work and family commitments it just didn’t happen.

I did get some nice mail today but!! Scored a mad deal so I’m set for preworkout now for a couple months lol.


Also Monday means pinning day! Still running 250mg/week Test E from @gearmaniac101 but will ramp things up beginning of next week when I commence my planned cycle and implement a new training plan 🫶🏼

Need Gear? 👇🏼👇🏼
AGW & Telegram
Sooo the dreaded day has arrived where I turn fkn 40 lol. Dunno how to feel about it haha. One positive is that I’m probably the fittest and happiest I’ve been in my life, and that’s pretty good to me. ☺️

Started the day off as normal..


Misso complains about my NutriBullet often so gave her a break this morning and that this oat/protein/mixed Berry mush which was actually quite nice despite the look of it.

Normal day at work, standard meals out in the field.


One of the workmates insisted he buy me some big phukawf double meat 🥩 double bacon burger for my bday 😅 I reluctantly accepted (secretly fkn stoked haha) and tamed that bad boy with ease. However it felt like the body had other ideas and was quick the back that outta me! Nonetheless it was good and I have no regrets.

Push Day today. Little unorganised/unstructured which is starting to bother me, so I need to pull my finger out and sort new program asap so I have a plan in the gym.

Incline Smith
1 x 9 @ 70kg
2 x 6 @ 80kg

Cable Fly
2 x 10 @ 23kg

Chest Press (Plate Load)
2 x 7 @ 35kg/side
Chest was fair smoked by now


DB Lateral Raise
2 x 10 @ 15kg
1 x 7 @ 17.5kg

Tricep Pushdown
1 x 10 @ 50kg
2 x 8 @ 53kg

Overhead Tri Extensions (Rope)
2 x 10 @ 23kg


Skipped a final meal for the day so I didn’t blow out too much on calories for the day, and treated myself to some ice cream cake with the fam for my bday! 🤌🏼
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Happy Birthday Buddy! 🎉, as you know it's only a number bro. How good are those chest press plate loaded machines. Got one at my gym. Imo you can push more on them versus flat bench barbell bench press. Anyway hip hip hooray 🙌 you're 40 today.
Sooo the dreaded day has arrived where I turn fkn 40 lol. Dunno how to feel about it haha. One positive is that I’m probably the fittest and happiest I’ve been in my life, and that’s pretty good to me. ☺️

Started the day off as normal..

View attachment 2639

Misso complains about my NutriBullet often so gave her a break this morning and that this oat/protein/mixed Berry mush which was actually quite nice despite the look of it.

Normal day at work, standard meals out in the field.

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One of the workmates insisted he buy me some big phukawf double meat 🥩 double bacon burger for my bday 😅 I reluctantly accepted (secretly fkn stoked haha) and tamed that bad boy with ease. However it felt like the body had other ideas and was quick the back that outta me! Nonetheless it was good and I have no regrets.

Push Day today. Little unorganised/unstructured which is starting to bother me, so I need to pull my finger out and sort new program asap so I have a plan in the gym.

Incline Smith
1 x 9 @ 70kg
2 x 6 @ 80kg

Cable Fly
2 x 10 @ 23kg

Chest Press (Plate Load)
2 x 7 @ 35kg/side
Chest was fair smoked by now

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DB Lateral Raise
2 x 10 @ 15kg
1 x 7 @ 17.5kg

Tricep Pushdown
1 x 10 @ 50kg
2 x 8 @ 53kg

Overhead Tri Extensions (Rope)
2 x 10 @ 23kg

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Skipped a final meal for the day so I didn’t blow out too much on calories for the day, and treated myself to some ice cream cake with the fam for my bday! 🤌🏼
Happy belated birthday mate!
Happy Birthday Buddy! 🎉, as you know it's only a number bro. How good are those chest press plate loaded machines. Got one at my gym. Imo you can push more on them versus flat bench barbell bench press. Anyway hip hip hooray 🙌 you're 40 today.

Thanks mate!! Yeah I didn’t mind it hey, be good at the start of the session I reckon.
Standardised breakfast as always today! Purple-red mush 😂


All meals on point as per plan today and no deviation after a few extra foods yesterday for my bday.

Bit of an unplanned pull day today which actually resulted in quite a pleasing workout. Mind was in the right spot and just felt good in all my lifts (probs the extra calories from yesterday)…

Started off with a Rack Pull..
1 x 8 @ 130kg
1 x 6 @ 140kg
1 x 7 @ 140kg


Next was some Chest Supported DB Reverse Flys
2 x 12 @ 12.5kg
1 x 8 @ 15kg

Plate Loaded Row
2 x 7 @ 40kg/side
I really, really enjoy this machine. Drive chest into the pad and just get an awesome contraction, defs one of my new favourite moves..


Close Grip Pull-down
1 x 10 @ 43kg
1 x 7 @ 52kg
Nice big stretch at the top on this


BB Curls
1 x 12 @ 20kg
2 x 9 @ 25kg

Reverse Cable Curl
1 x 12 @ 20kg
1 x 8 @ 34kg

Back home and nailed a prepped meal! 🤤


Utilised the good lighting in the bathroom for a back progress pic. Happy to see some width and thickness coming along slowly..


Nearly time to shave that melon too I reckon lol.

Felt like something sweet so had some Greek yoghurt and frozen berries for dessert, went down a treat and satisfied the little craving I had! 🤌🏼

No training today for me but still maintaining the plan and keeping the diet tight before an inevitable possible blowout over the weekend due to my 40th bday celebrations.


Jumped on the scales this morning to see how progress has been throughout the week, which I normally don’t do however with camping over the weekend, diet won’t be as good as I’d like to still want to have an idea how much damage I’ve done lol.


Down 200g from Monday, so reassuring to know that things are still ticking along as planned 🤌🏼

Taking a week off the logs due to work commitments, I’ll be back from Monday 24th and kicking off my cycle from then too so let’s FKN GOOOOO!!!