Jumped on the scales this morning first thing and was quite surprised to see weight down from last week, considering I was a bit more relaxed with food over the weekend.

Was 99.1kg same time last week. I know there’s lots of variables/factors at play but still good motivation for me and my goals.
Pumped my fave breakfast smoothie this morning.
50G Oats, 2 scoops protein, frozen banana and blueberries

Had an amazing push session this afternoon. I think from some added rest last week due to being sick and the extra foods over the weekend. Nonetheless I was focussed and completely dialed in with all my lifts.
Flat Bench Press (Plate Loaded)
1 x 13 @ 50kg
1 x 7 @ 60kg

Incline Bench (Smith)
1 x 10 @ 60kg
1 x 6 @ 80kg (probs tried to go too heavy tbh)
Dips (leaning forward - chest focus)
2 x 12 @ body weight
DB Shoulder Press
1 x 32.5kg (felt a little unstable)
2 x 8 @ 27.5kg
Chest Supported DB Raise
Ok these felt fkn awesome
1 x 10 @ 12.5kg
1 x 7 @ 15kg
Skull Crusher/French Press
2 x 9 @ 40kg
Tricep Pushdown (EZ Bar)
1 x 10 @ 32kg
1 x 9 @ 41kg
Currently in the process of working out a new program to implement in the coming weeks.
Upper/Lower split, training everything twice a week and allowing me more days for rest/recovery. Downloaded a cool free app which should be very useful for tracking lifts and progress once I’ve got the planned workouts locked in!
Need Gear?

AGW & Telegram

Was 99.1kg same time last week. I know there’s lots of variables/factors at play but still good motivation for me and my goals.
Pumped my fave breakfast smoothie this morning.
50G Oats, 2 scoops protein, frozen banana and blueberries

Had an amazing push session this afternoon. I think from some added rest last week due to being sick and the extra foods over the weekend. Nonetheless I was focussed and completely dialed in with all my lifts.
Flat Bench Press (Plate Loaded)
1 x 13 @ 50kg
1 x 7 @ 60kg

Incline Bench (Smith)
1 x 10 @ 60kg
1 x 6 @ 80kg (probs tried to go too heavy tbh)
Dips (leaning forward - chest focus)
2 x 12 @ body weight
DB Shoulder Press
1 x 32.5kg (felt a little unstable)
2 x 8 @ 27.5kg
Chest Supported DB Raise
Ok these felt fkn awesome

1 x 10 @ 12.5kg
1 x 7 @ 15kg
Skull Crusher/French Press
2 x 9 @ 40kg
Tricep Pushdown (EZ Bar)
1 x 10 @ 32kg
1 x 9 @ 41kg
Currently in the process of working out a new program to implement in the coming weeks.
Upper/Lower split, training everything twice a week and allowing me more days for rest/recovery. Downloaded a cool free app which should be very useful for tracking lifts and progress once I’ve got the planned workouts locked in!

Need Gear?

AGW & Telegram