Approved Log My Training Log - Fit, Filthy & Forty

Smashed the standard breakfast this morning (Soz no pic I was hungry lol)

90G Quick Oats, 50G Blueberries, 20G Peanut Butter, Scoop of Protein Powder & Sugar Free Maple
Macros: 62C, 42P, 21F

Snacked on some rice cakes w/Peanut Butter through the play + Protein shake. Smashed some fruit at work too (they provide which is nice 😊)


Next meal was Thai Green Curry chicken (one of my frozen prepped meals).
200G Basmati Rice, 200G Chicken Breast
Macros: 51C, 51P, 9F

Got a haircut after work then went straight home and decided to hit the little local gym.

It’s sufficient and does the job, just small and has no atmosphere.

Pumped the pre and off I went!


Today was Pull Day! Love a good pull! 😂

Equipment a little different at the local gym so had to improvise a bit and mix things up.

This is what went down! 👇🏼👇🏼

T-Bar Row (V Handle)
3 x 8 @ 60kg
Been enjoying this movement lately. Had to find somewhere to wedge the BB so wasn’t ideal but it worked..


Neutral Grip Pull Down
1 x 8 (or so) @ 80kg
2 x 6 @ 100kg
Felt really good 🤌🏼

Low Cable One Arm Row
3 x 10 @ 35kg
Again, love the tension from cables vs DB

Rear Delt Fly (Pec Deck)
3 x 8 @ 47kg
Threw in some one arm cables for rear delts too but was more getting the feel for it so didn’t bother tracking

Seated Incline DB Curl
3 x 8 @ 12kg
Really tried to control these and focus on a good contraction. The fact I only managed 8 reps and how it felt confirmed contraction achieved lol


Preacher Curls
2 x 8 @ 42kg
Arms were done after this!

Standing Calf Raise
3 x 10 @ 85kg
Focussed on a big stretch at the bottom with these. Trying to show some more love to calves as I have not been blessed with genetics for nutsack calves like some 😅

Seated Calf
2 x 10 @ 20kg
Slow contractions on these, again focussing on the stretch at the bottom

Had some decent tunes pop up on my playlist which is always good motivation too! 🤙🏼


And that’s it! Back home to the fam, couldn’t have pumped my new favourite meal any quicker man I was starving!!


Macros etc mentioned yesterday 🫶🏼

Mannnn I was so hungry when I woke up this morning!! Pumped the staple breakfast, was tempted to plump it up a bit but stuck to the plan 🤙🏼


Hot as phukkk at work today! Was either sweating my ring out on track or hiding in the vehicle with the AC trying to cool down whilst waiting for trains lol.


Get just getting the steps in! 😅

Normal tuna/rice combo for lunch. So easy to prepare and just works for me working out in the field majority of the day(s). It’s all about finding what works for YOU and sticking to the plan/macros etc whatever it may be!

Was ready to train legs today!! But, another mate at work has taken some inspiration from me and has starting hitting the gym and being more conscious of what he eats/portions and so on, which is awesome!

He wanted to train with me so I could show him a few things and offer some advice. He has an old knee injury that hinders him a bit from training legs (so he tells me, either that or he was scared), so we came to the unanimous decision that we would train chest and some tri’s.

Whilst I actually wanted to train legs, I happily obliged.

So took him to my regular gym and put him through some basic movements. He loved it and actually listened and took onboard what I was saying.

Anyway the session ended up like this 👇🏼

Flat Machine Press (Pin Loaded)
2 x 10 @ 66kg
1 x 7 @ 70kg
Machine feels awkward at first, but I really enjoy it. Good depth and ROM and it just works!


Pec Deck
2 x 8 @ 66kg
Solid squeeze at the top of the movement, nice stretch at the bottom

Incline DB Press
2 x 8 @ 35kg
Chest was pretty by now so just focused on a nice controlled movement

Skull Crushers (EZ Bar)
3 x 10 @ 35kg
Haven’t done this exercise for quite a while so more so just tried to get the feel for it again. I actually prefer doing these on a slight incline, head basically off the back of the bench. Slight angle backwards so that even at full contraction, the arms aren’t perpendicular to the floor and maintain tension on the Tricep..

Straight Bar Push Downs
2 x 12 @ 40kg
Not too hard on this, was more for educational purposes.

Mate bailed so ended up doing some overhead cable extensions with the V Bar.
Again didn’t go too heavy but squeezed out
2 x 10 @ 45kg


Arms were pretty full. Twas a good feeling..

Bailed home to get ready to drive 13hrs tomorrow 🙃

Had a new toy waiting for me, which I’m looking forward to using next time I have a pull..


Moving my 2nd pin for week ahead to tonight due to travelling away for the weekend.
Going to attempt to keep active and maintain and decent diet over the next few days, wish me luck 🫡

Need Gear? 👇🏼👇🏼
AGW & Telegram
I wonder how your mates feeling today, probably sore :rolleyes:

I'm not a massive fan of the sitting chest press and prefer either the bar or DB's. But in saying that alot of guys do like the machine. Whatever works I guess. Agree with the incline on the skull crushers 👊

Safe travels on that 13hr grind brother!
I wonder how your mates feeling today, probably sore :rolleyes:

I'm not a massive fan of the sitting chest press and prefer either the bar or DB's. But in saying that alot of guys do like the machine. Whatever works I guess. Agree with the incline on the skull crushers 👊

Safe travels on that 13hr grind brother!

I had always disregarded machines hey, but lately I’ve been enjoying them. Still love DB but don’t get me wrong 😌

Still grinding as we speak but nearly done thankfully
I had always disregarded machines hey, but lately I’ve been enjoying them. Still love DB but don’t get me wrong 😌

Still grinding as we speak but nearly done thankfully
I'm a little bit the same as well. I do like the machines lol.

Is this your first cycle?
Currently camping with the fam about 12hrs from home, which also means no gym for 4 days until I get back.

Mentally I want to be in the gym, but I feel the body is enjoying the break as I’ve been training consistently hard and heavy, so good opportunity for some extra recovery time.

Not gonna lie, it has been hard to try and maintain and half decent diet while camping. Whilst I’m not counting calories whilst camping, I’m just trying to make better/smart decisions when it comes to food and the typical excessive consumption of alcohol that is normally part of the camping culture..

I’ve at least been trying to eat roughly the same foods everyday. I brought my portable NutriBullet along and a tub of protein for some breakfast smoothies.


Grabbed some high Protein yoghurts from the local Woolies here as well


For lunch I’ve been making some fried eggs (4) with Ham and a slice of cheese of some Turkish bread. Unsure of exact macros but all in all wasn’t too bad, could have been worse!


And whilst I’m trying to be sensible about food, it reminded me of the importance of balance and having some flexibility with diet/life etc…

When I had just turned 30, I entered my first (and only) Natural bodybuilding comp with INBA. I had only been training 3-4yrs at that time but I felt like I needed a challenge/goal to work towards to see what I was capable of achieving. I was SUPER strict with my prep diet, didn’t even have beers or eat for my birthday, despite it being the big 30 at the time. Here’s a few pics 👇🏼👇🏼


After the comp, I tried to maintain the same level of commitment, never allowing myself to be flexible, and in turn I ended up hating and resenting the gym/lifestyle and stopped training altogether (for quite some time).

Nowadays I tend to be a lot more flexible (sometimes too loose lol) but it allows me to enjoy the process more and still live my life.

Anyways, back to the grind on Monday!! 💪🏼
awesome log brother, we sitting at the same weight im at 19 percent bf trying to get it down further.. keep up the awesome work

My BF is a bit higher I reckon but it’s slowing coming down. Trying to get as lean as possible before cycle starts in a few weeks
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Currently camping with the fam about 12hrs from home, which also means no gym for 4 days until I get back.

Mentally I want to be in the gym, but I feel the body is enjoying the break as I’ve been training consistently hard and heavy, so good opportunity for some extra recovery time.

Not gonna lie, it has been hard to try and maintain and half decent diet while camping. Whilst I’m not counting calories whilst camping, I’m just trying to make better/smart decisions when it comes to food and the typical excessive consumption of alcohol that is normally part of the camping culture..

I’ve at least been trying to eat roughly the same foods everyday. I brought my portable NutriBullet along and a tub of protein for some breakfast smoothies.

View attachment 2402

Grabbed some high Protein yoghurts from the local Woolies here as well

View attachment 2403

For lunch I’ve been making some fried eggs (4) with Ham and a slice of cheese of some Turkish bread. Unsure of exact macros but all in all wasn’t too bad, could have been worse!

View attachment 2404

And whilst I’m trying to be sensible about food, it reminded me of the importance of balance and having some flexibility with diet/life etc…

When I had just turned 30, I entered my first (and only) Natural bodybuilding comp with INBA. I had only been training 3-4yrs at that time but I felt like I needed a challenge/goal to work towards to see what I was capable of achieving. I was SUPER strict with my prep diet, didn’t even have beers or eat for my birthday, despite it being the big 30 at the time. Here’s a few pics 👇🏼👇🏼

View attachment 2407View attachment 2408View attachment 2409

After the comp, I tried to maintain the same level of commitment, never allowing myself to be flexible, and in turn I ended up hating and resenting the gym/lifestyle and stopped training altogether (for quite some time).

Nowadays I tend to be a lot more flexible (sometimes too loose lol) but it allows me to enjoy the process more and still live my life.

Anyways, back to the grind on Monday!! 💪🏼
I do 5 days off every month & usually go camping with the blender 😅 My Joints love it and I don’t lose strength. Definitely worth getting body fat under 15%if possible - I’m late 50’s and can only do light sports cycles if it creep up. To many sides , poor results & blood work isn’t fantastic until Bf gets lower . Massive difference after dieting for 6 months and post cycle bloodwork improved significantly ( think I got bf under 12%)
My BF is a bit higher I reckon but it’s slowing coming down. Trying to get as lean as possible before cycle starts in a few weeks
go get the body scan so you can monitor progress, you are doing a cut cycle right? i want to get below 12% before considering a bulk
go get the body scan so you can monitor progress, you are doing a cut cycle right? i want to get below 12% before considering a bulk

Yeah gonna get one done before I start cycle, so couple of weeks away yet. Will get it done at gym but it’s the Fit3D one, dunno how accurate it is but results seem pretty comprehensive and at least gives me something to measure/track
I do 5 days off every month & usually go camping with the blender 😅 My Joints love it and I don’t lose strength. Definitely worth getting body fat under 15%if possible - I’m late 50’s and can only do light sports cycles if it creep up. To many sides , poor results & blood work isn’t fantastic until Bf gets lower . Massive difference after dieting for 6 months and post cycle bloodwork improved significantly ( think I got bf under 12%)

Yeah my body definitely appreciated the break. Back into it today and felt strong
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After a few days away camping and no gym I was happy to be home and get back into routine!

Weighed myself post-poop, no change from last week which I’m actually happy with given I was away and out of routine..


Started the day off right with the standard meal 🫡


Not back to work until tomorrow so went into the gym early and smashed some legs (missed from last week). Felt refreshed and strong after a few days off so the session went quite well 💪🏼

Started off with a couple sets of seated leg curls to warm the legs up and get some blood in there.

1 x 8 (+2 after 5 sec rest) @ 140kg
1 x 8 @ 140kg (just 😅)


Barbell RDL
1 x 8 @ 70kg
2 x 6 @ 100kg
Got to test out the new wraps today with these, definitely helped with grip strength on the heavier sets


Single Leg Extensions
1 x 12 @ 23kg
1 x 10 @ 29kg
Decided to start doing individual leg’s separately. Want to ensure balance and even growth, and I find you can focus a bit more on the contraction

Seated Calf Raise
1 x 10 @ 40kg
1 x 10 @ 50kg
2 x 7 @ 60kg

Not a lot of volume all up I know, but my aim is for intensity and training with maximum effort to failure or at least 1 RIR.


Had some solid tunes happening!!

Finished off with 10min LISS on the treadmill. Incline 5 @ 5km/hr


Back home and I was starving so knocked up my new fave meal 🤤


Meal prepped this arvo for the next week. In the freezer they go and ready to roll 🤙🏼




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When I had just turned 30, I entered my first (and only) Natural bodybuilding comp with INBA. I had only been training 3-4yrs at that time but I felt like I needed a challenge/goal to work towards to see what I was capable of achieving. I was SUPER strict with my prep diet, didn’t even have beers or eat for my birthday, despite it being the big 30 at the time. Here’s a few pics
Very impressive bro!
Currently camping with the fam about 12hrs from home, which also means no gym for 4 days until I get back.

Mentally I want to be in the gym, but I feel the body is enjoying the break as I’ve been training consistently hard and heavy, so good opportunity for some extra recovery time.

Not gonna lie, it has been hard to try and maintain and half decent diet while camping. Whilst I’m not counting calories whilst camping, I’m just trying to make better/smart decisions when it comes to food and the typical excessive consumption of alcohol that is normally part of the camping culture..

I’ve at least been trying to eat roughly the same foods everyday. I brought my portable NutriBullet along and a tub of protein for some breakfast smoothies.

View attachment 2402

Grabbed some high Protein yoghurts from the local Woolies here as well

View attachment 2403

For lunch I’ve been making some fried eggs (4) with Ham and a slice of cheese of some Turkish bread. Unsure of exact macros but all in all wasn’t too bad, could have been worse!

View attachment 2404

And whilst I’m trying to be sensible about food, it reminded me of the importance of balance and having some flexibility with diet/life etc…

When I had just turned 30, I entered my first (and only) Natural bodybuilding comp with INBA. I had only been training 3-4yrs at that time but I felt like I needed a challenge/goal to work towards to see what I was capable of achieving. I was SUPER strict with my prep diet, didn’t even have beers or eat for my birthday, despite it being the big 30 at the time. Here’s a few pics 👇🏼👇🏼

View attachment 2407View attachment 2408View attachment 2409

After the comp, I tried to maintain the same level of commitment, never allowing myself to be flexible, and in turn I ended up hating and resenting the gym/lifestyle and stopped training altogether (for quite some time).

Nowadays I tend to be a lot more flexible (sometimes too loose lol) but it allows me to enjoy the process more and still live my life.

Anyways, back to the grind on Monday!! 💪🏼
Awesome pics bro
Started the day off right with the normal 1st meal. Sometimes I put the same ingredients/amount into my NutriBullet and blend into a shake but Mrs complains about how loud it is 🙄


Hot as phuk at work today. Could not drink enough water!! Managed to fit in my snack and meals into what was an extremely hot, busy and exhausting day..


Was well moist! 💦

Back to the depot and quickly smashed an ice black coffee to pep me up, downed my pre Pump Juice (highly recommend btw) and went for a Push Day.


Trained with mate from work again. It’s good and bad. I find it kinda distracting tbh but I do like the extra few reps from the spot etc.

Incline DB
1 x 13 @ 40kg
1 x 6 @ 50kg

Cable Crossover (slight decline)
1 x 10 @ 18kg
1 x 8 @ 23kg

Pin Loaded Chest Press
1 x 12 @ 63kg
1 x 10 @ 63kg, then multiple drops (2 plates at a time) and repped to failure on each weight

Tricep Pushdowns (V-Bar)
3 x 10 @ 64kg
These hurt, but delivered 💪🏼

Rope Pushdowns
2 x 12 @ 27kg
Bit lighter on these, but focused on squeeze at bottom and held for 2 secs

Home, bathed and fed kids then smashed my Green Thai Chicken and Rice 🤤


Placed a decent order with my supplier of choice @gearmaniac101 tonight too, getting closer to go time!!
No training for me yesterday due to being crook. The mind was keen but the body didn’t want a bar of it. Just focussing on resting and trying to get over it as quickly as possible.

Thankfully appetite hasn’t been affected too much so I’m still able to put away all my meals etc and stay on track.

Not feeling 100% today either, so instead of hitting a big heavy back session I decided to run a dedicated shoulder sesh (with some biceps thrown in afterwards as well).

Didn’t go as heavy as I normally would, so kept the weights a little bit lighter, bit more volume, strict controlled form and reduced rest time between sets to 45-60secs max.

Seated DB Rear Delt
3 x 12 @ 12kg

DB Shoulder Press
1 x 10 @ 34kg
1 x 9 @ 34kg
1 x 7 @ 34kg + 20kg plate front raise to failure

DB Lateral Raise
2 x 10 @ 14kg
1 x 8 @ 14kg + 5kg drop set to failure

BB Curl
3 x 10 @ 20kg
Tight form, slow negatives and big squeeze at top

DB Hammer Curl
2 x 12 @ 12kg
1 x 10 @ 14kg

One Arm Preacher Curl (Pin Load)
1 x 10 @ 20kg
1 x 7 @ 32kg
1 x failure @ 15kg


The pump was strong and true 💪🏼 😂

Also took some current physique pics a couple nights for shits n gigs, and because the bathroom lighting was half decent.

Not where I want to be, but I’m on the right track 🫡


Here’s a pic of my post workout protein/blueberry smoothie I made too. Twas cold, refreshing and delicious 😋


Need Gear? 👇🏼👇🏼
AGW & Telegram
Been sick on and off the past few days and it’s done my head in not being able to train haha.

Despite being at home, I’ve still stuck to my diet and haven’t been grazing on the kids snacks (I wanted to but believe me 😅)

Woke up feeling half decent this morning so dragged my sickly a$$ into the gym and had a surprisingly decent back sesh.

Meals have been the same as what I normally run, interesting to see what the scales have to say for themselves on Monday morning.

However despite the number not changing much, I’m definitely looking and feeling leaner, which is what we want 🤌🏼


This smoothie really hit the spot this morning too!!

Hit the local hot box gym for my back sesh today, this is how it went down 👇🏼👇🏼

Seated Row (Pin Load)
3 x 10 @ 54kg


One Arm Row (same machine, underhand grip and slightly higher seat position)
2 x 10 @ 33kg

Straight Arm Pull-down (Rope)
1 x 10 @ 25kg
1 x 9 @ 25kg

Close Grip Pull-down (Batman Grip lol)
1 x 10 @ 80kg
1 x 7 @ 100kg


Alt. DB Curl
2 x 10 @ 12kg
1 x 8 @ 12kg

Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curl
1 x 14 @ 12.5kg
1 x 12 @ 12.5kg

Standing Calf Raise
1 x 9 @ 85kg
2 x 6 @ 105kg

I’ve been lacking some decent structure to my workouts. Whilst I’m always training with intensity, they can be a little sporadic in regards to exercise and weight selection. So that’s something I’m going to work on over the coming weeks.
