Hello again my fellow brothers & sisters here @agw
been busy @ work the last few days as i am on call so writing this tread while sitting in
my work ute.
Trained back 2am Tuesday morning
wide grip lat pulldown 4 x failure
low row 4 x 15
bent over BB rows 4 x 15
wide grip machine rows 4 x 15
Nautilus machine pull over 4 x 15
food while being on call is muscle chef meals x 4 and usually MacDonalds depending what
time im out to

was back at it Wednesday morning 1:30 am for shoulders with
standing cable x overs 5 x 20
cable face pulls 5 x 15
behind the head military press superset to shoulder press 4 x 15
lateral raises on a 45 degree bench 4 x 15
DB front raises 4 x 15
food for the day post work out 8 Weetabix & protein shake
chicken &rice x 3
but ran out of food a couple of hours ago so will be looking for something soon
definitely hard when do busy with work but life ain't sposed to be easy