Approved Log My Training Log - Another old man trying to live life as a young man

Felt pretty good today, back killing from romanians though, and at considerably less weight, amazing how much a break in training can affect you. Another naked burrito for lunch, quick, cheap and easy.

Overhead Press (Barbell)
20kg x 9 reps
30kg x 5 reps
50kg x 12 reps
50kg x 10 reps
50kg x 10 reps
50kg x 10 reps

Romanian Deadlift (Barbell)
55kg x 5 reps
70kg x 5 reps
90kg x 3 reps
120kg x 8 reps
120kg x 8 reps
120kg x 8 reps
120kg x 10 reps

Seated Row (Machine)
47kg x 15 reps
54kg x 15 reps
61kg x 12 reps
68kg x 12 reps

Rear Delt Reverse Fly (Machine)
54lbs x 12 reps
54lbs x 12 reps
54lbs x 10 reps
54lbs x 10 reps

Lying Leg Curl (Machine)
46kg x 12 reps
46kg x 12 reps
53kg x 10 reps
53kg x 10 reps

Seated Incline Curl (Dumbbell)
12.5kg x 12 reps
12.5kg x 10 reps
12.5kg x 9 reps
12.5kg x 10 reps
12.5kg x 9 reps
Sorry if I missed it before but how long are you on the 300mg of test for? Is it for the same period of Anavar at 8 weeks?
Yes, then will go back down to 200 for everything to settle back (~6 weeks) for my bloods for clinic. They want to cut my dose further, in a way is a good thing as can go longer between bloods.
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Well this morning I hit a blood vessel for the first time, blood squirted out like a water pistol over the carpet. Instant fear I had hit an artery at first before my brain triggered there isn't one there. Then shaved the head, number 1 all over, getting ready for the hair loss whist I go around in circles planning my cycle.

Absolutely zero motivation today, really had to force myself to go to the gym. No idea why, I've increased test to 300mg a week thought I'd be even more motivated.

Workout went well, but timely, at 1hr:51 if my work found out I'd be fired. I think even though I've dropped a set it's the higher rep ranges are tiring me out.

Bench Press (Barbell)
40kg x 5 reps
60kg x 5 reps
80kg x 3 reps
100kg x 8 reps
100kg x 7 reps
100kg x 6 reps
100kg x 6 reps

Squat (Barbell)
60kg x 5 reps
80kg x 5 reps
100kg x 3 reps
120kg x 10 reps
125kg x 11 reps
125kg x 10 reps
130kg x 8 reps

Lat Pulldown (Cable)
35kg x 12 reps
35kg x 12 reps
35kg x 10 reps
35kg x 10 reps

Triceps Dip
12 reps
12 reps
12 reps
12 reps

Standing Calf Raise (Dumbbell)
25kg x 20 reps
25kg x 20 reps
25kg x 20 reps
25kg x 18 reps

Bicep Curl (Barbell)
25kg x 25 reps
25kg x 18 reps
25kg x 18 reps
25kg x 15 reps
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I've had that a few times with the blood vessels. Best to do it on tiles, don't want to damage the carpet :)

If you're on a cruise, I don't think you need to increase your Test, save it for your next cycle.
Felt pretty good today, had to miss out biceps, have elbow ache and don't want to risk it. Slight increase on the squats and DB incline feeling a bit easier than last time,

Squat (Barbell)
60kg x 5 reps
80kg x 5 reps
100kg x 3 reps
130kg x 8 reps
130kg x 8 reps
130kg x 8 reps
130kg x 6 reps

Incline Bench Press (Dumbbell)
15kg x 5 reps
20kg x 5 reps
27.5kg x 3 reps
35kg x 12 reps
35kg x 12 reps
35kg x 11 reps
35kg x 10 reps

Lat Pulldown (Cable)
35kg x 12 reps
35kg x 12 reps
35kg x 10 reps
35kg x 10 reps

Leg Extension (Machine)
68kg x 12 reps
75kg x 12 reps
82kg x 12 reps
82kg x 13 reps

Triceps Dip
12 reps
12 reps
12 reps
10 reps