Approved Log My Training Log - Another old man trying to live life as a young man

Felt pretty good today, back killing from romanians though, and at considerably less weight, amazing how much a break in training can affect you. Another naked burrito for lunch, quick, cheap and easy.

Overhead Press (Barbell)
20kg x 9 reps
30kg x 5 reps
50kg x 12 reps
50kg x 10 reps
50kg x 10 reps
50kg x 10 reps

Romanian Deadlift (Barbell)
55kg x 5 reps
70kg x 5 reps
90kg x 3 reps
120kg x 8 reps
120kg x 8 reps
120kg x 8 reps
120kg x 10 reps

Seated Row (Machine)
47kg x 15 reps
54kg x 15 reps
61kg x 12 reps
68kg x 12 reps

Rear Delt Reverse Fly (Machine)
54lbs x 12 reps
54lbs x 12 reps
54lbs x 10 reps
54lbs x 10 reps

Lying Leg Curl (Machine)
46kg x 12 reps
46kg x 12 reps
53kg x 10 reps
53kg x 10 reps

Seated Incline Curl (Dumbbell)
12.5kg x 12 reps
12.5kg x 10 reps
12.5kg x 9 reps
12.5kg x 10 reps
12.5kg x 9 reps
Sorry if I missed it before but how long are you on the 300mg of test for? Is it for the same period of Anavar at 8 weeks?
Yes, then will go back down to 200 for everything to settle back (~6 weeks) for my bloods for clinic. They want to cut my dose further, in a way is a good thing as can go longer between bloods.
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Well this morning I hit a blood vessel for the first time, blood squirted out like a water pistol over the carpet. Instant fear I had hit an artery at first before my brain triggered there isn't one there. Then shaved the head, number 1 all over, getting ready for the hair loss whist I go around in circles planning my cycle.

Absolutely zero motivation today, really had to force myself to go to the gym. No idea why, I've increased test to 300mg a week thought I'd be even more motivated.

Workout went well, but timely, at 1hr:51 if my work found out I'd be fired. I think even though I've dropped a set it's the higher rep ranges are tiring me out.

Bench Press (Barbell)
40kg x 5 reps
60kg x 5 reps
80kg x 3 reps
100kg x 8 reps
100kg x 7 reps
100kg x 6 reps
100kg x 6 reps

Squat (Barbell)
60kg x 5 reps
80kg x 5 reps
100kg x 3 reps
120kg x 10 reps
125kg x 11 reps
125kg x 10 reps
130kg x 8 reps

Lat Pulldown (Cable)
35kg x 12 reps
35kg x 12 reps
35kg x 10 reps
35kg x 10 reps

Triceps Dip
12 reps
12 reps
12 reps
12 reps

Standing Calf Raise (Dumbbell)
25kg x 20 reps
25kg x 20 reps
25kg x 20 reps
25kg x 18 reps

Bicep Curl (Barbell)
25kg x 25 reps
25kg x 18 reps
25kg x 18 reps
25kg x 15 reps
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I've had that a few times with the blood vessels. Best to do it on tiles, don't want to damage the carpet :)

If you're on a cruise, I don't think you need to increase your Test, save it for your next cycle.