Approved Log My Test + Tren cycle log

Monday 14/10/2023

Today I hit made sure to hit back, shoulders and chest.

For back I did the lat pulldown and low row. For shoulders I did lateral raises and DB shoulder press and for chest I did static holds 70-100kg (incrementing up in weight each hold).

Overall felt great and as I’m leaning out the back is definitely popping more. I have my eyes set on abs but at the same time I do want to be eating more food (all clean of course).

My question is basically, how far can I push the calories (assuming all clean) and still progress in my push for abs?

Currently weighing 105-108kg, 30k steps per day and 3-4 weight sessions a week.

Post training pic and some meals from today below.

Cheers guys


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It sure looks like you’re smashing those sessions. Foods are clean!

You mentioned about the 1% body fat loss per week target. I need to be honest with you, it’s a bit aggressive, even with the gear. Most aim for about 0.5-1% per month to keep it sustainable and to minimise muscle loss. When you push too hard, you risk losing size and strength along with fat. If you're feeling good, keep doing what you're doing, but don’t get discouraged if the fat doesn’t drop off that fast. It takes time and patience.

As for pushing the calories while still chasing abs, the key is finding the right balance. You can increase your calories, but be careful as it’s more about the calorie deficit than eating 'clean.' You could still overeat clean food and stall your fat loss.
Really depends on genetics but abs typically start appearing around 12-15% body fat. Focus on your diet by tracking your cals and you'll get those abs 100%.
It sure looks like you’re smashing those sessions. Foods are clean!

You mentioned about the 1% body fat loss per week target. I need to be honest with you, it’s a bit aggressive, even with the gear. Most aim for about 0.5-1% per month to keep it sustainable and to minimise muscle loss. When you push too hard, you risk losing size and strength along with fat. If you're feeling good, keep doing what you're doing, but don’t get discouraged if the fat doesn’t drop off that fast. It takes time and patience.

As for pushing the calories while still chasing abs, the key is finding the right balance. You can increase your calories, but be careful as it’s more about the calorie deficit than eating 'clean.' You could still overeat clean food and stall your fat loss.
Thanks for the info! Much appreciated
Wednesday 16/10/2024

Evening fellas!

Couldn’t help but absolutely annihilate arms today. Smashed 3 sets of over 12 reps on 45kgs on the tricep push down, lateral raising the 10kgs pretty well - probably got 10 good reps in for 3 sets as well as bicep curls with the 15kg where I basically repped out as many as I could - focusing on controlling the weight slowly up and down and feeling the burn.

Finally ended off with some rear delt flys with 3 sets of 60kgs and they really made the shoulders pop!

I’ll probably hit chest tomorrow if I’m feeling up to it!

See pics of some food and post workout below :)


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Sounds like you went hard on those arms :)

Controlled reps is the way to go for that serious pump. Rear delt flys with 60kg... Nice! Shoulders must be feeling it.

How did you end up going with chest?
Wednesday 16/10/2024

Evening fellas!

Couldn’t help but absolutely annihilate arms today. Smashed 3 sets of over 12 reps on 45kgs on the tricep push down, lateral raising the 10kgs pretty well - probably got 10 good reps in for 3 sets as well as bicep curls with the 15kg where I basically repped out as many as I could - focusing on controlling the weight slowly up and down and feeling the burn.

Finally ended off with some rear delt flys with 3 sets of 60kgs and they really made the shoulders pop!

I’ll probably hit chest tomorrow if I’m feeling up to it!

See pics of some food and post workout below :)
Those meals look very familiar ... nice and easy!!!
Friday 18/10/2024

Absolutely ****ing annihilated arms today.

Did my usual routine of tricep push downs, lateral raises, bicep curls, DB shoulder press and low rows to finish off tne Bi’s and get some back done too.

Same weights as before but definitely getting a solid 3-4 more reps in each set which is to be expected given the arms have been blowing up as of late.

Also did some HIIT cardio later in the day as I am trying to lean out so it helps with that and just to keep my cardio in check in general.

See some food pics and post gym photo below


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Saturday 28/09/2024

Today genuinely felt like missing the workout but managed to pull myself towards myself and get a good session in.

My left delt was back to normal after pinning it last Sunday so hit plenty of shoulders and added some triceps and biceps to finish off because the arm pumps are still irresisitable to me at this stage. Managed to get a few pics of the meals although it’s always the same stuff with me so nothing to exciting haha.

Till next week.
Steady progress is the best progress
Monday 21/10/2024

After two days off I was ready to kill it again.

Hit a full upper body session of arms, chest and back.

Tricep push downs, bicep curls, lateral raises, rear delt fly, pec fly, incline bench, low row and lat pull down.

The arms and shoulders are still the star of the show for me and I am able to progressively overload ppretty much every week as a result. I have neglected chest in the past so I will need to bring it up.

I’m also approaching a stage where I’ll be lean enough to do some shirtless photos to see the real progress which im stoked about.

I’ll be taking tomorrow off before I hit the same session again, with some key goals on doing a 60kg rear delt fly for 10 reps, a 50kg push down for 10 reps and 20kg dumbbell curls for 10 reps.

As for chest I did mention I have neglected it a lot historically but seeing as though I’m weighing about the 106kg right now I think it’s a realistic and solid goal to have to be able to bench 100kg by the end of the year so I will be keeping these goals in mind throughout the week and will keep you guys updated.

See photos of food and gym below.

Cheers guys


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Top updates and foods are on point, as usual. Incline DB's and flat bench is a simple combo and great way to target the upper chest.

Keep pushing matey!!
hursday 24/10/2024

Just want to start off by saying I did hit an upper body session yesterday but the day got away from me couldn’t quite the log up.

Today I went in and got some fasted cardio in, a good 20 minutes on the bike to warm up followed by 20 minutes on the step mill and finished off with 20 minutes on the tread mill.

Keeping the cardio consistent but low impact as to not impact my recovery by stressing my CNS on my non-lifting days.

I took a picture post workout but honestly I feel like the fat is coming off so fast that I look even better/leaner now than this morning!

As such I won’t include that picture here this time around but I will be logging again tomorrow and will have some shirtless pictures for the first time which will be good - not too far away from the goal now!

Cheers lads hope everyone smashed their day too.
Friday 25/10/2024

This one was interesting, hit the weights early this morning and then went straight into an hour or BJJ so got plenty of cardio in as well which helps as I’m still cutting.

I hit back and his today but also threw in a few set of lateral raises as I can’t really help myself as I love the rate my shoulders are growing at.

Curling the 15kgs pretty easily at this point but focusing on slowing them down to isolate the muscle as much as possible - as a result I’m not looking at increasing the weight anytime soon - just looking to get solid quality reps out which has been instrumental in my growth on cycle.

As for my back movements they’re mostly similar to the last few sessions in terms of exercise and weights - lat pulldowns and rows for the most part.

I think the reason my back isn’t growing as fast as my biceps is probably because I hit bi’s first when I have more energy and by the time I get to the back movements I’m more fatigued and kind of mentally checked out of the gym. I may have a dedicated back day to accommodate for this to ensure its getting The most stimulation possible.

See some pics below with some meals and post workout.

Cheers guys


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