Approved Log My journey to a better life

I've missed out on alot of your log entries. Just had a quick look and can see major improvements brother. Especially with your bench. Those weights are progressing nicely alongside those veins....... and looking thicker 💪
Thanks heaps. I have really been pushing my chest development i felt my shape was lacking chest growth so have tried to use the big boy side of the gym not just pin loaded machines

Getting mad veins in my arms of late



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Thursday pretty relaxed morning kids didn't try and kill each other over who was using the peanut butter first so my day started great

Smooth run for drop off but caught the peak hour traffic on way back from school to gym 40min to drive 20km madness.

Anyway that gave me time for the prework to kick in and blast some tunes and just dance in my car looking like a crazy man while all the suits look like they wanna shoot themselves heading to the office.

@shaneo75 pumped me up.even more with his daily video message to me which always gets me fired up pulled up at gym and my fav car park was there

Today is gonna be a good day.

Morning Workout
Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 8:47 am

Seated Row (Cable)
Set 1: 50 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 70 kg × 12 reps
Set 3: 70 kg × 11 reps
Set 4: 70 kg × 10 reps

Lat Pulldown (Cable)
Narrow turnbuckle handle
Set 1: 60 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 70 kg × 12 reps
Set 3: 80 kg × 10 reps
Set 4: 80 kg × 12 reps

Shoulder Press (Plate Loaded)
Set 1: 40 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 80 kg × 8 reps
Set 3: 80 kg × 8 reps
Set 4: 60 kg × 9 reps

Lat Pulldown (Machine)
Isolated arms weight and rep per arm
Set 1: 40 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 60 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 65 kg × 8 reps
Set 4: 70 kg × 5 reps

Seated Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 54 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 68 kg × 12 reps
Set 3: 68 kg × 13 reps
Set 4: 68 kg × 14 reps

Seated Calf Raise (Plate Loaded)
Set 1: 15 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 65 kg × 15 reps
Set 3: 65 kg × 15 reps
Set 4: 65 kg × 15 reps

Ran in to my mate Aaron who was but flat and unmotivated to went to do shoulders Press with him just to hang out a bit
Humbled me as he repped out 150kg for 10 and I used all my life to get one

But thing the laugh chat helped him to go on and do his training

Shoulder Press (Machine)
Set 1: 80 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 110 kg × 8 reps
Set 3: 150 kg × 1 rep
Set 4: 120 kg × 5 reps
Friday let's go boys..... you know we gonna start our day with 5mg of cialis and that needle full of the goods from @gearmaniac101 a little test and masteron will go a long way with the right diet and training

Again the wife was out of bed and off to work before me so left me with one option going to gym with

Ge tthem kids to school and my old **** in to that gym

Morning Workout

Leg Press
Set 1: 40 kg × 20 reps
Set 2: 80 kg × 15 reps
Set 3: 160 kg × 10 reps
Set 4: 160 kg × 10 reps
Set 5: 160 kg × 10 reps

Bench Press (Barbell)
Set 1: 40 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 80 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 80 kg × 11 reps
Set 4: 80 kg × 10 reps

Pec Deck (Machine)
Set 1: 54 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 75 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 89 kg × 8 reps
Set 4: 89 kg × 7 reps

Leg Extension (Machine)
Isolated legs weight and reps per 🦵 🦿 leg
Set 1: 30 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 35 kg × 13 reps
Set 3: 40 kg × 12 reps
Set 4: 45 kg × 12 reps

Ran in to my powerlifter mate aaron so jumped in for a few exercises with him

Deadlift (Barbell)
Set 1: 60 kg × 12 reps
Set 2: 100 kg × 5 reps
Set 3: 120 kg × 3 reps
Set 4: 140 kg × 3 reps
Set 5: 150 kg × 1 rep
Set 6: 165 kg × 4 reps

Lat Pulldown (Cable)
Set 1: 60 kg × 10 reps
Set 2: 80 kg × 8 reps
Set 3: 100 kg × 6 reps

got super excited last night and its not hugely visible in photos but I discovered a new vain appearing now on my abs / tummy

These changes might not be overly special other big built strong guys but i have never been this lean in my life or even had this much muscle.

I had planned to rest but was bit restless so instead of distributing the wife decided would head to gym.

Morning Workout
Saturday, 8 March 2025 at 4:24 am

Bench Press (Barbell)
Set 1: 40 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 40 kg × 15 reps
Set 3: 80 kg × 12 reps
Set 4: 100 kg × 8 reps
Set 5: 100 kg × 7 reps

Incline Bench Press (Barbell)
Set 1: 60 kg × 10 reps
Set 2: 60 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 60 kg × 10 reps

Pec Deck (Machine)
Set 1: 68 kg × 18 reps
Set 2: 75 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 75 kg × 10 reps

Triceps Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 53 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 67 kg × 9 reps
Set 3: 67 kg × 10 reps

Triceps Pushdown (Cable - Straight Bar)
V handle
Set 1: 30 kg × 13 reps
Set 2: 30 kg × 15 reps
Set 3: 40 kg × 6 reps
Set 4: 27.5 kg × 16 reps

Reverse Fly (Cable)
Isolated arms weight and rep per arm
Set 1: 10 kg × 10 reps
Set 2: 7.5 kg × 13 reps
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 12 reps
Set 4: 7.5 kg × 12 reps

Lateral Raise (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 12 reps
Set 2: 10 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 10 kg × 8 reps

Preacher Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 36 kg × 10 reps
Set 2: 60 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 67 kg × 10 reps

Hammer Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 12.5 kg × 10 reps
Set 2: 12.5 kg × 12 reps
Set 3: 12.5 kg × 14 reps

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 12.5 kg × 10 reps
Set 2: 12.5 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 12.5 kg × 8 reps
So today was to be the day ovf rest being Sunday but woke early so off to gym 🏋️‍♀️
Morning Workout
Sunday, 9 March 2025 at 4:39 am

Leg Press
Set 1: 80 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 160 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 200 kg × 10 reps
Set 4: 200 kg × 10 reps

Standing Calf Raise (Machine)
Set 1: 115 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 165 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 165 kg × 10 reps

kneeling leg curl
Set 1: 30 kg × 13 reps
Set 2: 35 kg × 12 reps
Set 3: 45 kg × 8 reps
Set 4: 50 kg × 8 reps

Seated Row (Cable)
Set 1: 60 kg × 12 reps
Set 2: 80 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 80 kg × 10 reps
Set 4: 80 kg × 8 reps

Preacher Curl (Machine)
Hammer grip
Set 1: 46 kg × 18 reps
Set 2: 60 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 67 kg × 8 reps

Triceps Pushdown (Cable - Straight Bar)
Set 1: 30 kg × 20 reps
Set 2: 35 kg × 12 reps
Set 3: 35 kg × 10 reps
Set 4: 30 kg × 17 reps

Reverse Fly (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 12 reps
Set 2: 7.5 kg × 15 reps
Set 3: 10 kg × 12 reps

Lateral Raise (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 12 reps
Set 2: 10 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 12 reps
