Sub-q water retention - E2 related?

Fletch Elliot

AGW Logger
Looking for opinions from anyone who has dealt with sub-q water retention and its relationship with E2.

I'm 4 weeks into a 600mg test e, 420 eq per week cycle. Had been on sport cruise 300mg test/pw leading up to cycle. Had bloods taken prior on the 16th Jan. Was happy with results, test was solid at 60.3 nmol/L, E2 was on the high side at 216 pmol/L, without any real sides - mood was good, no ed, no nipple pain/sensitivity. Other markers were in the acceptable range.
After a couple of weeks on cycle,noticed a lot of water retention, particulary in the ankles/lower calves (deep visible indentation after wearing socks, underwear). It is above and beyond the usual level. Was thinking with the slow acting nature of eq, maybe my E2 had increased with the increase of test, even though I had no other symptoms. Ran another blood test and was surprised to see E2 had dropped to 155pmol/L, without the use of AI. For me it seems eq indeed acts an an AI?
To me this E2 level, although still slightly on the high side, wouldn't warrant the use of an AI as it is in a good ratio to my test levels. Has anyone used an AI to deal only with water retention. I have aromasin on deck. Have run it in the past at 6.25mg on test injection days when I've run into some nipple pain. Worked effectively but came with some killer fatigue.

Have looked into my salt intake and found with the amount of water I am drinking it was a balanced amount. My diet is also currently on point, so I'm thinking the E2 level may be the cause? Any thoughts?


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