Approved Log My journey to a better life

Who's idea was it to set their alarm for 4am on a Saturday to go gym? Oh that idiot was me ugh.

Trying to do some more leg movements

8th Feb 2025
Saturday 8 Feb 2025, 05:10

Running (Treadmill)
Set 1: 1 km | 5:00

Hack Squat
Set 1: 20 kg × 12
Set 2: 40 kg × 6
Set 3: 40 kg × 8
Set 4: 40 kg × 8

Leg Press
Set 1: 40 kg × 15
Set 2: 80 kg × 12
Set 3: 120 kg × 10
Set 4: 180 kg × 8
Set 5: 200 kg × 8

Leg Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 15 kg × 15
Set 2: 25 kg × 12
Set 3: 35 kg × 10
Note: Isolated legs

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 50 kg × 12
Set 2: 70 kg × 10
Set 3: 90 kg × 9

Lateral Raise (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 12
Set 2: 10 kg × 10
Set 3: 5 kg × 20
Note: Isolated arms

Reverse Fly (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 2: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 15
Note: Isolated arms

Triceps Pushdown (Cable - Straight Bar)
Set 1: 30 kg × 15
Set 2: 35 kg × 15
Set 3: 40 kg × 8

Standing Calf Raise (Machine)
Set 1: 105 kg × 15
Set 2: 145 kg × 12
Set 3: 165 kg × 10
Wahoooo Monday morning come get some.... let's kick the weeks of with out first injection of some testosterone and masteron just to wake us up at 4am...

Sucking on 10mg of cialis I have a steaming hot shower to wake up these old bones and off to gym

10th feb
Monday 10 Feb 2025, 04:50

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 50 kg × 15
Set 2: 50 kg × 15
Set 3: 90 kg × 10
Set 4: 90 kg × 7
Set 5: 70 kg × 9

Pec Deck (Machine)
Set 1: 61 kg × 13
Set 2: 75 kg × 6
Set 3: 54 kg × 15
Set 4: 54 kg × 13

Seated Row (Cable)
Set 1: 60 kg × 15
Set 2: 80 kg × 10
Set 3: 90 kg × 7
Set 4: 70 kg × 10

seated high row
Set 1: 50 kg × 13
Set 2: 90 kg × 8
Set 3: 70 kg × 12

Lateral Raise (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 17
Set 2: 10 kg × 10
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 10
Set 4: 7.5 kg × 10
Note: Isolated arms 💪

Reverse Fly (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 17
Set 2: 10 kg × 10
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 4: 7.5 kg × 12
Note: Isolated arms

Triceps Pushdown (Cable - Straight Bar)
Set 1: 10 kg × 15
Set 2: 12.5 kg × 12
Set 3: 12.5 kg × 12
Note: Isolated arms

Bicep Curl (Cable)
Set 1: 22.5 kg × 15
Set 2: 25 kg × 10
Set 3: 25 kg × 10
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Hot shower and 💉 to start the day paired with fighting kids before school run and gym sesh

Lat Pulldown (Cable)
Set 1: 50 kg × 15
Set 2: 70 kg × 12
Set 3: 90 kg × 5
Set 4: 80 kg × 9
Note: Narrow turnbuckle handle

Seated Row (Cable)
Set 1: 60 kg × 15
Set 2: 80 kg × 10
Set 3: 80 kg × 10
Set 4: 80 kg × 8

Shoulder Press (Plate Loaded)
Set 1: 60 kg × 15
Set 2: 80 kg × 12
Set 3: 100 kg × 10
Set 4: 110 kg × 6

Lat Pulldown (Machine)
Set 1: 30 kg × 12
Set 2: 45 kg × 10
Set 3: 55 kg × 10
Set 4: 65 kg × 6
Note: Isolated arms

Reverse Fly (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 2: 10 kg × 10
Set 3: 10 kg × 10
Set 4: 7.5 kg × 12
Note: Isolated arms
Triceps Pushdown (Cable - Straight Bar)
Set 1: 10 kg × 17
Set 2: 10 kg × 10
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 4: 7.5 kg × 15

Lateral Raise (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 2: 10 kg × 10
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 12
Note: Isolated arms

Bicep Curl (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 2: 10 kg × 15
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 15
Note: Isolated arm

Leg Press
Set 1: 80 kg × 10
Set 2: 120 kg × 10
Set 3: 200 kg × 10
Set 4: 280 kg × 2 - PR
So in January I had my trt clinic check up and given 6 months script so decided to experiment with a bit of a higher dose

January 1 2025 i increased my TRT 150mg testosterone c to the following

Testosterone C or E (depending on what if ugl or scrips vial) 240mg per week

Masteron E - 150mg per week

All broken in to 3 injections 💉 per week

I did a quick blood check up and thought share a few markers ( bloods were done Monday morning before injection and last injection was Friday morning )

My iron is a lot lower than has been but haven't been as strict with my iron tablets of late so need to get back on this
Yep your iron's a bit low, so if you're feeling tired or off, adding more red meat or spinach could really help. Is that how you've been feeling?

Your testosterone's and growth hormone are both high so the gear is definitely working. Its good that you're keeping up with your regular check ups. 👊
Hot shower and 💉 to start the day paired with fighting kids before school run and gym sesh

Lat Pulldown (Cable)
Set 1: 50 kg × 15
Set 2: 70 kg × 12
Set 3: 90 kg × 5
Set 4: 80 kg × 9
Note: Narrow turnbuckle handle

Seated Row (Cable)
Set 1: 60 kg × 15
Set 2: 80 kg × 10
Set 3: 80 kg × 10
Set 4: 80 kg × 8

Shoulder Press (Plate Loaded)
Set 1: 60 kg × 15
Set 2: 80 kg × 12
Set 3: 100 kg × 10
Set 4: 110 kg × 6

Lat Pulldown (Machine)
Set 1: 30 kg × 12
Set 2: 45 kg × 10
Set 3: 55 kg × 10
Set 4: 65 kg × 6
Note: Isolated arms

Reverse Fly (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 2: 10 kg × 10
Set 3: 10 kg × 10
Set 4: 7.5 kg × 12
Note: Isolated arms
Triceps Pushdown (Cable - Straight Bar)
Set 1: 10 kg × 17
Set 2: 10 kg × 10
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 4: 7.5 kg × 15

Lateral Raise (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 2: 10 kg × 10
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 12
Note: Isolated arms

Bicep Curl (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 2: 10 kg × 15
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 15
Note: Isolated arm

Leg Press
Set 1: 80 kg × 10
Set 2: 120 kg × 10
Set 3: 200 kg × 10
Set 4: 280 kg × 2 - PR
Love the training @trespassing_minds - keep going with this consistency brother.
Yep your iron's a bit low, so if you're feeling tired or off, adding more red meat or spinach could really help. Is that how you've been feeling?

Your testosterone's and growth hormone are both high so the gear is definitely working. Its good that you're keeping up with your regular check ups. 👊
I was feeling a little flat. I had not been as regmented with my vitamins in the back on track with them and feeling amazing again.

Think check ups are so important when we are trying to build this healthy lifestyle so even if it costs I am happy to keep eye on my internals
Every have one of them days when you just wanna slap someone in the face?

Well thats my Thursday

So instead of having to explain this to the wife i decided to put that energy in to the gym as a bad workout has better results than losing my cool

Thursday 13 Feb 2025, 09:51

Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 40 kg × 18
Set 2: 40 kg × 16
Set 3: 68 kg × 12
Set 4: 82 kg × 10

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 50 kg × 10
Set 2: 70 kg × 8
Set 3: 90 kg × 5

Seated Row (Cable)
Set 1: 60 kg × 15
Set 2: 80 kg × 10
Set 3: 80 kg × 10
Set 4: 80 kg × 8

Pec Deck (Machine)
Set 1: 61 kg × 15
Set 2: 75 kg × 11
Set 3: 82 kg × 8

Standing Calf Raise (Machine)
Set 1: 105 kg × 15
Set 2: 145 kg × 10
Set 3: 145 kg × 10
Was so restless last night tossed and turned so stuff it got up at 4am

Sucked in some cialis in the shower the. A shot of testosterone and masteron to start the day and off to gym by 5am

14th feb - happy valentines day gym bros

Lat Pulldown (Cable)
Set 1: 50 kg × 15
Set 2: 70 kg × 12
Set 3: 90 kg × 6
Set 4: 70 kg × 10

Seated Row (Cable)
Set 1: 70 kg × 12
Set 2: 80 kg × 9
Set 3: 80 kg × 10
Set 4: 80 kg × 8

Reverse Fly (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 2: 10 kg × 10
Set 3: 10 kg × 10
Set 4: 10 kg × 10

Lateral Raise (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 12
Set 2: 10 kg × 8
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 12
Set 4: 7.5 kg × 10

Triceps Extension
Set 1: 20 kg × 15
Set 2: 30 kg × 9
Set 3: 22.5 kg × 15
Set 4: 22.5 kg × 12
Note: Using rope

Front Raise (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 12
Set 2: 10 kg × 8
Set 3: 5 kg × 20

Reverse Fly (Machine)
Set 1: 40 kg × 15
Set 2: 54 kg × 12
Set 3: 75 kg × 10

Preacher Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 45 kg × 15
Triceps Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 45 kg × 15
Set 2: 64 kg × 10
Me and a mate been wanting to try out this new instgram gym in our area so did a quick Saturday workout see what its all about

Some really unique equipment

high row
Set 1: 40 kg × 15
Set 2: 80 kg × 12
Set 3: 120 kg × 10
Set 4: 80 kg × 10

power smith machine dual system
Set 1: 20 kg × 15
Set 2: 40 kg × 12
Set 3: 50 kg × 10
Set 4: 50 kg × 10

This machine was amazing
Lateral Raise (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 2: 10 kg × 10
Set 3: 10 kg × 10

Pec Deck (Machine)
Set 1: 45 kg × 15
Set 2: 45 kg × 15
Set 3: 45 kg × 15

T Bar Row
Set 1: 20 kg × 15
Set 2: 40 kg × 12
Set 3: 60 kg × 8
Set 4: 20 kg x 10

Monday Monday
6:30am alarm buzz buzz... Hot shower then time to jab that ****... 80mg test E and 50mg masteron and we ready to start the day...

200g egg whites and a shake for me
Couple of cheese flat breads and some oats for the kids

Then MMA fight my 7yr daughter to let me brush her hair - seriously think she grows 8 arms when it comes to fighting me on this.

Throw them all in the car and off to school.

Mix that Krupt blue balls pre work in the car and battle Melbourne traffic for 30min to get to the gym

17th February

Seated Row (Cable)
Set 1: 60 kg × 15
Set 2: 60 kg × 15
Set 3: 90 kg × 8
Set 4: 90 kg × 7
Set 5: 80 kg × 10

Lat Pulldown (Cable)
Set 1: 60 kg × 12
Set 2: 70 kg × 12
Set 3: 90 kg × 6
Set 4: 60 kg × 12
Set 5: 42.5 kg × 15
Note: Narrow grip

Shoulder Press (Machine)
Set 1: 50 kg × 15
Set 2: 80 kg × 12
Set 3: 100 kg × 9
Set 4: 100 kg × 6

Lateral Raise (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 12
Set 2: 10 kg × 8
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 12
Set 4: 7.5 kg × 11

Reverse Fly (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 2: 12.5 kg × 8
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 12
Set 4: 7.5 kg × 12

Triceps Pushdown (Cable - Straight Bar)
Set 1: 25 kg × 15
Set 2: 32.5 kg × 15
Set 3: 35 kg × 8
Set 4: 35 kg × 10
Note: V bar
Tuesday and the alarm goes off at stupid o clock ⏰️ to ensure enough time for gym and help wife with kids for school

Trying to give my chest a bit more of a workout so headed to the big boy area of my gym with the feee weights, bench presses and plate machines

18th feb
Tuesday 18 Feb 2025, 05:08

Incline Bench Press (Barbell)
Set 1: 20 kg × 15
Set 2: 60 kg × 10
Set 3: 60 kg × 10
Set 4: 60 kg × 10

Bench Press (Barbell)
Set 1: 40 kg × 12
Set 2: 80 kg × 10
Set 3: 80 kg × 8
Set 4: 80 kg × 8
Note: Isolated plate bench press

Bench Press - Wide Grip (Barbell)
Set 1: 40 kg × 12
Set 2: 60 kg × 12
Set 3: 80 kg × 10
Set 4: 80 kg × 11
Note: Plate Loaded machine not barbell

Leg Press
Set 1: 80 kg × 12
Set 2: 120 kg × 10
Set 3: 160 kg × 10
Set 4: 200 kg × 8
Set 5: 200 kg × 6

Leg Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 25 kg × 15
Set 2: 30 kg × 15
Set 3: 35 kg × 12
Note: Isolated legs
Note: Slow movement with focus on top full extension squeeze

Pec Deck (Machine)
Set 1: 54 kg × 12
Set 2: 68 kg × 12
Set 3: 82 kg × 8

Reverse Fly (Machine)
Set 1: 54 kg × 15
Set 2: 54 kg × 16
Set 3: 61 kg × 12
Set 4: 61 kg × 9

Lateral Raise (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 12
Set 2: 5 kg × 15
Set 3: 5 kg × 17

Triceps Pushdown (Cable - Straight Bar)
Set 1: 25 kg × 25
Set 2: 32.5 kg × 15
Set 3: 32.5 kg × 8
Same old Wednesday now hot shower 🛀 and because it's Wednesday it injection day
Draw up some test and masteron and boom in the butt she goes.

Running low on mince so 50g of extra lean mince and 200g of egg white with a Maxine burn strawberries shake today.

Off to do school run and had planned a rest day then my mind went boy you just infected yourself with a tonne of testosterone get your **** to gym

So downed 2 scoops of krupt blue ballz and hit the gym with zero plan on what I was gonna do

So busted out a quick mixed bag workout

Lat Pulldown (Single Arm)
Set 1: 25 kg × 20
Set 2: 45 kg × 12
Set 3: 55 kg × 10
Set 4: 60 kg × 8
Note: Isolated arm

Seated Row (Cable)
Set 1: 60 kg × 15
Set 2: 80 kg × 8
Set 3: 80 kg × 9
Set 4: 80 kg × 10

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 50 kg × 15
Set 2: 70 kg × 12
Set 3: 90 kg × 8

Lat Pulldown (Cable)
Set 1: 60 kg × 10
Set 2: 70 kg × 10
Set 3: 80 kg × 10

Lateral Raise (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 15
Set 2: 10 kg × 10
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 12

Triceps Pushdown (Cable - Straight Bar)
Set 1: 10 kg × 15
Set 2: 15 kg × 10
Set 3: 15 kg × 10
Note: Isolated arms 💪

Preacher Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 45 kg × 15
Set 2: 54 kg × 12
Set 3: 64 kg × 8
Thursday , i feel as if my chest is lacking behind so have tried to make sure I hit it twice this week with some good volume and new machines.

430 that alarm rings and its time to go.

Half asleep loading the leg press and managed to drop a 20 on my foot but being in the big boy area Straight face and don't show the pain push through the pain

Any way workout for the morning

Bench Press (Plate Loaded isolated machine )
Set 1: 40 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 40 kg × 15 reps
Set 3: 80 kg × 11 reps
Set 4: 80 kg × 9 reps
Set 5: 80 kg × 8 reps
Thank to big tren for the plates under base 20250220_052439.jpg

Incline Bench Press (Smith Machine)
Set 1: 40 kg × 10 reps
Set 2: 40 kg × 9 reps
Set 3: 40 kg × 10 reps
Set 4: 40 kg × 10 reps

Leg Press
Set 1: 80 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 120 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 160 kg × 10 reps
Set 4: 200 kg × 10 reps
Set 5: 200 kg × 8 reps

Standing Calf Raise (Machine)
Set 1: 105 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 155 kg × 10 reps
Set 3: 155 kg × 13 reps

Bicep Curl (Cable)
Straight Bar
Set 1: 20 kg × 18 reps
Set 2: 25 kg × 12 reps
Set 3: 30 kg × 8 reps
Set 4: 22.5 kg × 14 reps

Triceps Pushdown (Cable - Straight Bar)
Straight Bar- not isolated arms
Set 1: 25 kg × 15 reps
Set 2: 30 kg × 15 reps
Set 3: 15 kg × 10 reps
Set 4: 40 kg × 6 reps

Reverse Fly (Cable)
Set 1: 10 kg × 12 reps
Set 2: 7.5 kg × 15 reps
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 15 reps

Lateral Raise (Cable)
Set 1: 7.5 kg × 12 reps
Set 2: 7.5 kg × 12 reps
Set 3: 7.5 kg × 12 reps
Set 4: 7.5 kg × 12 reps