Approved Log My $5k Competition Log - Fletch Elliot

Everything has been on track....except my logging 😂

Diet has remained at 3000 cals. Weighed in at 84.1kg this morning. Feeling fuller for sure. Extra protein and carbs seem to be heading to muscles and not gut/back which has been promising.

Have added Anavar at 25mg pre workout to 250 test/week for the remaining 8 weeks of comp.

Workouts have stayed high intensity. Have added some supersetting over the last week which has been yielding some nice pumps!

Hitting legs this morning. I'm finding I get increased swelling from glute injection site if I hit heavy leg press the day after, so I'll focus on hack squat, leg extension for quads and barbell RDL's and seated leg curls for hams. Still working hard to get my legs up!
Nice work @Fletch Elliot var nice addition. Strange that you got some swelling from such a small injection. Hope it settles down quickly.

Looks like your leg workout is solid, should produce some good results
Nice work @Fletch Elliot var nice addition. Strange that you got some swelling from such a small injection. Hope it settles down quickly.

Looks like your leg workout is solid, should produce some good results
Thanks @Dunstone

I have been using 29G, 0.5 inch insulin syringe and injecting subq into ventro glute, changing sides each time from the start of cycle. It's only 0.5ml per injection but the swelling has been consistent and shows up 24 hours post. I'm thinking I will move to 1- 1.5 inch needle, IM injections if swelling persists. Mixed it up with a delt injection but wasn't a fan.
Everything has been on track....except my logging 😂

Diet has remained at 3000 cals. Weighed in at 84.1kg this morning. Feeling fuller for sure. Extra protein and carbs seem to be heading to muscles and not gut/back which has been promising.

Have added Anavar at 25mg pre workout to 250 test/week for the remaining 8 weeks of comp.

Workouts have stayed high intensity. Have added some supersetting over the last week which has been yielding some nice pumps!

Hitting legs this morning. I'm finding I get increased swelling from glute injection site if I hit heavy leg press the day after, so I'll focus on hack squat, leg extension for quads and barbell RDL's and seated leg curls for hams. Still working hard to get my legs up!
Updates great brother. I think you're better off moving to IM injections.

How's the 25mg Anavar working for you, are you happy with that dosage?
Apologies to all who have been keeping up with their regular logging. Have been slipping on that front. Looking forward to catching up on everyones progress.

Training and diet on the other hand is tracking well.

Weight is up to 86.3 kgs. Have maintained at 3000 calories.

Have been training 6 to 7 days per week.

Test still at 250mg/week. Anavar has increased to 30mg/day pre workout.

Will post photo updates over the next few days.
Updates great brother. I think you're better off moving to IM injections.

How's the 25mg Anavar working for you, are you happy with that dosage?
Hey brother, apologies for late reply.

Have upped the anavar to 30mg which seems sufficient. Have been continuing to put on size without gaining body fat. Waist measurement is showing a 2cm decrease, whilst all other measurement have increased.

Have since moved to delt injections which have been giving no discomfort post injection.
Hey brother, apologies for late reply.

Have upped the anavar to 30mg which seems sufficient. Have been continuing to put on size without gaining body fat. Waist measurement is showing a 2cm decrease, whilst all other measurement have increased.

Have since moved to delt injections which have been giving no discomfort post injection.
You can increase the effectiveness of Anavar by adding caffeine simultaneously. I generally take a NoDoz at the same time.
Hey brother, apologies for late reply.

Have upped the anavar to 30mg which seems sufficient. Have been continuing to put on size without gaining body fat. Waist measurement is showing a 2cm decrease, whilst all other measurement have increased.

Have since moved to delt injections which have been giving no discomfort post injection.
Nice to have you back brother.
Quick photo update. No pump. Will have to work on my photography skills and setup before the end of the comp. Maybe some posing practice as well!

Hit legs today. I usually up my carbs a bit in the morning prior to hitting legs and add an extra 50g of protein toward the end of the day. Calories for the day will be 3400. I get tempted to go higher to put on as much size as possible but don't want the mid section to blow out too much.

Pull day tomorrow. Will consist of the following, depending on machine availability. Close grip lat pull down. Seated machine rows. Cable face pulls. Rear delt cable flys. Upright cable rows. Bent over barbell row. Seated dumbell curls. Ez bar curls.

Am also thinking of implementing more rest days. Have had minimal rest days since the start of the comp. The body has been feeling great and the gains had been coming quickly but I am feeling like I'm in the midst of a mini plateau. Am mentally debating this.

Good luck to everyone for the remainder of the comp!


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Pic is good enough to see results, yes mate take a day off, let the body rest, also when U feel a plateau approching then change the training method, the body is an amazing machine and adapts, it plateaus when it has adapted to a certain way of training, good thing is the body is sensitive and even slight changes in training can break through plateaus, U gotta keep ur muscles guessing all the time in that way it cannot adapt easily and has no choice but to progress in order to keep up with the demand