Approved Log Weightloss hourney

Last night's dinner in photo
Rustic mash - cauliflower and leek
Rissoles full of veggies

Chest Supported DB Y-Raise 3 x 15
3 x 7.5
Prone DB L-Raise 3 x 15
3 x 7.5

Cybex High Handle Chest Press
1 x 4 / 3 x 12
1 x 40/1 x 45/1 x 35/1x 30
Neutral Grip Rear Delt Fly Machine
4 x 12
1 x 60/1 x 65/1 x 70/1x75

Wide Grip Incline Smith Machine Press 1 x 10 /1 x 15/1 x 20
1 x 90/1 x 70/1x 60

Neutral Grip Seated Row
3 x 10
1 x 73/1 x 79/1 x 86

Incline Cable Skull Crushers
3 x 12
1 x 38.75/ 1 x 41.25/ 1 x 43.75

Tricep Rope Extensions 3 x 12
1 x 38.75/1 x 41.25/1 x 43.75
You’ve hit a good mix for ypur upper and those Y and L raises are great for the shoulders. Love the variation on the chest presses too. Are these workouts from your PT?
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So a little on my story
49 years old been on a fitness journey for 2 years, started at 156kgs and was a big boy. Currently down to 116kg
Had a setback in January of this year when my wife and I lost our daughter, took 3 months off and could not face the world, now 5 months back in and feeling stronger and fitter than ever.

Here is my current log.

• Age: 49

• Height: 6ft 3

• Weight: 116.5kg

• Body Fat % (estimated): 26%

• Training Experience (in years): ~2 years


• Briefly describe your current workout routine, including frequency/reps, types of exercises, and weight for each exercise.

• Weekly 6 Day Gym session

• Arms - Triceps - Biceps

• Back - Legs

• Stretch day

• Repeat


• Daily Caloric Intake: 2300 Calories

• Macronutrient Split:

• Protein 35%

• Carbohydrates 30%

• Fats 35%



Blood Work:

• Recent Blood Work: YES

• High red cell count - High test count

• Sodium level slightly elevated - not enough water

Cycle Plan:

• Cycle Goals: cruise Cycle

• Compounds Planned for Use: Test E + Test C + mast e

• Dosage and Frequency: Daily

• Cycle Length: 8 weeks weeks

• Post Cycle Therapy (if applicable):

Current Cycle weekly
* 500mg Test E + C
* 400mg mast e
* HGH daily
* Cialis


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So a little on my story
49 years old been on a fitness journey for 2 years, started at 156kgs and was a big boy. Currently down to 114.4kg
Had a setback in January of this year when my wife and I lost our daughter, took 3 months off and could not face the world, now 5 months back in and feeling stronger and fitter than ever.

Here is my current log.

• Age: 49

• Height: 6ft 3

• Weight: 114.4kg down 4 kg

• Body Fat % (estimated): 24% down 2%

• Training Experience (in years): ~2 years


• Briefly describe your current workout routine, including frequency/reps, types of exercises, and weight for each exercise.

• Weekly 6 Day Gym session

• Arms - Triceps - Biceps

• Back - Legs

• Stretch day

• Repeat


• Daily Caloric Intake: 1900 Calories deficit of 500

• Macronutrient Split:

• Protein 35%

• Carbohydrates 30%

• Fats 35%



Blood Work:

• Recent Blood Work: YES

• High red cell count - High test count

• Sodium level slightly elevated - not enough water

Cycle Plan:

• Cycle Goals: Bulk Cycle

• Compounds Planned for Use: Test E + Test C + mast e + HGH

• Dosage and Frequency: twice a week

• Cycle Length: 8 weeks cruise cycle

• Post Cycle Therapy (if applicable):

Current Cycle
* 250mg Test E + C
* 200mg mast e
* HGH daily
* Cialis
Shoulder Press set of 10
1 x 15,/1 × 20/ 1 x 40/1 x 50/2 x 60/ 2 x 40

Reverse delt fly
1 x 50/ 2 x 60/ 2 x 70/ 2 x 80

Lateral Raise
1 x 7.5/ 2 x 10/ 2 x 12.5

Shoulder shrugs
1 x 25/ 1 x 27.5/ 1 x 30/ 1 x 32.5/1 x 35
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So a little on my story
49 years old been on a fitness journey for 2 years, started at 156kgs and was a big boy. Currently down to 114.4kg
Had a setback in January of this year when my wife and I lost our daughter, took 3 months off and could not face the world, now 7 months back in and feeling stronger and fitter than ever.

Here is my current log.

• Age: 49

• Height: 6ft 3

• Weight: 114.4kg down 4 kg

• Body Fat % (estimated): 24% down 2%

• Training Experience (in years): ~2 years


• Briefly describe your current workout routine, including frequency/reps, types of exercises, and weight for each exercise.

• Weekly 6 Day Gym session

• Arms - Triceps - Biceps

• Back - Legs

• Stretch day

• Repeat


• Daily Caloric Intake: 1900 Calories deficit of 500

• Macronutrient Split:

• Protein 35%

• Carbohydrates 30%

• Fats 35%



Blood Work:

• Recent Blood Work: YES

• High red cell count - High test count

• Sodium level slightly elevated - not enough water

Cycle Plan:

• Cycle Goals: Bulk Cycle

• Compounds Planned for Use: Test E + Test C + mast e + HGH

• Dosage and Frequency: twice a week

• Cycle Length: 8 weeks cruise cycle

• Post Cycle Therapy (if applicable):

Current Cycle
* 250mg Test E + C
* 200mg mast e
* HGH daily
* Cialis

Today's workout

Seated Rope Face Pull 3 x 12
2 x 25/1x32
Multi Flight Lateral Raise
3 x 12
2x 15/1 x 20

Cybex Shoulder Press 1 x 4 / 3 x 12
1 x 45/1 x 32/1 x 39/1 x 45

SA Low Row
4 x 12 Each Arm
1 x 66/1 x 73/1x 79/1 x 86

DB Shoulder Press
3 x 15
2 x 15/1 x 20

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 3 x 12
1 x 66/1 x 73/1 x 79

Preacher Curls
3 x 12
1 x 40/1x 47/1 x 54

DB Hammer Curls
3 x 12
3 x 20
Last night's dinner in photo
Rustic mash - cauliflower and leek
Rissoles full of veggies

Chest Supported DB Y-Raise 3 x 15
3 x 7.5
Prone DB L-Raise 3 x 15
3 x 7.5

Cybex High Handle Chest Press
1 x 4 / 3 x 12
1 x 40/1 x 45/1 x 35/1x 30
Neutral Grip Rear Delt Fly Machine
4 x 12
1 x 60/1 x 65/1 x 70/1x75

Wide Grip Incline Smith Machine Press 1 x 10 /1 x 15/1 x 20
1 x 90/1 x 70/1x 60

Neutral Grip Seated Row
3 x 10
1 x 73/1 x 79/1 x 86

Incline Cable Skull Crushers
3 x 12
1 x 38.75/ 1 x 41.25/ 1 x 43.75

Tricep Rope Extensions 3 x 12
1 x 38.75/1 x 41.25/1 x 43.75
You are progressing so well, it's awesome and inspiring Shane. Keep it up.. good to see some meal in blog which aren't just chicken breast and rice
Hack Squats 1 x 15
1 x 50
1.x 100
1 x 150
1 x 200 ( New.PB)

Incline leg press (super set)1 x 15
1 x 25
1 x 50
1 x 75
1 x 100 superset
1 x 150 double
2x 200 double

Leg Extensions super set 1 x 15
1 x 40 each leg
1 x 47 each leg
1 x 54 each leg
1 x 63 each leg
1 x 89
1 x 96
1 x 103


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Solid leg day @shaneo75 Nice progression and great job hitting a new PB.

Volume and intensity of this workout are perfect for building both strength and endurance. Keep the form tight and continue to progress gradually to avoid injury brother. 💪
How you travelling boss? Are you seeing/feeling differences in looks and general health?
Yeah mate to be honest, ups and downs, more up at the moment as I can see change and I can feel change and my health feels OK, I can change diet more, just old bones get sore with pre existing injuries
Seated Upright Cable Pec Flys
3 x 12 / 1 x 30 Rest Pause
30 x 13.75/1 x 16.75/1 x 18.75/1 x 21.25
Chest Supported Y-Raise 3 x 15
3 x 7.5

Cybex High Handle Chest Press
1 x 3 / 3 x 8
1 x 20/1 x 35/1 x 45/1x 60
Neutral Grip Rear Delt Fly Machine
4 x 101x 50/1 x 60/1 x 70/1 x 75
Failed at 3 ( shoulder pain)

Wide Grip Incline Smith Machine Press 1 x 3 / 3 x 8
1 x 55/1 x 70/1 x 80/1 x 90

Neutral Grip Seated Row 4 x 8
1 x 86/1 x 93/1 x 100/1 x 107

Incline Cable Skull Crushers 3 x 10
1 x 33.75/1 x 36.25/1 x 41.25

1 x 36.75/1 x 38.25/1 x 43.25
Tricep Rope Extensions 3 x 10


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Seated Upright Cable Pec Flys
3 x 12 / 1 x 30 Rest Pause
30 x 13.75/1 x 16.75/1 x 18.75/1 x 21.25
Chest Supported Y-Raise 3 x 15
3 x 7.5

Cybex High Handle Chest Press
1 x 3 / 3 x 8
1 x 20/1 x 35/1 x 45/1x 60
Neutral Grip Rear Delt Fly Machine
4 x 101x 50/1 x 60/1 x 70/1 x 75
Failed at 3 ( shoulder pain)

Wide Grip Incline Smith Machine Press 1 x 3 / 3 x 8
1 x 55/1 x 70/1 x 80/1 x 90

Neutral Grip Seated Row 4 x 8
1 x 86/1 x 93/1 x 100/1 x 107

Incline Cable Skull Crushers 3 x 10
1 x 33.75/1 x 36.25/1 x 41.25

1 x 36.75/1 x 38.25/1 x 43.25
Tricep Rope Extensions 3 x 10
Salad looks tasty :)

I'd watch the shoulder, how's it feeling now? You don't want any injuries.
BB Bentover Row 3 x 6
1 x 35/ 2 x 40

Plate Overhead Sit-Ups 3 x 20
3 x 15kg

DB Shallow Incline Press 3 x 10 form concentration
1 x 12.5/1 x 15/1 x 17.5

Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown3 x 10
1 x 66/1 x 73/1 x 79

SA Seated Cable Row 3 x 10 Each Side 1 x 73/1 x 79/1 x 86

Multi Flight Rear Delt Fly 3 x 12
3 x 70

Triangle Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 10
1 x 36.75/1 x 38.75/1 x 43.75

DB Alernating Curls 3 x 10
2 x 12.5/1 x 15
Ezy Bar Bicep Curls 3 x 10
1 x 20/1 x 25/1 x 30
OH Strap Tricep Extensions 3 x 10
1x 36.25/1 x 1 x 41.25/1 x 46.25