Approved Log My Training Log - Another old man trying to live life as a young man


AGW Logger
Here we go...

I started training June 2024 at 75kg and now weigh 85kg. My bodyfat has gone from 16% to 12%.

Age: 45
Weight: 85kg
Height: 175cm
Bodyfat: 12%

I'm almost 45 and up until recently my training was mostly strength based training, as I couldn't put on muscle. Well I could if I ate really hard, well drank, mass gain supplements. (I still find it really hard to eat lots). I'd put on about 50% muscle and 50% fat, then when trying to cut, even with trying to continue the same intensity training and high protein diet I'd lose weight in the same ratio putting me back to square one.

I discovered I had low T (~300), went and saw an endo which was pointless, he was a levels guy and said I shouldn't be experiencing side effects with those numbers, after several arguments and showing him other data he said he'd do a private prescription but it would only be gels. He told me I wouldn't be able to have kids if I took anything else.

So I continued life with low T, had kids and then recently decided to get my life in order and go through a private clinic.

I've done nine months now on Test E, 250mg for the first three months and went down to 200mg for the last six. I saw incredible results to start and put on 7kg of muscle and lost 2kg of fat (DXA), results significantly slowed when dropping to 200mg, I think this is also tied to how much I'm eating. At the start I stopped alcohol, increased carbs and protein and reduced sugar. I guess that and the Test at the start gave a big acceleration to my results. My weight gain is now just under 1kg a month.

Mon, Wed, Fri weight training
and aim for
+ Twice a week BJJ
+ Twice a week Muay Thai

I cycle through a 4 day workout, based on the GZCLP program. I haven't been training abs, I was hoping that the compound lifts would be enough, afraid not, still need to add them in.

My main lifts PBs are:
  • Squat: 162.5kg
  • Bench: 127.5kg
  • Deadlift: 175kg
I try and aim for 4-5 working sets, of 4-12 reps. I mix it up regularly.

I'm fortunate enough to have a reasonable home gym which really helps significantly with consistency. Having kids and their activities makes training difficult.

The last three months of weight training have seriously plateaued, I haven't been very consistent with training, due to some trips away and injury. That and having to drop my Test levels so I can be prescribed made me lose almost a 1kg over the last two weeks.

I track my weight on a daily basis and run a seven day moving average to try and be more accurate.

  • Whey protein blend, 2-3x 30g a day (Bulk Nutrients Matrix)
  • Casein protein, 1x 30g before sleep (Bulk Nutrients)
  • Creatine 5g a day (Bulk Nutrients)

  • Magnesium (Blackmores Super Magnesium)
  • Vitamin D + K2 5000IU (Now Mega D3 & MK7
  • Vitamin C 1000IU (Cenovis 500mg)
  • Omega 3s 4500mg (Natures Own 1500mg)

My diet isn't great. I just can't spend the time preparing properly, I hate cooking and having two kids make this very difficult. I just try and avoid processed food, avoid sugar, no alchol and aim for 2g/1kg of protein.
  • Breakfast, immediately after waking 30g of whey protein.
    Smoothie, two bananas, 50g oats, 30g nuts, 200g high protein yoghurt, 250g milk.
  • Lunch, at work generally a premade muscle meals pack, at home try and have the day before's dinner.
  • Dinner, nothing specific.
If I'm not going to get enough protein in one of my meals I'll just add an additional whey protein shake.

Cycle Stack:
Testosterone E, 200mg a week, 100mg subq injections Mon and Thr night (Primoteston)
Telmisartan 40mg a day

My goal is 90kg and >10% bodyfat. I'd like to do this within the next 6 months.
(Because of my sports I don't think I can go bigger and maintain the cardio levels needed)

Future considerations:
Achieving my goal feels quite tight, and am considering upping my dose to 300mg a week and/or stacking with something else. I have to have bloods every three months with my clinic and they won't prescribe if levels too high, which adds complexity so still weighing up best plan.

Do you think I can hit my goals with just increased test levels?
Or am I going to have to go down the Deca/Anavar route?
You’re in a good spot brother, progress and structure is great.

You mentioned the gains are slowing down. This can be from a number of things, from training slowing down, sleep deprivation, recovery and most importantly diet.

Since you’re already on test, you’ve probably milked most of what 200mg can give you and bumping to 300mg might help, but it won’t be a game changer on its own. If you want to hit 90kgs with less than 10% BF in six months, stacking can work. Deca at 200 to300mg/week will help with lean mass and joint health which is a big plus with BJJ as long as you manage water retention. Then Anavar at 35-50mg a day for the last 6 weeks of your cycle can harden you up, boost strength and keep your cardio intact.

But I do feel your biggest limiter is diet. You’re hitting protein but you’re still not eating enough overall. If you don’t fix that, no amount of gear will push you forward. Even just prepping a couple of high cal bulk meals a week will make a huge difference. Sleep also needs to be dialed in with this workload. You could try to push through with just more Test, but a smart stack will get you there faster and easier.

To wrap things up make sure you include walking every day in your’s crucial for keeping body fat down.
Thanks @hubbles a very comprehensive reply. Definitely hear you on the diet, I really need to research some easy to make bulk meals I can just reheat in the microwave. I struggle to eat so much, which is why I tried the high carb shakes before, not sure if these are enough though.

I've been further researching Anavar and doing Test+Anavar only. I'm a bit worried over Deca as I already get a slight bit of rentention around the ankles with test at 250mg, also the half life is so short with Anavar there's no concerns over my clinic's blood tests. Also I have high blood pressure and Anavar appears much better in this regard compared to Deca.

Considering Anavar comes in 100x10mg packs, I was considering running 15mg a day for two weeks then the remaining weeks at 30mg. Would be a couple of days short of a six week cycle. (Full six weeks would need 105 tablets).

But is a six week cycle at this level going to be pointless?
First of all good work mate.
Great info @hubbles definitely consistency is key will definitely help with getting protein from actual food sources i would through in at least one extra meal or take some shredded chicken or Turkey to munch on through the day just to increase your protein intake also with the extra gear I would recommend a UGL @nexuspharma are quality to avoid the water retention i would recommend masteron e @200mg pw
Thanks @hubbles a very comprehensive reply. Definitely hear you on the diet, I really need to research some easy to make bulk meals I can just reheat in the microwave. I struggle to eat so much, which is why I tried the high carb shakes before, not sure if these are enough though.

I've been further researching Anavar and doing Test+Anavar only. I'm a bit worried over Deca as I already get a slight bit of rentention around the ankles with test at 250mg, also the half life is so short with Anavar there's no concerns over my clinic's blood tests. Also I have high blood pressure and Anavar appears much better in this regard compared to Deca.

Considering Anavar comes in 100x10mg packs, I was considering running 15mg a day for two weeks then the remaining weeks at 30mg. Would be a couple of days short of a six week cycle. (Full six weeks would need 105 tablets).

But is a six week cycle at this level going to be pointless?
You'll get a lot of mixed opinions on this one my bro. Compound dosages work differently for everyone. It's always smart to start with a low dose on ANY new compound.

I can only give you advice on what works for me. 15 to 30mg for me is too low. I do 50mg a day.

For you, start at a low dose and see how you go... you can always up it if you're not feeling anything.
Well my cycle is going to have to wait, just when I thought I had it figured.

Have found out that my clinic have now implemented new guidelines and won't prescribe if your HCT is >0.53, mines be sitting at 0.52 when running 200mg and 0.53 at 250mg.

I'm going to try 250mg weekly this quarter and change to MWF injections and see if that's enough to drop keep my HCT at 0.52. I've also started Telmisartan which could help control it. I'd like to run test as high as I can without getting cut off, but now need to weigh up, lower test and higher anavar, vs higher test and lower anavar.

There's literally no evidence out there that secondary erythrocytosis leads to clotting. I argued it with them and although their aware of the studies they want to draw the line there as in reverse there's no real evidence on at what level HCT becomes dangerous. Their argument is that high HCT increases blood pressure which can have other adverse affects and they want to keep everyone within normal range. I really don't want to go down the blood donation route just to get prescribed. Yes I know I can just change clinics, but I can't afford the clinic (2x cost) which won't cut you off based on my levels. Shows you get what you pay for, but I'm confident in ****ysing my own blood work, and have no complications where I need an "advanced clinic" to support me.

Sucks in Australia that guidelines mostly come from pathology tests of unhealthy people. People who get tested generally have something wrong with them hence why they get tested. Us healthy people are then assesed against these people.

Did a bit of research incase it helps anyone else:

SteroidHCT Increase (Risk Level)Why?
Primobolan (Methenolone)🟢 MinimalLow androgenic activity, no aromatization
Masteron (Drostanolone)🟢 MinimalDHT-derived, low effect on RBC production
Anavar (Oxandrolone)🟡 MildOral, mild stimulation of RBCs
Equipoise (Boldenone)🔴 HighStrongly stimulates erythropoiesis
Testosterone (All esters)🔴 HighIncreases RBCs via aromatization
Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)🔴 Very HighStrong aromatization & RBC stimulation
Well my cycle is going to have to wait, just when I thought I had it figured.

Have found out that my clinic have now implemented new guidelines and won't prescribe if your HCT is >0.53, mines be sitting at 0.52 when running 200mg and 0.53 at 250mg.

I'm going to try 250mg weekly this quarter and change to MWF injections and see if that's enough to drop keep my HCT at 0.52. I've also started Telmisartan which could help control it. I'd like to run test as high as I can without getting cut off, but now need to weigh up, lower test and higher anavar, vs higher test and lower anavar.

There's literally no evidence out there that secondary erythrocytosis leads to clotting. I argued it with them and although their aware of the studies they want to draw the line there as in reverse there's no real evidence on at what level HCT becomes dangerous. Their argument is that high HCT increases blood pressure which can have other adverse affects and they want to keep everyone within normal range. I really don't want to go down the blood donation route just to get prescribed. Yes I know I can just change clinics, but I can't afford the clinic (2x cost) which won't cut you off based on my levels. Shows you get what you pay for, but I'm confident in ****ysing my own blood work, and have no complications where I need an "advanced clinic" to support me.

Sucks in Australia that guidelines mostly come from pathology tests of unhealthy people. People who get tested generally have something wrong with them hence why they get tested. Us healthy people are then assesed against these people.

Did a bit of research incase it helps anyone else:

SteroidHCT Increase (Risk Level)Why?
Primobolan (Methenolone)🟢 MinimalLow androgenic activity, no aromatization
Masteron (Drostanolone)🟢 MinimalDHT-derived, low effect on RBC production
Anavar (Oxandrolone)🟡 MildOral, mild stimulation of RBCs
Equipoise (Boldenone)🔴 HighStrongly stimulates erythropoiesis
Testosterone (All esters)🔴 HighIncreases RBCs via aromatization
Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)🔴 Very HighStrong aromatization & RBC stimulation
Great bit of info there bro. But about the issue your having, I been through that before as well. Its them being overly cautious, which I get but nothing to be concerned about if your being safe and keeping a close eye on things. Wet cupping is always an option as well and is good for you regardless. See how you go if you drop the test and up the Anavar. With orals, make sure you're taking supplements.
@natzz it sure is tempting, reason for me continuing to use a clinic now is purely for the legality reasons. Have kids and don't want to be away from them, travel a bit and need the script. Plus if I ever do get caught with UGL it's not as bad when you've legally been prescribed it and can argue it's not being abused. I could even argue the anavar, I have borderline osteopenia which the Dr doesn't think is bad enough to do anything about pre-emptively.

@shrekmode yeah I think that's the easiest approach, I'll see if I can run 250 without issues, then bring in the Anavar, will try a 7 week cycle at 20mg a day to start. I just read about wet cupping and research shows it actually increases HCT. ( (CBC,venous blood samples before cupping.)
Friday's session done, took almost half an hour longer than normal. Two weeks off and no T made this hard work.

1h 48min
19,033 kg

Back Squat (Barbell)

40kg x 5 reps

70kg x 5 reps

100kg x 3 reps

120kg x 8 reps

120kg x 8 reps

120kg x 8 reps

120kg x 10 reps

100kg x 15 reps

Incline Bench Press (Dumbbell)

12.5kg x 5 reps

20kg x 5 reps

25kg x 3 reps

35kg x 10 reps

35kg x 10 reps

35kg x 8 reps

30kg x 8 reps

30kg x 8 reps

Lat Pulldown (Cable)

30kg x 12 reps

35kg x 10 reps

35kg x 8 reps

30kg x 10 reps

30kg x 10 reps

Leg Extension (Machine)

54kg x 12 reps

61kg x 12 reps

68kg x 12 reps

75kg x 12 reps

82kg x 10 reps

Triceps Dip

10 reps

10 reps

10 reps

9 reps

Bicep Curl (Barbell)

35kg x 12 reps

35kg x 12 reps

35kg x 12 reps

35kg x 12 reps

35kg x 12 reps
yeah I think that's the easiest approach, I'll see if I can run 250 without issues, then bring in the Anavar, will try a 7 week cycle at 20mg a day to start. I just read about wet cupping and research shows it actually increases HCT. ( (CBC,venous blood samples before cupping.)
That’s really crazy, just read it, every where else I’ve read it reduces hematocrit, at least temporarily. It’s not as effective as donating blood. I do wet cupping 3 times a year and never had to donate. But thanks for that. These days there’s so much info out there, does my head in lol.
That’s really crazy, just read it, every where else I’ve read it reduces hematocrit, at least temporarily. It’s not as effective as donating blood. I do wet cupping 3 times a year and never had to donate. But thanks for that. These days there’s so much info out there, does my head in lol.
Totally, but we're lucky on the other hand, imagine going through this 20 years ago without any of the science we have these days.
Just took my three month photos, pretty dissapointed, no visible changes, in fact look more rounded and think I may have increased fat. It also could be the lighting, have DXA booked for tomorrow so will retake photos on Tuesday when at home and upload here for judgement and accountability.

I feel the last three months have failed, slight improvement on my lifts, but having a couple of long weekends away, messed up diet and training. Then pulling my neck squatting took me off for almost two weeks, plus having to drop my test to get prescribed all added up. Will know the extent after DXA.

Have decided to run 250mg a week EOD, and 20mg a day Anavar for 7 weeks. Have just ordered N-Acetyl-Cysteine 600mg capsules and Citrus Bergamot 9750mg for support.

Anything else I should consider?
Getting there, almost back to square one after a bit of time off. Felt much more positive today, bet that's half to do with the increase in testosterone after the last couple of injections.

Overhead Press (Barbell)

  • 20kg × 9 reps
  • 30kg × 5 reps
  • 50kg × 8 reps
  • 55kg × 8 reps
  • 55kg × 7 reps
  • 55kg × 6 reps
Romanian Deadlift (Barbell)
  • 55kg × 5 reps
  • 70kg × 5 reps
  • 90kg × 3 reps
  • 110kg × 7 reps
  • 115kg × 7 reps
  • 120kg × 7 reps
  • 120kg × 7 reps
Lying Row
  • 54kg × 10 reps
  • 54kg × 10 reps
  • 54kg × 11 reps

Rear Delt Reverse Fly (Machine)

  • 54lbs × 10 reps
  • 54lbs × 10 reps
  • 61lbs × 9 reps
  • 61lbs × 9 reps
Lying Leg Curl (Machine)
  • 46kg × 12 reps
  • 46kg × 12 reps
  • 53kg × 11 reps
  • 53kg × 10 reps

Bicep Curl (Barbell)

  • 35kg × 12 reps
  • 35kg × 12 reps
  • 35kg × 12 reps
  • 35kg × 12 reps
  • 35kg × 10 reps

Trying the two lunches today, really struggling on the second, having to save the rest for later. Guess this is going to take a while to get used to.
Just took my three month photos, pretty dissapointed, no visible changes, in fact look more rounded and think I may have increased fat. It also could be the lighting, have DXA booked for tomorrow so will retake photos on Tuesday when at home and upload here for judgement and accountability.

I feel the last three months have failed, slight improvement on my lifts, but having a couple of long weekends away, messed up diet and training. Then pulling my neck squatting took me off for almost two weeks, plus having to drop my test to get prescribed all added up. Will know the extent after DXA.

Have decided to run 250mg a week EOD, and 20mg a day Anavar for 7 weeks. Have just ordered N-Acetyl-Cysteine 600mg capsules and Citrus Bergamot 9750mg for support.

Anything else I should consider?
You've pretty much have it all covered. Consistency is the main thing here bro. Don't let the photos get you down. A good indicator is body measurements.

I would also recommend that you really look into your food intake. Counting calories really helps to get things on track.
Getting there, almost back to square one after a bit of time off. Felt much more positive today, bet that's half to do with the increase in testosterone after the last couple of injections.

Overhead Press (Barbell)

  • 20kg × 9 reps
  • 30kg × 5 reps
  • 50kg × 8 reps
  • 55kg × 8 reps
  • 55kg × 7 reps
  • 55kg × 6 reps
Romanian Deadlift (Barbell)
  • 55kg × 5 reps
  • 70kg × 5 reps
  • 90kg × 3 reps
  • 110kg × 7 reps
  • 115kg × 7 reps
  • 120kg × 7 reps
  • 120kg × 7 reps
Lying Row
  • 54kg × 10 reps
  • 54kg × 10 reps
  • 54kg × 11 reps

Rear Delt Reverse Fly (Machine)

  • 54lbs × 10 reps
  • 54lbs × 10 reps
  • 61lbs × 9 reps
  • 61lbs × 9 reps
Lying Leg Curl (Machine)
  • 46kg × 12 reps
  • 46kg × 12 reps
  • 53kg × 11 reps
  • 53kg × 10 reps

Bicep Curl (Barbell)

  • 35kg × 12 reps
  • 35kg × 12 reps
  • 35kg × 12 reps
  • 35kg × 12 reps
  • 35kg × 10 reps

Trying the two lunches today, really struggling on the second, having to save the rest for later. Guess this is going to take a while to get used to.
how you finding the high volume on the big lifts? Overhead press and RDLs both have a fair few sets plus all the accessory work on top. You feeling good recovery wise?
how you finding the high volume on the big lifts? Overhead press and RDLs both have a fair few sets plus all the accessory work on top. You feeling good recovery wise?
Surprisingly at 44 my recovery is great, went to BJJ later on that evening. Then again, I only weight train three times a week so always have a day off after every session. Works generally quieter on a Friday which allows me to train harder knowing I have two days of recovery.
Well had my DXA scan, not surprising but disappointed. Inconsistency and having two weeks off test to drop my levels hit me harder than expected, had the same issue losing weight doing this three months ago. Need to either work on my getting my levels as high as I can without going over the clinics arbitrary limit or go the UGL route full time.

I've missed 12 sessions in three months, Christmas holidays, two long weekends and neck injury, essentially a completely wasted trimester.

But on the positive side a great motivator to make sure I get back and don't waste the next three months. And my bone density t score has significantly improved -1.2 > -0.9

FEB 25 - 85kg - Last three months training 200mg a week of Test. +1kg muscle +1kg fat.
  • 13.5% body fat
  • 69.7kg total lean
  • 11.3kg total fat
NOV 24 - 83kg - First six months training 250mg a week of Test. +7kg muscle -2kg fat.
  • 12.6% body fat
  • 68.8kg total lean
  • 10.3kg total fat
JUN 24 - 76kg - Baseline. Regular gym pre TRT.
  • 16.4% body fat
  • 61.1kg total lean
  • 12.5kg total fat