Approved Log My $5k Competition Log - Vox

Day 6

The following is my story of self-discovery, continued athletic progression, and the power of brotherhood during a tumultuous adolescence in a Catholic Māori Boys College.

I do hope you'll enjoy the read.


From Day 4, writing of Ben Johnson brought back a memorable event that took place 36 years ago.

I remember being 15 years old and utterly mesmerized by Ben Johnson's chiseled physique, and dominant sprinting performances leading up, during and year's after Seoul Olympics Games 1988. His training regime seemed superhuman (insert wink here) and I was determined to emulate his speed, power, and agility. I wanted to be the fastest kid on the planet, just like my TV hero. Who could compete with The Bionic Man, anyway?

I couldn't find any information about Ben Johnson's diet at the time. However, I have carefully revisited a sample diet plan based on scientific evidence for optimal nutrition after an intense sprint session (see FCD nutrition facts).

Ben Johnson's world-record breaking times and intimidating presence on the track left me in awe. Which leads me to ...

The core of my track 'n field experience was 3½ years of solid work, attending Hato Paora College, a Māori Catholic boys' school. Our track and field coach, Father Ken Mears, a red head Irishman, taught us the training secrets to unlock explosive block speed.

The team would spend hot summer days and cold winter months before and after classes training. Watching VHS Ben Johnson footage we recorded from TV. Then applying on the field. We would spend hours upon hours researching sprinting training methods, studying explosive starting techniques, deep diving into books, journals, magazines. We was inspired, motivated, and dedicated to becoming great sprinters better athletes. I was fascinated by the concept of block speed and dedicated myself to mastering it.

Revisiting the pages of Bruce Lee's remarkable work has been a treasure trove of knowledge. With so many valuable takeaways, I'll save some of the gems for a future journal entry.


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Receptive Muscle Activation

The concept of "Receptive Muscle Activation" from one his journals. He described it as a state of relaxed awareness, where the muscles are activated in response to an opponent's movement, rather than through conscious tension.

Lee emphasized the importance of developing a receptive and adaptive response, allowing the body to react naturally and efficiently to changing situations. He believed that this approach would lead to greater speed, power, and effectiveness in combat.

Some key points I've noted from Lee's writing on receptive muscle activation include:

1. Relaxation: Lee stressed the need to relax and release physical tension, allowing the muscles to respond freely.
2. Awareness: He emphasized the importance of being fully aware of one's surroundings and the opponent's movements.
3. Receptivity: Lee encouraged practitioners to cultivate a receptive state, allowing the body to respond naturally to stimuli.
4. Non-interference: He advised against interfering with the body's natural responses, instead allowing the muscles to activate and move freely.

The One Inch Punch

The RMA stimuli that Bruce Lee had harnessed allowed him to deliver a devastating punch from a short distance, showcasing the power of receptive muscle activation in martial arts.

I dreamed on it the RMA Method, and it wasn't until during 'Religious Studies' that I was enlightened to see that prayer and meditation will make me faster than Astronaut - Steve Austin. Better. Faster. Stronger.

Father Ken

Father Ken would guide me through a transformative ritual at the blocks. Myself unlocking the secrets of receptive muscle activation:

1. Invoke Divine Power: Give glory to God, and tap into the infinite energy of the universe.

2. Silence the Mind: Close my eyes, and quiet the distractions of the world.

3. Unleash Relaxation: Relax, and let go of all tension and resistance.

4. Breathe Life: Focus on my breath, and channel the vital force of existence.

5. Stillness of the Soul: Quiet my mind, and access the deepest wisdom within.

6. Visionary Focus: Visualize my goals, and manifest my desires into reality.

7. Inner Strength: Connect with my inner strength, and tap into the unshakeable core of my being.

8. Muscle Awakening: Activate my receptive muscles, and unlock the hidden potential within.

9. Energy Surge: Channel my energy, and unleash a torrent of power and speed.

10. Precision Strike: Perform with precision and speed, and achieve victory with ease and grace.

There's was always something surrounding 'The Ten Commandments' with the Priests and Nuns when it came to organising mind mapped program rituals. So much brain work even on ritalin. I'd get nose bleeds trying cement each point into a L.A. road traffic packed peanut brain.

Off Tangent - As a Christian being schooled in a 'Catholic College Death Camp!'. The bloodied fights I got myself into like this one time. I wouldn't write a prayer to Mary was a big one! Remember being passed a note to visit the 'Prefects Chambers' which means I was 'Gonna get the bash'. Saved for another journal entry.

Like, far out man! It was hard enough to focus counting to ten. After point three I was pretty much at the blocks ... head down ... 10 minutes later ...

Father Ken: 'Tekau miniti','He aha kei reira?','Ten minutes!'. 'What's happening there!?'

I know right? Father Ken an Irishman who learned my native tongue fluently. He was an amazing man!

VOX: Getting up from the blocks yelling back 'He aha te nama wha matua Ken','What's number 4 Father Ken!?'.

Father Ken: 'He aha?' perplexed 'What?'.
Father Ken asked, 'He aha?' (What's up?) with a perplexed tone. To non-Māori speakers, responding with 'What?' might seem blunt, but in the Māori language, we use pitch and intonation to convey a meaning and emotion. The word 'He aha?' can convey empathy, concern, or curiosity, depending on the pitch and inflection.

Some say Māori is tone, unlike tonal languages, the pitch and tone in Māori don't change the fundamental meaning of a word. Instead, they add nuance and context to the communication.

And what's remarkable about Māori language is its purity - there are no words for profanity or crudeness. It's a language that embodies respect, kindness, and connection.

I hope this captures the essence of the conversation and the beauty of the Māori language!

VOX: 'Nama Wha!!' , 'Numbe 4!!'.

Father Ken, I could see his face turning read at the 50 mark. I knew he was pissed ey as I was laughing. The boys made me laugh though.

Father Ken: 'Oh for the love of blessed Mary and Joseph. Go VOX put a heel on it ladơ!'.

This was him, screaming in his deep Irish accent. Father Ken, bowed legs, honestly, he looked like a leprechaun furiously jump 'n down! 'Who take a me a pot 'o gold'. Is what we would mimick behind his back.

When it was my turn at the blocks. Team Captain Eddie made a bet with the boys. For their puddings on the fatal Friday night to be. That, I'd make Father Ken lose his shit without even trying. The celebrations. Eddie got three puddings and I got one. Fair!

VOX: 'Oh Shit!' And 'Phar Lap' was out off the blocks, 'Bat out of Hell' nostalgia.

I never did become a sprinter for New Zealand as I had dreamed. Didn't have that certain gene for speed. Though I wasn't born with the speed of Flash. Learning and applying receptive muscle activation continues to influence my own martial arts and physical training to this day.
My hands became faster due to the repetitious arm pumping movements from the arduous hours on the track 'n field. Relinquishing the fact from Bruce Lee, 'The speed of hand is dependent on the quickness of the foot', ahhhh ... yer! I made that up, he didn't say that but you get my point. Right(?) No? Yes?.

"Speed may not be innate, but it can be ignited within. With dedication and perseverance, anyone can unleash their inner swiftness and leave their limitations in the dust." - VOX

Here's a simple program Father Ken Mears taught us to increase explosive power from my own personal journals.

1. Block starts: 3 sets of 10 reps, focusing on rapid acceleration from a stationary position.
2. Resistance band training: 3 sets of 10 reps, using bands to build leg strength and explosiveness.
3. Plyometric exercises: 3 sets of 10 reps, incorporating jump squats and box jumps to develop power.
4. Sprints: 3 sets of 50-meter sprints, focusing on maintaining top-end speed.
5. Strength training: 3 sets of 10 reps, targeting legs, glutes, and core.

The Dining Hall

Unfortunately, disaster struck. News broke that Ben had been banned for using illegal substance called Stanazol and my world was shattered. The Prefects, picked Senior Jeremy to start a fight with us. My team were hounded for days. Got to us eventually, as we had a mass fight in the dining hall, it was a great one too!

A team of six, sitting at our table (not designated). I was enjoying a healthy 'Fish & Chips Decker' FCD sandy. (see below for a nutritious breakdown).

And yeah ... we're at our table Friday-Night,'Fish & Chips & Eggs Night' and pudding or dessert (I like the word 'Pudding' better than dessert. Pudding sounds fattening and funny. Dessert ... meh) was rice pudding and ice-cream. Eddie and I were gathering our foils of treasures the puddings we won earlier. It was a great moment the boys refusing to hand over their puddings.

Eddie & VOX: We started the boys,'Gimme your puddings'.

Justin started crying. He was a white kid. Green eyes and hair like a pure woolly lamb. Not a one drop of Māori blood. His parents only lived down the road. They asked the College to enlist him as his father, always away for work. Wanted Justin to grow up tough.

He was our part of our team medley. We noticed he was a team player and worked 100% harder than us Polynesians, naturally born blessed and gifted athletes. He was one of us. He belonged to our brotherhood.

Eddie: 'You made the bet Justin! Slide it over' and proceeded to take his pudding'. I felt sorry for Justin but I had to turn as I couldn't stop laughing. It wasn't funny by no means but it was. You know what I mean? Or
was it an sinister act?

The laughter soon came to halt. That's when the Prefects walked in. I looked at my puddings and the FCD sandys. I was half-way into FCD one, stuffed mouth. Full of buttery goodness. Flashbacks to the savaloy episode I was fast becoming shitty! Like hot 'n spicy shitty!

They came straight to our table. Jeremy at Eddie,'Look at this f...n f...!'. Jeremy that guy! Was a 'Proper ****!'. The dining hall, dead silent. I would say it was going down at highnoon with the tumble weeds boucing around but it wasn't. It was ...

Spring - September 30th Friday 635pm.

We were the ages of between 12-16yrs. The prefects and seniors 17-19 years of age.

My Team

(c) Edward 16 years 195cm 105kg (Shotput).
Erin 15 years 184cm 68kg (100m, 200m, Decathlon).
VOX 15 years 173cm 61kg (Decathlon).
Jason 15 years 197cm 88kg (Hurdles).
Stephen 13 years 194cm 75kg (Long Jump).
Justin 14 years 1.61cm 53kg (3000m).

Slamming down fanta making room, for the remaining half using both hands to stuff my face of Alvin & The Chipmunks proportions. Squeezing the one left FCD in the right (not before I rammed the 2 x soft sunny side up eggs from it).

Dinner was 6pm - 730pm. We would rock up 630pm because I would coach the boys Boxing, Jeet Kune Do, Judo and 'Ninja Shit!'. Secretly after tack and field or rugby training for an hour. For two years no one knew until that night.

We were ready for the smoke. But, there was two problems?

1. Mine and Eddie's foils of treasures. And ...
2. Justin.

We had to protect him, as he was forever bullied. I sled the puddings to Justin told him to grab 'em when the time was right.

Deon one of the other senior ****heads. Pressed the issue on Eddie, picked up his sandwich and slammed it into his face.

'Justin puddings!'. Instinctively we all screamed. How that came about is a mystery to me. Jason and Stephen picked him up, both sides by his arms. We all backed into the corner with Justin at the stern. Puddings cuddle by his embrace.

Eddie took the shot like a man! Mind you, Eddie was ½ Samoan. He could take hits to the head all day long. He was a brooding figure to behold on the Rugby field.

Samoans, Tongans, Tokelau, Cooks
... man ... Polynesians are born with herculean genetics or are of the Nephilim or Rephain bloodlines.

Eddie standing straight up, grabbing Deon by his throat and choked slammed him onto the table. I hadn't seen nothing like it before The Undertaker. I saw Deons soul leave his body, all the air came out and looked as if he was trying to catch a gulp of life. I was taken aback with a hint of awe and admiration for Eddie's bravery.
We had 8 minutes before the priests would make it to us from their dining room. Still reeling from administered medications by the infirmary nurse week days Ephedrine for asthma and Ritalin for ADD from 9am that day and the gas tank was good.

Action! Justin, huddled safely. We went for it. About 2-3 minutes in. I stopped to watch the boys fight. Erin darting around like a 'bee out of bonnet' stinging the seniors with Jabs + Combos, freaking hell he was lighting fast. Jason and Stephen standing over Justin straight kicks, headbutts and straights. They looked like literal Giraffes or Kung Fu Mantis Shaolin fighter's.

Eddie ... was getting beaten on bad. Erin jumped on the back of Paul who was ripping into Eddie and started the 'Sleeper Hold' which I taught the boys. When they asked how to do Brutus The Barber Beef Cake finishing move. Paul was slamming Erin hard into the walls. Then like WWE slowly watched Paul lose his battle down to one knee then two and out by 'Dreamtime'.

Deon, still looked dead. But, breathing because of his belly. He wasn't a tiny tot.

Amongst all the smoke. I heard his voice 'C...T!'. It was Star Trekked beamed right at me! Yer, it was the greatest ****head that ever lived. Jeremy Dixon.

He lined me up for a swinging right club. I'd seen him knock out a few on the rugby fields with it.

He was 176cm 84kg 18 years old. I braced, closed my eye's. Father Ken: 'Oh for the love of blessed Mary and Joseph. Go VOX put a heel on it ladó!'.

With eyes wide open. I lowered my centre and slammed a straight right to the ding-ding! A reenactment! In the iconic scene from "Fist of Fury", Bruce Lee's character, Chen Zhen, delivers a swift and powerful punch to that of his victim, Suzuki.

Yer, that punch has become one of the most memorable moments in martial arts cinema, showcasing Bruce Lee's speed, power, and technique.The facial expression of anguish and justified hatred.

The FCD sandy was still in my right hand at time of execution. I looked up at Jeremy his face was screaming. Eye's watered. Duck pouted lips squeezing out whatever forms of life he had left in the bean bags.

From out of the blocks. Generating a mass amount of power from the lunge squat position I found myself in from the groin strike. I flew up with a 'switch left Tiger Knee Uppercut'. I finished him with a right hook from orthodox. I like to believe my the grip on my FCD was what gave me the KO victory! 'Lights Out' Jeremy was KO'ed for the count. I didn't feel any impact at all. It was like I punched a pillow. 'Waaahhhhh' was my cry 'The facial expression of anguish and justified hatred'. '(See photo .3)

Looked back at Justin gave him the thumbs up! His returned look back, was of anxiety. I could tell he wanted to help. I motioned to him to stay put and yelled,'Protect the puddings!'. I was laughing letting him know everything will be peachy.

Stuffed FCD number two down the hatch. Proceeded to perform a flying side kick jumping off a chair and then the table 'Jackie Chan' style, into the filthy few attacking Eddie and now Erin.

All I could remember, thereafter was things weren't going our way, there was too many of them. Eddie swollen right eye, used the wall to get back up to his feet. He looked over to me, smirked because I taught him the technique 30mins before. Reversed turned, again Eddie performed a deep squat. BOOM. Choke-Hold slammed the dude. The Undertaker would be dead from it. Eddie was on fire!

Erin was tiring out. I did tell him to stop smoking as he was asthmatic too. His hand reached into his pocket drawing the holy grail of life. The inhaler asthma pump. Erin hands scrambling to get a hold of it.

One ... Two ... Three esh esh esh was the sound of the inhaler. I don't know if it's a placebo effect or whatever the hell is in that cannister. It was like watching a resurrection but laced to the 9's on coffee & sugars.

Stephen and Jason brothers were still hanging on. I on the other hand and the both of them free, was having fun but gassing out too!

Erin chucked the inhaler to me. Freaking heck, missed that one! Sliding to Justin.

Like some stories, there was light at the end of the tunnel. That kid Justin. Mustered up the strength from goodness knows where? Forking the feet and shins of the seniors. Which actually did help Stephen and Jason.

Finally, the Priests came. Five of us ended up in the infirmary Justin, he was safe and that was all that mattered. He came in the next morning with mine and Eddie's treasures of pudding. We both gave the boys theirs back. Watching Eddie handing Justin's pudding back to him. Made me cry. It was a very touching moment.

No matter Ben Johnson was still our hero,'For Ben' I bellowed holding up the bowl of rice custard pudding with melted Neapolitan ice-cream.

'FOR BEN THE FASTEST MAN ON EARTH' the rest holding up their puddings in salute.

The six of us ate our puddings reliving the night before laughing with sore jaws and ribs. Poking fun at each other.

Stephen: 'Bro, you were boiling your eyes out like a baby!' ... hahahaha pointing at Justin.
Justin: 'I'm white and I was scared'.

Jason: 'Shuddup Stephen. You shit your pants!'

Stephen: 'F...n did not. It was a nervous fart. I was scared too!'.

The Team: bahahahaha

We channeled negative energy into training even harder. I focused on developing my physical performance, pouring every ounce of sweat and determination into becoming the best version of myself. I knew I couldn't control what others thought, but I could control my own work ethic and dedication.

Looking back, I realize that Ben Johnson's legacy taught me valuable lessons about perseverance, hard work, brotherhood and staying true to myself. Even though he fell from grace, his impact on my life remained. I continued to chase my dreams, and though I may not have become the fastest kid on the planet, I became a formidable 'Prize-Fighter' in my own right. And for that, I'll always be grateful to Ben Johnson, my childhood sprinting Jamaican/Canadian hero.

Comparison of the bio stats of Ben Johnson and Usain Bolt:

Height and Weight

- Ben Johnson: 5 ft 9.5 in (177 cm) and 165 lb (75 kg) ¹
- Usain Bolt: 6 ft 5 in (196 cm) ² ³ ⁴

It's worth noting that Usain Bolt is significantly taller than Ben Johnson, standing at 6 foot 5 inches. Today, Ben still has me in awe.

Age When They Won Gold

- Ben Johnson: 26 years old when he won gold at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, but was later stripped of his medal due to a doping scandal ¹
- Usain Bolt: 21 years old when he won gold at the 2008 Beijing Olympics ³

Gold Medals

- Ben Johnson: 1 gold medal at the 1985 World Indoor Championships, 1 gold medal at the 1986 Goodwill Games, and 1 gold medal at the 1986 Commonwealth Games ¹
- Usain Bolt: 9 gold medals at the Olympics Games ³

Other Achievements

- Ben Johnson: Held the title of the world's fastest man during the 1987-88 season, breaking both the 100m and 60m indoor World Records ¹
- Usain Bolt: First sprinter since Don Quarrie to hold both 100 m and 200 m world records ⁴

Fish + Chips + Eggs & Fanta

Here's an approximate calculation of the calories and macronutrients.

Battered Fish (300g)

- Calories: 540
- Protein: 35g
- Fat: 24g
- Carbohydrates: 40g

2 Scoops of Chips (approx. 200g)

- Calories: 320
- Protein: 4g
- Fat: 16g
- Carbohydrates: 40g

4 Slices of Bread

- Calories: 240
- Protein: 8g
- Fat: 4g
- Carbohydrates: 40g

8 Tablespoons of Butter (approx. 112g)

- Calories: 800
- Protein: 0g
- Fat: 92g
- Carbohydrates: 0g

2 Slices of Cheese (approx. 60g)

- Calories: 140
- Protein: 10g
- Fat: 12g
- Carbohydrates: 0g

4 Large Eggs

- Calories: 280
- Protein: 24g
- Fat: 20g
- Carbohydrates: 0g

1L of Fanta

- Calories: 420
- Protein: 0g
- Fat: 0g
- Carbohydrates: 108g


- Calories: 3340
- Protein: 81g
- Fat: 168g
- Carbohydrates: 228g

Here is an approximate calculation of the macronutrients and calories for the rice custard bake and ice cream:

Rice Custard Bake (350g)

- Calories: 420
- Protein: 10g
- Fat: 20g
- Carbohydrates: 55g

2 Scoops of Ice Cream (approx. 200g)

- Calories: 340
- Protein: 6g
- Fat: 24g
- Carbohydrates: 40g


- Calories: 760
- Protein: 16g
- Fat: 44g
- Carbohydrates: 95g

Please note that these values are approximate and may vary depending on specific ingredients and their brands used.

Here's a breakdown of the macronutrient ratios:

- Carbohydrates: 55%
- Protein: 8%
- Fat: 37%

This dessert is high in calories, carbohydrates, and fat, making it a treat that should be consumed in moderation. I never did I would annihilate that 'forsaken damned pudding.'

This meal is high in calories, fat, and carbohydrates, and may not be suitable for everyone's dietary needs. But, it sure was for me after 2½ hours of track 'n field.

Please note that these values are approximate and may vary depending on specifics. When it comes to laying on the butter on the soft fresh gluten packed white bread, however. Your cholesterol levels will be fine. So consume with extreme caution!


Sixth Day!

1. 415am Wake Up.
2. 415am 50x50x50.
3. 420am Water 500ml.
4. 430am Devotional.
5. 445am Be Still (Meditation).
6. 5am Full-Body Dynamic Stretching.
7. 515am Kazan Japanese Method.
7. 516am Shower.
8. 6am Meal 1.


️ Nil


️ Nil


Green Zone

50x50x50 Push-ups, Abs, Hindu Squats.
5km Walk.
50x50x50 Push-ups, Abs, Hindu Squats.

I'm really enjoying the easy workouts. Leading up to September 9th, 2024.


Super Shake

Total Macros:

- Calories: 740
- Protein: 105g
- Fat: 20g
- Carbohydrates: 100g


See Day 2 for Full Nutritional Information.

Meal 1:

'Bone Broth Soup' with 200g of vegetables:

Total (with approx. 400ml of soup broth):

- Calories: 175-250
- Protein: 22.5-30g
- Fat: 5-8g
- Carbohydrates: 10-20g

Macronutrient Breakdown:

- Carbohydrates: 40-55%
- Protein: 35-45%
- Fat: 20-30%


See Day 2 for Full Nutritional Information.
Day 7


September 2-8, 2024.

A week of reflection. Well, I'm finally back on track after a week-long delay into the 12 Week Challenge. I'm not gonna lie, it was tough getting started again. But, I'm 51 now, and I know I need to make the most of my time.

This week has been about rediscovering my routine and finding my rhythm. It's amazing how quickly our bodies can fall out of sync when we take a break. But, I've been patient with myself, and I've taken it one day at a time.

I started with small wins - a 30mins walk here, a healthy meal there. And slowly but surely, I've built up my momentum. I've reconnected with my goals and reminded myself why I started this journey in the first place.

As I struggle with doubts, I'm reminded that I need to trust in something greater than myself. I need to trust in God's plan and timing. I need to trust that He has brought me to this place for a reason, and that He will see me through.

I want to say a BIG 'Thank you' to everyone who has joined me and the support has been surreal.

Spelt & Kemut Flatbread

This week, I've made a conscious decision to swap out traditional carbs for a more balanced option - Spelt and Kamut flatbread! By using 1 1/4 cups of milk and adding 3 large eggs, I'm not only increasing the protein content but also creating a more satisfying and filling snack.

The benefits of Spelt and Kamut are numerous, especially when it comes to cutting weight. Both grains are high in fiber, which helps keep me full and supports healthy digestion. They're also rich in nutrients like iron, magnesium, and B vitamins.

By adding eggs to the flatbread, I'm boosting the protein content even further. This is essential for muscle recovery, especially when training for over 90 minutes in Thailand's humid heat. I pack 2 x 1/2 slices with jam for a quick energy boost, and if I'm training for an extended period, I'll have one slice with an electrolyte drink to replenish lost salts.

The combination of complex carbs, protein, and healthy fats in this flatbread makes it an ideal choice for my meal plan. Plus, the Celtic sea salt adds a touch of flavor and essential minerals!

Give it a try and see the difference for yourself.


Seventh Day!

1. 415am Wake Up.
2. 415am 50x50x50.
3. 420am Water 500ml.
4. 430am Devotional.
5. 445am Be Still (Meditation).
6. 5am Full-Body Dynamic Stretching.
7. 515am Kazan Japanese Method.
7. 516am Shower.
8. 6am Meal 1.


➖️ Nil


➖️️ Nil
✔️ Medication.


Green Zone

50x50x50 Push-ups, Abs, Hindu Squats.
5km Walk.

Meal Preparation Day:

Fasting 24hrs through to Monday 8th of September, 2024.

Meal Preparation 1:

Grass-Fed Bone Broth Soup' with 750g of meat.

Total (with approx. 400ml of soup broth):

- Calories: 1750-2500
- Protein: 225-300g
- Fat: 50-80g
- Carbohydrates: 100-200g


See Day 2 for Full Nutritional Information.

Meal 2:

Spelt and Kamut Flatbread with 3 eggs.


Servings: 6-9 slices

Macros per serving (approximate):

- Calories: 320-400
- Protein: 25-30g
- Fat: 10-12g
- Carbohydrates: 40-50g
- Fiber: 8-10g


See Day 2 for Full Nutritional Information


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Day 7


September 2-8, 2024.

A week of reflection. Well, I'm finally back on track after a week-long delay into the 12 Week Challenge. I'm not gonna lie, it was tough getting started again. But, I'm 51 now, and I know I need to make the most of my time.

This week has been about rediscovering my routine and finding my rhythm. It's amazing how quickly our bodies can fall out of sync when we take a break. But, I've been patient with myself, and I've taken it one day at a time.

I started with small wins - a 30mins walk here, a healthy meal there. And slowly but surely, I've built up my momentum. I've reconnected with my goals and reminded myself why I started this journey in the first place.

As I struggle with doubts, I'm reminded that I need to trust in something greater than myself. I need to trust in God's plan and timing. I need to trust that He has brought me to this place for a reason, and that He will see me through.

I want to say a BIG 'Thank you' to everyone who has joined me and the support has been surreal.

Spelt & Kemut Flatbread

This week, I've made a conscious decision to swap out traditional carbs for a more balanced option - Spelt and Kamut flatbread! By using 1 1/4 cups of milk and adding 3 large eggs, I'm not only increasing the protein content but also creating a more satisfying and filling snack.

The benefits of Spelt and Kamut are numerous, especially when it comes to cutting weight. Both grains are high in fiber, which helps keep me full and supports healthy digestion. They're also rich in nutrients like iron, magnesium, and B vitamins.

By adding eggs to the flatbread, I'm boosting the protein content even further. This is essential for muscle recovery, especially when training for over 90 minutes in Thailand's humid heat. I pack 2 x 1/2 slices with jam for a quick energy boost, and if I'm training for an extended period, I'll have one slice with an electrolyte drink to replenish lost salts.

The combination of complex carbs, protein, and healthy fats in this flatbread makes it an ideal choice for my meal plan. Plus, the Celtic sea salt adds a touch of flavor and essential minerals!

Give it a try and see the difference for yourself.


Seventh Day!

1. 415am Wake Up.
2. 415am 50x50x50.
3. 420am Water 500ml.
4. 430am Devotional.
5. 445am Be Still (Meditation).
6. 5am Full-Body Dynamic Stretching.
7. 515am Kazan Japanese Method.
7. 516am Shower.
8. 6am Meal 1.


➖️ Nil


➖️️ Nil
✔️ Medication.


Green Zone

50x50x50 Push-ups, Abs, Hindu Squats.
5km Walk.

Meal Preparation Day:

Fasting 24hrs through to Monday 8th of September, 2024.

Meal Preparation 1:

Grass-Fed Bone Broth Soup' with 750g of meat.

Total (with approx. 400ml of soup broth):

- Calories: 1750-2500
- Protein: 225-300g
- Fat: 50-80g
- Carbohydrates: 100-200g


See Day 2 for Full Nutritional Information.

Meal 2:

Spelt and Kamut Flatbread with 3 eggs.


Servings: 6-9 slices

Macros per serving (approximate):

- Calories: 320-400
- Protein: 25-30g
- Fat: 10-12g
- Carbohydrates: 40-50g
- Fiber: 8-10g


See Day 2 for Full Nutritional Information
Crazy amount of detail there brother... 👍
Day 13

Week 2 Reflection: Embracing Unpredictability and Nourishing My Journey

As a health enthusiast for near all of my life. I'm no stranger to life's unpredictability disrupting my fitness plans. Last Sunday afternoon. I received an unexpected call back to work, derailing my 4-month break plans. Even, though I applied for leave specifically for the challenge.

With only 14 hours to prepare, I had to adapt quickly to demanding DIDO 12-hour shifts, spring heat, and a 1-hour drive each way. Adapt and prioritize my conditioning, mobility, flexibility, and calisthenics. I had to act quickly. Eureka... !

Fartlek - Green / Blue Zone

Fartlek training, alternating between walking and sprinting. Specifically, I'll be doing post-to-post walk-sprint intervals:

- Walk from one post to the next.
- Sprint from that post to the next.
- Walk again to recover.
- Repeat the pattern.

This 30-minute, 4-week plan (Mondays and Fridays/Saturdays) will help me build endurance, increase fat burning, and develop speed. If I feel good on the given day, I increase the volume to maximize progress.

On the same day, I'll incorporate movement preparation, 50x50x50x40 exercises and recovery blocks.

Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays are my rest days, allowing me to recover between sessions.

Nutrition Foundation

My nutrition plan is built around:

- Bone broth soups in 3 thermal flasks for on-the-go, collagen, joint health and recovery.
- Kemut, and Spelt bread for sustained energy.
- Vegetables for essential vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants roasted from the cafeteria.
- Trail Mix and banana bread.
- Electrolyte sachets to stay hydrated.

AAS Impression

My (R) Shoulder is slightly on the mend, and I can feel the improvement. As I said in previous posts. I'll continue administration of NPP and start the Wolverine Healing Therapy program week 12.

Going into this challenge. I had major concerns losing weight at a steady rate while on NPP. Primobolin is playing major a role in my weight loss journey. I'm so very happy with my progressive transformations.


See beginning 'My 5k Comeback Log Cycle: Supplements.'


1 x Ibresartan 150mg.
1 x Rosuvastatin 10mg.

DIDO Schedule

Adjusted for the 5k Challenge. This in itself is challenging.

1. 215am Wake Up.
2. 215am Weekly Weight Check-in: 81.8kg.
3. 220am Water 500ml with 2 tsp ¹Cayenne Pepper.
4. 230am Devotional.
5. 245am Be Still (Meditation).
6. 3am ²DBM.
7. 305am Full-Body Dynamic Stretching.
8. 315am Kazan Japanese Method.
9. 315am Workout.
10. 345am Myofascial Foam Rolling.
11. 4am Shower.
12. 420am Meal 1.
13. 5am Drive to work.
14. Snacks.
15. Midday DBM.
16. 1210pm Meal 2.
17. Snacks.
18. 7pm Meal 3.
19. 745 Be Still Meditation.
20. 8pm Bed.

Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I wake up 345am.

¹. A wake up call for the internal organs.
². Diaphragmatic Breathing Method.


I'll be adding Coenzyme Q10 to the supplement range of the Rosuvastatin 10mg everyday. Not that it matters during a cycle. I've ordered a 'Body Composition Scale' from Temu. Damn Temu is contagious!
Day 20

Week 3 Reflection: Nourishing Resilience Amidst Searing Heat.

Last week's unexpected work call-back continued to test my adaptability. The 12-hour DIDO shifts, spring heat, and lengthy commutes, working around the clock non-stop. Really can drain a man's soul.

To combat significant energy losses, I revised my diet:

1. Big Brekkie: Eggs, bacon, avocado, baked beans, and hash browns.
2. Kept with Bone Broth soups for hydration and collagen support.
3. 1 organic superfood shake: Brainwave.

Workout & Cycle Consistency

Despite challenges, my 30-minute Fartlek workout remains unchanged: The 50x50x50x50 calisthenics exercises are providing the results I'm wanting. My current cycle of Sustanon, NPP & Primo is simply amazing, looking forward to tomorrow's first pin for the week.

The Creation of Brainwave

In 2018, I faced the ultimate test of resilience. Diagnosed with liver cancer, my world was turned upside down. The journey to recovery was daunting, but I refused to let adversity define me.

During my rehabilitation, I sought the expertise of Kosta Douridos, Rawai Beach, Phuket. I needed his expert advise to formulate a green powder juice. I showed him a video of Barbara O'Neil deep diving into superfood green juice for health.

When it comes to the power of superfoods. Kosta is the perfect advocate to guide me in crafting a bespoke blend that would support my recovery.

Together, we delved into the realm of plant-based alchemy, seeking the perfect synergy of ingredients to nurture my body and mind. Among the myriad of options, one herb stood out: Gotu Kola.

This ancient adaptogen, revered for its cognitive-enhancing properties, became the cornerstone of our formulation. Kosta could see I was struggling with my mental health because of the 3 years previously. He expressed how Gotu Kola has helped his clients worldwide. I just had to trust him without resorting to pharmaceuticals. That's what I did.

As we combined Gotu Kola with other potent plant superfoods – Whey Protein, Chlorella, Wheatgrass, Alfalfa, Moringa, Broccoli Sprout, Inulin – the essence of Brainwave began to take shape.

I asked Kosta why not Ashwagandha is it's an excellent adaptogen, but Kosta said the inclusion would:

1. Overlap with Gotu Kola's cognitive benefits
2. Increase the stimulatory effect, potentially causing:
- Jitters
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
3. Alter the blend's synergistic balance.

Besides Moringa is a fine alternative to Ashwagandha.

Adding Ashwagandha as a separate supplement or rotating it with Brainwave is best advised.

Brainwave's synergistic blend:

- Gotu Kola: Enhanced cognitive function and mental clarity.
- Whey Protein: Supported muscle recovery and growth.
- Chlorella: Boosted energy and detoxification.
- Wheatgrass: Amplified antioxidant intake.
- Alfalfa: Nourished digestive health.
- Moringa: Elevated mood and well-being.
- Broccoli Sprout: Activated cellular renewal.
- Inulin: Supported gut health and immunity.

I've shared Brainwave with others around the world with the expected transformative results. A long story short. I convinced myself I had a real honest product to help people. I invested into Brainwave as a startup as a business in 2019 but the business partners I went in with embezzled my investment. I'll leave there, as 2019 was a very dark time.

I hope the following will help you to understand the power of green superfoods. The magic that they can be bring to your life, your aesthetic and athletic performance journey.

The following content was the product details going onto the superfoods market.



- Consult a healthcare professional before use.
- Not intended for individuals under 18 years old.
- Store in a cool, dry place.
- Remember Brainwave didn't make it TGA for approval.

Brainwave - Cognitive Function and Wellness Blend.

Brainwave is a combination which offers a broad spectrum of nutrients, benefits, and synergies.

1. Gotu Kola: Enhances cognitive function, memory, and skin health.
2. Chlorella: Rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, supports detoxification and immune function.
3. Wheatgrass: High in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, supports detoxification and energy.
4. Alfalfa: Rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein, supports digestive health and immune function.
5. Moringa: Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, supports energy and overall well-being.
6. Broccoli sprout: Rich in sulforaphane, supports cancer prevention and immune function.

Macros (approximate values per serving):

- Protein: 20-30g (Chlorella, Alfalfa, Moringa)
- Fiber: 5-10g (Chlorella, Alfalfa, Moringa, Wheatgrass)
- Fat: 2-5g (Moringa, Chlorella)
- Carbohydrates: 20-30g (Wheatgrass, Alfalfa, Moringa)
- Vitamins: A, C, E, K, B complex
- Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc

By combining Gotu Kola with these potent greens, Brainwave creates a comprehensive formula that supports cognitive function, energy, and overall well-being.

Brainwave Formula

Net Weight: 2kg (4.4lbs)

Servings: 60-80

Serving Size: 25-30g (2-3 tablespoons)

Daily Dosage:

- Morning: 1 serving (25-30g)
- Post-Workout: 1-2 servings (25-60g)
- Before Bed: 1 serving (25-30g)


- Whey Protein: 500g
- Chlorella: 200g
- Gotu Kola: 100g
- Wheatgrass: 200g
- Alfalfa: 200g
- Moringa: 100g
- Broccoli Sprout: 100g
- Inulin: 100g

Nutrition Facts (per serving):

- Calories: 120-150
- Protein: 8-10g
- Fat: 2-3g
- Carbohydrates: 20-25g
- Fiber: 5-7g
- Sugar: 5-7g
- Sodium: 50-100mg

Best to use a bakers mixer to blend together. You may also need to break it down into parts if the mixer is small home kitchen appliance

DIDO Schedule

Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

215am Wake Up.
215am Weekly Weight Check-in: 83.9kg. Sep 16.24
220am Water 500ml with 2 tsp Cayenne Pepper.
230am Devotional.
245am Be Still (Meditation).
3am ¹DPBM.
305am Full-Body Dynamic Stretching.
315am Kazan Japanese Method.
315am Workout.
345am Myofascial Foam Rolling.
4am Green Shake.
4am Shower.
420am Meal 1. Big Brekkie.
5am Drive to work.
9am Trail Mix.
1150 ²Green Shake.
Midday DPBM.
1210pm Meal 2. Bone Broth & Vegetables.
3pm Trail Mix.
7pm Brainwave.
7pm Meal 3. Bone Broth.
745 Be Still Meditation.
8pm DPBM.
8pm Bed.

¹Deep Paradoxical Breathing Method.

Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

3:55 am Wake Up.
3:55 am Water (500ml) with 2 tsp Cayenne Pepper
4:00 am Devotional.
4:10 am Be Still (Meditation).
4:20 am DPBM.
4:30 am Full-Body Dynamic Stretching.
4:40 am Kazan Japanese Method.
5:00 am Workout.
5:20 am Myofascial Foam Rolling.
530 am Brainwave.
5:30 am Shower.
5:45 am Meal 1: Big Brekkie.
6:30 am Drive to work.
10:00 am Trail Mix (snack).
12:10 pm Midday DPBM.
12:10 pm Meal 2: Bone Broth.
3:00 pm Trail Mix (snack).
715pm Brainwave.
7:00 pm Meal 3 - Bone Broth.
7:45 pm Be Still Meditation.
8:00 pm DPBM.
8:00 pm Bed.

Big Brekkie Recipe


- 4 large eggs.
- 4 slices of bacon
- 1 can of Watties baked beans
- 1 cup hash browns
- 1 cup cooked coffee

Total Macronutrients:

- Calories: 945
- Protein: 51g
- Fat: 69g
- Carbohydrates: 52g

Macro Breakdown:

- Protein: 21%
- Fat: 66%
- Carbohydrates: 13%*

Protein Trail Mix

- 1/2 cup nuts (almonds, cashews, or pecans)
- 1/4 cup seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, or chia)
- 1/4 cup dried fruit (cranberries, raisins, or cherries)
- 1/4 cup protein-rich ingredients (choose one or mix):
1. - Peanut butter chips
2. - Protein puffs (e.g., whey or pea protein)
3. - Jerky bits (beef, turkey, or chicken)
4. - 1/4 cup whole grain cereal (e.g., oats, quinoa, or puffed rice)
5. 1 Tbls hemp seeds (optional)
- Pinch of salt

Mix and Match:

- Add other ingredients like coconut flakes, cinnamon, or vanilla powder to taste.
- Swap nuts or seeds with other varieties.
- Use different types of protein-rich ingredients or add more than one.

Macro Breakdown (approximate):

Per serving (1/4 cup):

- Calories: 170-200
- Protein: 10-15g
- Fat: 8-10g
- Carbohydrates: 15-20g
- Fiber: 2-3g


'My Comeback Log Cycle: Supplements.'


1 x Ibresartan 150mg.
1 x Rosuvastatin 10mg.
Day 21

Adjusting Nutrition and Energy Balance

This week, I've intentionally removed Meal 1 from my routine to optimize weight management. Reflecting on the past two weeks, I realized I was overcompensating for energy needs, leading to excessive calorie intake.

Taking a week's break from DIDO allows me to:

1. Rebalance hunger and satiety cues.
2. Enhance nutrient efficiency.
3. Improve mental clarity and focus.

By adjusting my nutrition during the week break from DIDO, I'm cultivating a healthier relationship with food and energy. This mindful approach will help me achieve optimal balance and well-being.

Daily Schedule

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

6:00 AM - Wake Up
6:05AM - Weekly Weight Check-in 83.2kg
6:20 AM - Water 500ml with 2 tsp Cayenne Pepper
6:30 AM - Devotional
6:45 AM - Be Still (Meditation)
7:00 AM - DPBM
7:05 AM - Full-Body Dynamic Stretching
7:15 AM - Workout
8 AM - Myofascial Foam Rolling
11:50AM - Green Shake, Midday DPBM
12:10 PM - Meal 2: Bone Broth & Vegetables
7:00 PM - Brainwave Supplement
7:00 PM - Meal 3: Bone Broth
7:45 PM - Be Still Meditation
8:00 PM - DPBM
8:00 PM - Sleep


Movement Preparation A

A warm up routine before a session.

Start with Level 1, for the first 6 weeks. Then Level 2 weeks 7-12. Finally, Level 3 weeks 12-16.

𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘: 5-10 mins.

⚡️ Level 1: 1 x 05-10 Reps
⚡️ Level 2: 1 x 10-15 Reps
⚡️ Level 3: 1 x 15-20 Reps


1. Brady Bands Series
2. Inchworm.
3. Walking Knee to Chest
4. Walking Pull-Back Butt Kicks
5. Alternating Lateral Lunge Walk
6. Walking Warrior Lunge.
7. Walking Spiderman With Hip Lift.
8. Reverse Lunge Posterolateral Reach
9. Bird Dog
10. X Band Box Walks
11. Toy Solider
12. Rocking Ankle Mobilization

Fartlek - Green / Blue Zone

Fartlek Training 30mins

- Walk from one post to the next.
- Sprint from that post to the next.
- Walk again to recover.

See results below

50x50x50x50 Push-ups, Abs, Hindu Squats, Pull-ups. Performed at a local park.


1 x Sustanon 250mg
1 x Primo 100mg
1 x NPP 200mg



Creatine Monohydrate 5g
Citrulline Malate 2-3g
Beta Alanine 2-3g
Caffeine 200mg


1 x Ibresartan 150mg.
1 x Rosuvastatin 10mg.


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Day 23

Wednesday: 'And still the baddest man on the planet!.'

This turned up on my Google News #fyp today. Mike Tyson recently said building up to his bout against Jake Paul in December 2024.

"I want to change biology, I want to change the way people think about age," he said.

The boxing icon then added: "People think that as you get older you become weaker, you become less physically active at a high level.

"It's all psychological. If you believe you feel bad and you feel old - then you feel bad and old.

"If you believe feel great, you feel great. It's all about what we see about ourselves."

Mike Tyson's words resonate deeply with me, brothers. As a 51-year-old health & fitness enthusiast, I've witnessed firsthand how mindset dictates physicality. The notion that age equals decline is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But, I'd like to take it a step further. While psychology plays a significant role, I firmly believe faith is the X-factor. When you combine unwavering faith with a strong mindset, you unlock unparalleled potential.

For me, faith fuels resilience, discipline, and purpose. It's the driving force behind my gym sessions, nutrition plan, and recovery strategies. When faced with challenges, faith reminds me that my strength comes from within my Temple. Inside of my Temple is unbridled light, so astonishing bright in fact that 'darkness comprehends it not.'

Tyson's right; our perception shapes reality. But with faith, we transcend limitations. We tap into an unshakeable confidence, knowing our bodies is a protective vessel for our Temple, capable of overcoming any obstacle.

I'm not advocating for a specific faith or denomination. Whether or I'm emphasizing the transformative power of belief. When you merge faith with mental toughness, you become unstoppable.

Look, I may be ranting on, but if at least one reader over 50, 40, or even 30 - who feels like life is crap, like they've lost their edge, or like time is running out - reads this and says, 'You know what? I've had enough!'... then this post is worth it.

If one person realizes they're not alone, that we're all in this together, and that it's never too late to turn things around... then I've done my job.

During my chill out time. I had time to write 3 points to inspire you today. I believe the following will help you.

You're Not

1. You're not old; you're experienced.
2. You're not worn out; you're battle-tested.
3. You're not over the hill; you're at the peak.

Your 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond can be your best years yet. Don't believe the stereotypes. Don't listen to the naysayers. You have wisdom, strength, and resilience.

So, take control. Own your fitness. Fuel your mind. Nurture your spirit. Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire.

You've got this. You're not done yet. Your best chapters are still unwritten.


Daily Schedule


6:00 AM - Wake Up
6:20 AM - Water 500ml with 2 tsp Cayenne Pepper
6:30 AM - Devotional
6:45 AM - Be Still (Meditation)
7:00 AM - DPBM
7:05 AM - Full-Body Dynamic Stretching
7:15 AM - Workout
8 AM - Myofascial Foam Rolling
11:50AM - Green Shake, Midday DPBM
MIDDAY - Pin see Cycle
12:10 PM - Meal 2: Bone Broth & Vegetables
1:00 PM - Creation of Calendy Schedule for online client bookings.
1:45 PM - Integrated: Zoom and WhatsApp
2:30 PM - Mock SALE calls with ¹Grace
2:45 PM - I needed a freaking break!
3:00 PM - Random stretching
4:00 PM - Click Funnel development
4:45 PM - Chill
7:00 PM - ²Meal 3: Bone Broth
7:45 PM - Be Still Meditation
8:00 PM - DPBM
10:00 PM - Sleep

¹I've hired Grace - Vietnam 🇻🇳 as my virtual assistant. Has a fantastic grasp of English and her expertise on the administration front is such a blessing.

²Previous journal I mentioned 7pm Brainwave Shake. Well, who had trouble getting to sleep the past week nights! I was wondering what the freaking heck was going on! Sometimes... I wonder I how even function?


Movement Preparation A

A warm up routine before a session.

Start with Level 1, for the first 6 weeks. Then Level 2 weeks 7-12. Finally, Level 3 weeks 12-16.

Time: 5-10 mins.

⚡️ Level 1: 1 x 05-10 Reps
⚡️ Level 2: 1 x 10-15 Reps
⚡️ Level 3: 1 x 15-20 Reps


1. Brady Bands Series
2. Inchworm.
3. Walking Knee to Chest
4. Walking Pull-Back Butt Kicks
5. Alternating Lateral Lunge Walk
6. Walking Warrior Lunge.
7. Walking Spiderman With Hip Lift.
8. Reverse Lunge Posterolateral Reach
9. Bird Dog
10. X Band Box Walks
11. Toy Solider
12. Rocking Ankle Mobilization

Fartlek - Green / Blue Zone

Fartlek Training 30mins

Started jogging but their was spring pollen half-way into session that was stuffing with my breathing and windpipe was closing or swelling.

Hindu Squats, Push-ups, Core, Pull-ups.

I had to take breaks as it was hard to breathe at the park. Luckily, I got my lame **** up because it felt useless struggling for life. I felt like a upside down cockroach supposedly doing bicycles for the core.


1 x Sustanon 250mg
1 x Primo 100mg
1 x NPP 200mg

Skipped Monday altogether as my shoulder wasn't feeling too good. But, today was a very good day as I made the right decision for own personal sanity. I listened to my mind this time not my body or heart. Common sense goes a long way.

You know the good thing about no AAS orals during a injection cycle. My serratus anterior don't cramp while pinning my gluteus maximus. I haven't used Taurine to counter the back pumps as I'm not on Anavar.

Quiet honestly, after careful thought. Anavar and I have a great relationship over the past three decades off 'n on but I feel it's time to part ways and seek a Sarm alternative.



Creatine Monohydrate 5g
Citrulline Malate 2-3g
Beta Alanine 2-3g
Caffeine 200mg

You know I decided against a Pre-Workout today. I felt it was unnecessary because ti my current injection cycle. Plus, I don't know if it is or not but the bone broth soups for the past since the beginning of the challenge has... I'm sure it's giving me good clean energy.

I wish I could ask my physical self?


1 x Ibresartan 150mg
1 x Rosuvastatin 10mg


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