Approved Log My $5k competition Log - Dunstone

Coaches Checkin template

Current plan-
mini cut week2

Mesocycle 68 wk1 70rpe

Last training break- August

Current peds:
170mg TRT šŸ˜ž

This week:
Sept 14
Weight: 95.9kg
Arms: 41/42.
Chest:. 120cm
Legs: 65/67cms.
Waist: 91cm

Last Week:
Weight: 96.8kg
Arms: 42/42.
Chest:. 121cm
Legs: 65/67cms.
Waist: 92cm

From the last check-in.
weight 900g
waist. -1cm
chest. -1cm
arms. -1cm
legs. Same

Daily Steps if recorded:
target step 13000 achieved over the week

Did you stick to meals for the week: yes

Have you eaten of plan at all: No

Were meals timed evenly: mostly

Have you been drinking water target: 3-4l

Performance in the gym:
verry happy

Best it has been for a long time

Sleep: Great

Sleep Stack
  • CBD oil 100mg nonTHC
  • Melatonin 5mg
  • Phergan 25mg prn
  • Doxylamine 50mg
  • DISP 200mcgs s/c
Recovery: good

Stress Levels: not much stress this week, schedule change next week so we'll see how that goes.

Are you struggling with anything atm ie food, gym, life in general:

Everything see to be going to plan at this stage

Cardio sessions and volume:
2x1hr LISS

Do you have any concerns at all:

Do you have any questions:
Your killing it brother. Great pics!
Rinse and repeat
Training Schedule Change 5am
6000 steps on treadmill 30mins
Meso 68 WD

Pre training
PreWO- premium supps Warrior (apple)
intra - fraction labs - šŸ¤·ā€Attention

PWO Shake 72g WPI in Water, coffee, banana


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Day Off today

Just stepsā€¦10000 completed

Only change to meal plan today is
No PWO and no 50g Gummy Bears about 300cal reduction/carb cycle

Cardio done post meal 1


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Today's Workout
Mesocycle 68 WE pull day 2
30min treadmill

Double scooped PWO this morning, didn't initially feel it, but session ended up great!


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