Approved Log My Steroid Cycle Log

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Have you not used Tren before?

It can be anything from yellow to orange to brown depending on how it was cooked.

I'd be more concerned about those homebrew looking ass vials.

And why test E + C.
I’ve never touched tren this will be the first time.
Also tell me about it the vials look sketch as **** but my old dude got locked up.
And at the start I was running e and c because I didn’t really know much better I’m still very new to steroids
I’ve never touched tren this will be the first time.
Also tell me about it the vials look sketch as **** but my old dude got locked up.
And at the start I was running e and c because I didn’t really know much better I’m still very new to steroids

I wouldn't be putting that shit in me.

I'd also just stick to E.

I still pin EOD regardless of ester.
But there's no need for multiple esters.

You sorted for a supplier with the sponsors on this board or you need some more direction?
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I wouldn't be putting that shit in me.

I'd also just stick to E.

I still pin EOD regardless of ester.
But there's no need for multiple esters.

You sorted for a supplier with the sponsors on this board or you need some more direction?
Yeah I got a different dude that I know from the gym (not the same dude that sold those sketchy ass vials)
Update- I took half a mg of tren with a 1mg of test e. Is this to little should I up the tren to 1mg
In my opinion the hard works the best part I love going multiple times a day the juice is there to give me a push it also makes you feel amazing it also helps my recovery so that I can go 3+ times a day
In my opinion, if you can go to the gym 3+ times a day, you’re not doing too much hard work, just going through the motions. But, maybe you are, I haven’t seen you train, but I’d like to.
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In my opinion, if you can go to the gym 3+ times a day, you’re not doing too much hard work, just going through the motions. But, maybe you are, I haven’t seen you train, but I’d like to.
I have stopped going 3 times but my training is to complete failure for example with dips I’ll do as many as I can just body weight then after a can’t do anymore I’ll go straight to assist at 12kg then after I can complete that I’ll go straight to 19 after that I’ll take a 1/2min brake and do it again I also make sure I do half reps and use a good range of motion making sure I get a good stretch and squeeze. I will admit that the second workout was usually with a group of mates so I don’t take that one as serious I only go 1 sometimes 2 times now
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I’ve recently gotten new tren test e and test c the test e and c looks normal but the tren is a reddish/ darker orange should I be concerned about it, my trusted mate got it off one of his good child hood freinds (sorry the photo is a bit blurry ) I’m 90% sure my old guy got arrested
Don't worry to much about colour of tren a can come red , Orange , brown , yellowish .
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Update- I took half a mg of tren with a 1mg of test e. Is this to little should I up the tren to 1mg

I'm still confused from your opening post about 2mg test 3mg test.

Do you mean a mL?

Tren E is generally 200mg/mL.

Decent starting dose is 100mg.

Pinning minimum twice weekly to make it a nice round number that's 0.25mL each Monday and Friday total of 0.5mL, 100mg.

We need your actual dosage and protocol.

What's your weekly dose.
What's your injection frequency.
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I'm still confused from your opening post about 2mg test 3mg test.

Do you mean a mL?

Tren E is generally 200mg/mL.

Decent starting dose is 100mg.

Pinning minimum twice weekly to make it a nice round number that's 0.25mL each Monday and Friday total of 0.5mL, 100mg.

We need your actual dosage and protocol.

What's your weekly dose.
What's your injection frequency.
yeah I think it’s probably mL id fill the needle till it hit 2 then add the other shit with the tren I’ll be injecting half a mL and 1mL of test e 2 jabs a week Monday and Wednesday I’m think about upping the tren to 1mL (my weekly does currently is 2mL of test e and 1mL of tren
I’m thinking about ending my cycle soon I’ve been on for awhile my main concern is how do you keep your gains while off cycle
I’m thinking about ending my cycle soon I’ve been on for awhile my main concern is how do you keep your gains while off cycle
How long have you been on your cycle for ... do you have before and after pics?
How long have you been on your cycle for ... do you have before and after pics?
I’ve been on since the start of the year I do but I don’t really wanna show them for personal reasons but I will say I stared at 50kg at 6 4 and now I’m 81 all lean muscle
I’ve been on since the start of the year I do but I don’t really wanna show them for personal reasons but I will say I stared at 50kg at 6 4 and now I’m 81 all lean muscle
Thats about 20 weeks. I would say jump off for now. But thats some good gains man!
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It's inevitable that you will lose a bit of size if you completely come off. But you just need to make sure that you are eating (given that your diet is clean) and training the same. Some people drop the weights to lower numbers, thinking that they're off the gear and can't lift as heavy but that's just a mind thing. If you keep going and train hard you should be right. Given your age, I wouldn't recommend cruising, that's just my opinion. But I think you should get some bloods done.

Also.. What's your plan moving forward?
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It's inevitable that you will lose a bit of size if you completely come off. But you just need to make sure that you are eating (given that your diet is clean) and training the same. Some people drop the weights to lower numbers, thinking that they're off the gear and can't lift as heavy but that's just a mind thing. If you keep going and train hard you should be right. Given your age, I wouldn't recommend cruising, that's just my opinion. But I think you should get some bloods done.

Also.. What's your plan moving forward?
Thanks for the advice I really appreciate it. My plan is to take 1/2 months off cycle then try out some other stuff I want to put as much size on as I possibly can and lift as much weight as possible by the end of this year I wanna be at least 100kg
Thanks for the advice I really appreciate it. My plan is to take 1/2 months off cycle then try out some other stuff I want to put as much size on as I possibly can and lift as much weight as possible by the end of this year I wanna be at least 100kg
2 weeks off... I don't think thats enough by bro. I get it you don't want to loose size but your health is more important man. I would actually reconsider that if I were you.
2 weeks off... I don't think thats enough by bro. I get it you don't want to loose size but your health is more important man. I would actually reconsider that if I were you.
Im gonna take 2 months 3 max to let my body recover and hope i don’t lose to much size
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