Approved Log My Steroid Cycle Log

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I’m currently just running 40mg a week I feel fine I’ve been on it for about a week apparently it takes about 4 weeks to kick in or someshit I’ll probably wait for it to kick in before I start a higher dose thanks for the advice
I don't know about 4 weeks... Dbol kicks in fairly quickly, usually within a week. So if your feeling fine at 40mg, stay at that dose for 6 weeks max.
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I am kinda concerned about my liver I was running 400tren 1500 test then lowered it down to 400tren 750 test before I hopped off is there anything I should do to kinda help my liver out I should probably also add I do a lot of “party drugs” like mdma and coke idk if they affect the liver or not but I do them on a weekly basis
Less is more bro... it's good that you reduced the test... even 750 is pretty high. All the above will mess with your liver. Best to lay off some of those for a while and take liver support supplements throughout your cycle and after.
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Less is more bro... it's good that you reduced the test... even 750 is pretty high. All the above will mess with your liver. Best to lay off some of those for a while and take liver support supplements throughout your cycle and after.
Yeah thanks bro will do
At this point and time I’m going to say that I’d like to see your physique. A selfie in the gym when your pumped up and just blur your face.

Not just that.

Your meal prep.

Your calories and macros along with meal timing.

Goal out of what you’re doing.

The dosages you’re talking about followed by talking about being on coke and M is ridiculous.

I also recall you being younger in age. I had some time for you in the beginning and gave you a little guidance where I felt I could but now I’m seeing that may have been a mistake.

@Ronnie this needs to be looked at. And in a serious way. Not sure what type of forum we want to build here but I also see @Sph is part of the competition on the forum which likely pushes him to up his dosages with what seems to be almost zero PED knowledge.

Please don’t take this write up as disrespect ! This is a fellow member with deep concerns that this forum is dropping the ball in a major way !!!

@Sph brother, I'm also a little confused with what you're trying to do here? If you read your logs, from day 1 you've had nothing but support from all the boys here. We're not your parents but it's frustrating to see another human being destroy themselves at such a young age. This ain't an American Forum where you get keyboard warriors talking shit and geeing you up. This is one of the reasons why I like this place, no shit talkers here bro. We're all here to help eachother and learn from the experiences of members who have been there and done that.

What you do with your private life is on you. But if you want to talk about training, diet and safe use of anabolics, then your in the right place. But.. your asking for advice, we're giving it you and your coming back to us with the opposite and just blasting yourself with ridcioulous amounts of steroids.

@TeeGee sounds like a good man who cares, and total respect for his post. His correct in everything his said. You've started a blog but you don't share foods, no training, no photos... whats the point? I'm not here to attack you my brother but just trying to understand the objective here. We're all more than happy to help you and guide you but just concerned for your well-being.
@Sph brother, I'm also a little confused with what you're trying to do here? If you read your logs, from day 1 you've had nothing but support from all the boys here. We're not your parents but it's frustrating to see another human being destroy themselves at such a young age. This ain't an American Forum where you get keyboard warriors talking shit and geeing you up. This is one of the reasons why I like this place, no shit talkers here bro. We're all here to help eachother and learn from the experiences of members who have been there and done that.

What you do with your private life is on you. But if you want to talk about training, diet and safe use of anabolics, then your in the right place. But.. your asking for advice, we're giving it you and your coming back to us with the opposite and just blasting yourself with ridcioulous amounts of steroids.

@TeeGee sounds like a good man who cares, and total respect for his post. His correct in everything his said. You've started a blog but you don't share foods, no training, no photos... whats the point? I'm not here to attack you my brother but just trying to understand the objective here. We're all more than happy to help you and guide you but just concerned for your well-being.
I knew I’d have you onside with me @hubbles

How many moderators do we have here on this forum ? We are dropping the ball in a bad way to have this time of thing go on without any input.

It’s one extreme to the next. I often find myself thinking it’s a piss take to get people revved up.

I’m very active on another forum and I do my logging daily etc. I’m super commited but I honestly thought I would transition over here to AGW full time.

There’s too many things I really question here though.

I’d like to put it forward that we close this log. Due to the fact it is not a log. Never has been.
I'm with @TeeGee and @hubbles on this one.
@Sph don't take the advice the boys on here are giving you as anything other than coming from the best place possible. Your young enough that you don't need gear to begin with, but the dosages and the other party drugs your doing are a one way ticket to a destroyed endocrine system and irreversible damage to your ability to naturally produce anything.
18 is the prime age to attack the gym like it's a full time job, hit some big lifts, test out what does and doesn't work for you and go hard. Training (at least serious training) is a long term journey rushing is only going to lead you to major health issues at worst, infertility and joint issues at best.
This forum is full of guys with huge amounts of knowledge that are more than willing to help, but maybe go get the party stage of life out of your system before running any kind of cycle, and definitely do more research into blood work, ancillary drugs, how different compounds affect your body and how to cycle properly before getting back into it.
I'm actually glad this has come up as this was a bit of a worrying 'log'. Good on you @TeeGee for calling it out.

I get it, @Sph you have a 100 questions that you want to ask about gear and this is a platform to have them answered. But @hubbles told you from the start not to do those numbers. You didn't listen and you kept going. I personally did't stop answering your questions cause if I ingored you I would have felt like I'm doing the wrong thing by you. Your in territory that you don't know much about and your basically using your own body as a test subject to conduct experiments... Why? when you have all this knowledge and peronal experiences at your finger tips that can help you make calculated and safe decisions. Not trying to give you a life lesson here but hoping you take something out of this moving forward.

One more thing...I just hope your not taking the piss as I did think that at first (like @TeeGee ) but seeing your comments back and forth I felt that you were genuine and not here to waste our time.
Dear Members of the AGW Bodybuilding Forum,

We want to acknowledge the issues raised in this discussion and reaffirm the values and standards of our forum.

We are grateful for everyone's input and genuine concern for our members' well-being. This discussion highlights the strong sense of community we have here. We aim to create a supportive, respectful, and educational environment where we can share knowledge and experiences to help each other progress safely and efficiently.

Regarding Sph's log, we understand the raised concerns about the high dosages, references to recreational drug use, and the lack of detailed workout and diet logging. Our main priority is to promote safe and informed practices within the bodybuilding and fitness community.

Actions Taken:

Closure of the Log:

We will be closing Sph's current log to maintain the integrity of our forum and ensure that the content aligns with our shared goals of safety, education, and mutual support. As pointed out, this log does not meet the criteria and standards we expect for responsible and effective logging.

Reinforcement of Log Standards:
  • Educational Value: Logs should offer detailed information about workout routines, meal plans, and progress updates.
  • Safe Practices: We support responsible and informed use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) based on comprehensive research and understanding.
  • Respectful Communication: Members are expected to engage in respectful and constructive interactions.
To prevent similar issues happening in the future, we will enhance our moderation efforts:
  • Regular Review: Logs will be regularly assessed to ensure they meet our community standards.
  • New Log Guidelines: We will provide clearer criteria for what constitutes an informative and valuable log.
  • Support and Education: Encouraging new members to seek advice and provide detailed logs that enable helpful feedback.
Sph, we genuinely care about your well-being, and we hope that you will take the collective advice seriously. You are welcome to continue participating in the forum, but we urge you to prioritise your health and approach your training and lifestyle choices with care and responsibility. If you are open to starting a new log that aligns with our standards, we would be happy to support you through that journey.

We want to express our gratitude to @TeeGee , @hubbles , @MrThepagedog , @shrekmode , and all other members for your diligence and willingness to uphold the quality and integrity of our forum.

Together, we can ensure that AGW remains a place of positive influence, education, and support.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards,

AGW Forum Moderators
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