Thank you atm just feeling great the last few weeks of the challenge will be

Unfortunately I've got so many ligament tears, muscle tears and I've lost track of all the operations I've had.
Both long head biceps muscle torn off, as, well as my triceps. Gone, inner triceps partly there my shoulder where you have the two tendoms one just doesn't exist and the other one looks like fishing tied to a shoe string. I've had 3 hernia operations already but ATM I have 2 large hernias and 4 little ones which look like a bee hive.
My R ankle had 600kg slab granite fall and turn it in to a ****ing disaster. Took 6 operations but they reconsider it. I snapped my elbow neve had it fixed,, my first hip replacement had to be taken out because of infection until 7 operations later they put a new in.
I've had my appendix pop left me in hospital for 9 weels, Gaul bladder taken out and finally I had some stab me in the head cutting through my jaw muscle.