Approved Log My Test + Tren cycle log


AGW Logger
Hi Guys,

I’m a new member here and posting a log of my cycle to keep track of progress and hold me accountable. I get all my gear from @gearmaniac101

I am 24 years old with just over 3 years of proper weight training behind me. I am 6 foot 3 and about 105kg.

I have just done 500mg Test E for about 8 weeks or so, and introduced Tren in the past month to see how I could handle the sides and if it lived up to the notoriety that the media gives it - fortunately I have experienced no night sweats/cough/paranoia so all is good so far!

I have experienced significant growth in the shoulders and arms and so I will be putting a bit more emphasis on the chest to bring it up as well.

My long term goal is to get to a mass monster level physique, kind of like a markus ruhl from back in the day.

Progress pictures and photos of what I’m eating will follow in the coming week! Excited to see what’s to come.
Enjoy the journey.
I've tried 300mg pw to 1000mg pw, was there any difference between low dose and high dos, not really. Definitely more the dose the higher blood pressure, night sweats and unable to sleep.
I found the best way for me to use tren A was to inject 25/50mgs every day.
Thanks for the info! I’m actually using Tren E at the moment, perhaps I should have specified!

I prefer using E since I don’t have to pin every day and I get more tren per mL. Despite no noticeable sides I think I might taper it down to 200 per week as it is one of the more potent compounds.
That's fair enough.
I wouldn't recommend Enethate for your first time with tren. Some of the side effects are huge such Anxiety, insomnia I'm sure you know all. You don't know how it's going to effect you, if something starts going wrong you have to ride it out for next 3 weeks but with Tren A it's out your system within a few days after stopping. Personally I love tren.
Hi Guys,

I’m a new member here and posting a log of my cycle to keep track of progress and hold me accountable. I get all my gear from @gearmaniac101

I am 24 years old with just over 3 years of proper weight training behind me. I am 6 foot 3 and about 105kg.

I have just done 500mg Test E for about 8 weeks or so, and introduced Tren in the past month to see how I could handle the sides and if it lived up to the notoriety that the media gives it - fortunately I have experienced no night sweats/cough/paranoia so all is good so far!

I have experienced significant growth in the shoulders and arms and so I will be putting a bit more emphasis on the chest to bring it up as well.

My long term goal is to get to a mass monster level physique, kind of like a markus ruhl from back in the day.

Progress pictures and photos of what I’m eating will follow in the coming week! Excited to see what’s to come.
How much Tren are you pinning? and I'd only run Tren for about 8 weeks on the tailend of your cycle.
How much Tren are you pinning? and I'd only run Tren for about 8 weeks on the tailend of your cycle.
Hey man, thank you for your input!

At the moment it’s been about 4-5 weeks since I’ve introduced tren and it’s been at 400mg Tren E per week. No visible sides
That's fair enough.
I wouldn't recommend Enethate for your first time with tren. Some of the side effects are huge such Anxiety, insomnia I'm sure you know all. You don't know how it's going to effect you, if something starts going wrong you have to ride it out for next 3 weeks but with Tren A it's out your system within a few days after stopping. Personally I love tren.
Thank you for your input! Definitely may make the adjustment. Appreciate your response
Hey man, thank you for your input!

At the moment it’s been about 4-5 weeks since I’ve introduced tren and it’s been at 400mg Tren E per week. No visible sides
That's a good dosage of Tren. Are you splitting the pins so its 200mg twice a week?

Estrogen could still creep up. Just keep an eye on it. Get some bloods done to check your estradiol and prolactin levels. I'd also keep an ai like arimidex on hand in case estrogen spikes but only use it if bloods show it's high as you don't wanna crash your estrogen. Tren doesn’t really mess with estrogen but can bump up prolactin, so watch that too.
Monday 23/09/2024

This mornings workout:

Tricep Pushdowns

Lat Raises

Bicep Curls

Lat Pulldown

Incline Chest Press

Finish off with 5 minutes of skipping


Kept it pretty simple with simple protein source and rice, and had some YoPro in between meals.

Total protein intake for the day would be around 300-400g


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That's a good dosage of Tren. Are you splitting the pins so its 200mg twice a week?

Estrogen could still creep up. Just keep an eye on it. Get some bloods done to check your estradiol and prolactin levels. I'd also keep an ai like arimidex on hand in case estrogen spikes but only use it if bloods show it's high as you don't wanna crash your estrogen. Tren doesn’t really mess with estrogen but can bump up prolactin, so watch that too.
Thanks for letting me know! I will keep an eye on those factors for sure. I am doing 2 pins per week of 250 test and 200 tren each, although I am thinking of tapering the tren down to 200 per week as I’m not sure how much more beneficial another 200 on top of it would be given the potency of it on the body.
Thanks for letting me know! I will keep an eye on those factors for sure. I am doing 2 pins per week of 250 test and 200 tren each, although I am thinking of tapering the tren down to 200 per week as I’m not sure how much more beneficial another 200 on top of it would be given the potency of it on the body.
No need to taper down with the tren. Keep it at 400 for another 3 weeks then just stop. The Enanthate ester has a longer half-life so it will naturally taper itself as it clears from your system.
No need to taper down with the tren. Keep it at 400 for another 3 weeks then just stop. The Enanthate ester has a longer half-life so it will naturally taper itself as it clears from your system.
Thank you! Just thought to bring down in case of unwanted sides (fortunately not feeling any sides as of yet) but this certainly helps!
Wednesday 25/09/2024

Firstly I want to thank @gearmaniac101 for hooking me up as per usual, and to all the people that engaged with my first post I took all the info on board. I pin on Wednesdays and Sundays and today I just did test (no tren) as I want to avoid any hair loss as a result of tren’s extremely high androgenic rating. I may take it out until I get my hands on something that protects against hair loss (I know there are things you can get - hoping you guys can point me in the right direction.

In the mean time I’ve ordered some Stanazolol which has a high anabolic rating but relatively low androgenic rating which I will probably substitute in for the tren in the mean time.

I wanted to hit some more shoulders today but due to a little bit of discomfort in the left delt as a result of pinning it on Sunday I laid off it and focused more on the chest today.

I did some incline dumbbell press, Pec Fly, Bench Press and finished off with some bicep curls and low rows because I didn’t want to leave after just a few exercises 🤣

Below are a couple of my meals from today and a picture post workout.

Any advice is appreciated especially about the hair thing. I am not genetically predisposed to balding but I definitely don’t want to lose my hair haha so any tips about that more than welcome.

Cheers boys


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The ugly truth is that all steroids can mess with your hair, especially if you're sensitive to DHT. You might wanna look into taking things like Minoxidil or using a shampoo like Nizoral. If it's something you're really worried about you can always stick to lower doses of Test.
Saturday 28/09/2024

Today genuinely felt like missing the workout but managed to pull myself towards myself and get a good session in.

My left delt was back to normal after pinning it last Sunday so hit plenty of shoulders and added some triceps and biceps to finish off because the arm pumps are still irresisitable to me at this stage. Managed to get a few pics of the meals although it’s always the same stuff with me so nothing to exciting haha.

Till next week.


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Monday 30/09/2024

Morning workout today, trained at about 5am.

Big focus on triceps and back today and finished with some biceps as per usual.

I can’t quite remember the weights I was pulling but I am really liking my progress on the tricep push down specifically. Pre-cycle I was probably repping out 28kgs or around there. I genuinely think im hammering out 45kgs on it now which is awesome - it’s the main indiciator I’ve gained serious strength the past 3 months or so.

I will be more vigilant with keeping track of weights and sets etc from next workout to give everyone a more insightful look at how I’m doing.

Some meals and a post-training pic below.

Cheers guys.


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Wednesday 2/10/2024

I had a pretty full on day today so didn’t get too many food photos but it was the standard stuff from me. Non fat yoghurt, choice of protein and basmati rice - it’s not ***y but it gets the job done. I like to say one man’s boring is another man’s consistency.

Today I focused mostly on shoulders now that my left delt which I pinned on Sunday has fully healed.

Pre cycle I would typically lateral raise 7.5s on the free weights and now I’m doing 10s pretty easily - we all know how lateral raises can blow up the delts so I’m thrilled with that progress.

I also did rear delt flys at around 60+kgs on the machine, as well as DB shoulder press with 22.5s and did that for a comfortable 10-12 reps.

I mentioned before, my progress on the tricep push down and I’m happy to say I’m repping out 45kgs on it with relative ease. The arms and shoulders are definitely the stars of the show for my physique right now, I should be lean enough to start seeing some abs pop in December I reckon but hopefully before!

At that stage I’ll definitely throw some shirtless pics up.

See some pictures of food and post workout below


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You're making steady progress, especially with those lateral raises and shoulder presses. Bumping up the weights is always a good sign things are working. Shoulders and triceps are coming along nicely. Keep pushing it and the abs will show up soon enough if you stay on track. Consistency is key :)