Approved Log Testosterone and deca cycle log


AGW Logger
Hey Legends,

Kicking off my log.

27 years old
85 kg

Running testosterone E 400MG and Deca 200MG pw.

Workout routine is twice a day in the AM one muscle group with some cardio before and after workout and in the PM second muscle group again with some light cardio before and after the workout. Currently aiming to put more mass on while trying to maintain a low bf. High calorie diet with no sweets, no alcohol and no smoking or drugs. Will update through the week coming more in depth diet and calorie intake and full breakdowns of my workout routine.

Cheers Legends
Nice start. Test E at 400mg and Deca 200mg should work well for bulking up. Training twice a day is great if you have the energy but even hitting different muscles your body still needs to recover. You’ll feel it in your energy and joints over time if you’re not resting enough. Deca helps a bit but don’t push it too hard.

Cardio’s fine imo, but make sure it doesn’t get in the way of your gains. Keen to see more on your diet and routine as you go 💪
Twice a day can sometimes work fine if you’re not smashing yourself. You don’t have to go all out every time. Some guys can handle it especially if they’ve got their recovery in order...sleep, food, and all that. You just have to make sure you're not over training.
Hey Legends,

Kicking off my log.

27 years old
85 kg

Running testosterone E 400MG and Deca 200MG pw.

Workout routine is twice a day in the AM one muscle group with some cardio before and after workout and in the PM second muscle group again with some light cardio before and after the workout. Currently aiming to put more mass on while trying to maintain a low bf. High calorie diet with no sweets, no alcohol and no smoking or drugs. Will update through the week coming more in depth diet and calorie intake and full breakdowns of my workout routine.

Cheers Legends
Have you thought of adding Dbols?
Hey Legends,

Kicking off my log.

27 years old
85 kg

Running testosterone E 400MG and Deca 200MG pw.

Workout routine is twice a day in the AM one muscle group with some cardio before and after workout and in the PM second muscle group again with some light cardio before and after the workout. Currently aiming to put more mass on while trying to maintain a low bf. High calorie diet with no sweets, no alcohol and no smoking or drugs. Will update through the week coming more in depth diet and calorie intake and full breakdowns of my workout routine.

Cheers Legends
I'm currently doing a similar cycle and quite happy with it.

350mg Test E
200mg Deca
Dbol 50mg

I can see a bit of water retention with the dbols but it was expected and I don't mind it.
I'm currently doing a similar cycle and quite happy with it.

350mg Test E
200mg Deca
Dbol 50mg

I can see a bit of water retention with the dbols but it was expected and I don't mind it.
I'm about to start same cycle but with ABombs
Tried it only once years back aka Anapolon 50, mate it was insane, got it directly from my pharmacist, unbelievable, within 4 days I began putting on muscle mass, week two I was exploding with gains, almost scary, and that was a test to see how well it worked on me, so it was stand-alone compound, no test or anything else, now we gonna see how good this stuff is which I'm gonna try soon
Tried it only once years back aka Anapolon 50, mate it was insane, got it directly from my pharmacist, unbelievable, within 4 days I began putting on muscle mass, week two I was exploding with gains, almost scary, and that was a test to see how well it worked on me, so it was stand-alone compound, no test or anything else, now we gonna see how good this stuff is which I'm gonna try soon
Okay that sounds impressive. How did you get a prescription for it?
Will be adding some photos over the weekend for you all to see the progression.

Meals currently consist of breakfast as soon as I wake

4 whole eggs two egg whites,
Whole chicken breast and spinach.

First workout in the AM will have a pre meal broccoli, turkey meat and also some fruits
After the workout is a protein shake and some white rice 1 cup

Lunch is chicken and rice

Dinner usually steak roast veg lots of potato and sweet potato and pumpkin

Add a more in depth view of my meals (quantities, training protocol, supplements, gear I’m using)
Will be adding some photos over the weekend for you all to see the progression.

Meals currently consist of breakfast as soon as I wake

4 whole eggs two egg whites,
Whole chicken breast and spinach.

First workout in the AM will have a pre meal broccoli, turkey meat and also some fruits
After the workout is a protein shake and some white rice 1 cup

Lunch is chicken and rice

Dinner usually steak roast veg lots of potato and sweet potato and pumpkin

Add a more in depth view of my meals (quantities, training protocol, supplements, gear I’m using)
Did you end up getting any pics?
Will be adding some photos over the weekend for you all to see the progression.

Meals currently consist of breakfast as soon as I wake

4 whole eggs two egg whites,
Whole chicken breast and spinach.

First workout in the AM will have a pre meal broccoli, turkey meat and also some fruits
After the workout is a protein shake and some white rice 1 cup

Lunch is chicken and rice

Dinner usually steak roast veg lots of potato and sweet potato and pumpkin

Add a more in depth view of my meals (quantities, training protocol, supplements, gear I’m using)
Are you tracking calories? Not necessary but just helps to give you a clear picture.
Yes men's clinics is the way to go, there are some really good ones, but why pay them if we got sponsors here that are great and way cheaper