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hi, I am at 30% bf, 52, I let myself go last year I would love to lose weight. I am planning to follow a stricter diet, but I am curious about Clenbuterol. How much weight could I lose per week with it? Also, how should I take it in pill form and what dosage should I aim for to avoid any potential side effects? Thank you
I've had mates in the past who've started at around 40mcg and then gradually increased the dosage. Once you get over 100mcg you will notice the sides. It's going to be dose-dependent and the results will vary.

At 30% BF it's honestly pointless.

Personally, I've always avoided clen (but that's just me). I think you're better off sticking to a strict diet.
If you were talking about Stan or Var I'd agree with the boys above.

But clen is a thermogenic, not an anabolic

Not as "pointless" as Var or Stan at 30%, different mechanisms, provided you get your diet well in order and at a substantial deficit.

Start at 40mcg/day for the first week.
Go up by 20mcg/day week on week.
See how you respond.
See if you need more to be effective.
See if you can tolerate running hot all the time.

If you get up to 160 at week 8 great.
If you don't, just ride it out for 8-12 weeks at whatever dosage you best tolerated.

But get the diet in order.
hi, I am at 30% bf, 52, I let myself go last year I would love to lose weight. I am planning to follow a stricter diet, but I am curious about Clenbuterol. How much weight could I lose per week with it? Also, how should I take it in pill form and what dosage should I aim for to avoid any potential side effects? Thank you
Hey @Fredqld what did you end up doing?