Approved Log My Bulking Cycle


AGW Logger
Stoked to be sponsored by Gearmaniac101
I'm 40yr old at 90kg 6ft 0
Train 5-6 days a week, been training solid for 2yrs and 5yrs on and off prior to that.
Have been running Test E at 200/week Primo at 300/week and Deca at 400/week
Unsure what I'll be running this next cycle but want to put on some serious mass, Thinking of adding Tren and dbol.
Day 1 Train chest and back
Day 2 Train legs and core
Day 3 Arms, then repeat.
Diet consists mainly of red meat and chicken breast, rice, eggs, sugar free cereal, fruit and vegetables, Protein shakes after every meal and training sessions, 2 litres of Milk every morning. I usually try aiming for 3000 calories a day, looking to increase that by 15-20%, can't wait to see what this opportunity delivers, update as I forgot to mention supplements I currently use amounts are daily
Essential Heath Triple Strength Fish oil Mini caps X2
Liv.52 x6 2 morning 2 afternoon 2 before bed
Essential Heath Glucosamine 1500mg X1
Nature's Way Multi vitamin with antioxidants X2
Muscle tech creatine caps X3
Rich Piana 5% Kill It reloaded pre workout


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He if you really want to put on size run 500 mg test e , 500 mg Deca , 500 mg EQ and 50 mg of Anadrol a day . You will need an Ai lol but if you eat 3000-4000 calories a day the scales will go up daily 👍👍.
He if you really want to put on size run 500 mg test e , 500 mg Deca , 500 mg EQ and 50 mg of Anadrol a day . You will need an Ai lol but if you eat 3000-4000 calories a day the scales will go up daily 👍👍.
Thanks I'm after feedback like this as I'm not overly experienced and was wondering how I could change it up to help with the bulk, legend
@Homebrew49 ... that's a descent stack ... I like it.

Another option.. run Test E 500mg, Deca 400mg, and (if you can handle the sides) Tren E 400mg. Add Dbol at 40mg a day for the first 6 weeks.

Stick with the same calories as Homebrew suggested and focus on clean foods. For liver protection use Tudca. Run Arimidex at 0.25mg eod to control estrogen and adjust the dose if you notice low E2 symptoms. Keep an eye on prolactin levels from Tren and Deca and don’t jump on Caber unless you experience prolactin related sides.

I would also do mid cycle bloodwork to monitor your levels.

Either stack with proper calories will deliver gains.
Stoked to be sponsored by Gearmaniac101
I'm 40yr old at 90kg 6ft 0
Train 5-6 days a week, been training solid for 2yrs and 5yrs on and off prior to that.
Have been running Test E at 200/week Primo at 300/week and Deca at 400/week
Unsure what I'll be running this next cycle but want to put on some serious mass, Thinking of adding Tren and dbol.
Day 1 Train chest and back
Day 2 Train legs and core
Day 3 Arms, then repeat.
Diet consists mainly of red meat and chicken breast, rice, eggs, sugar free cereal, fruit and vegetables, Protein shakes after every meal and training sessions, 2 litres of Milk every morning. I usually try aiming for 3000 calories a day, looking to increase that by 15-20%, can't wait to see what this opportunity delivers
24th Sept/ Breakfast 2ltr Full Cream Milk
Chicken Breast and salad roll
Lunch Can of Tuna in Spring water Can of Salmon in Springwater both drained
Afternoon snack Hot Cantonese Scotch Roast
Dinner 700g skinless chicken breast
2x corn on the cob
2 cups brown rice, only have pics of Dinner, woke up late and big day at work eating on the go, Total 4007 calories, so far


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Breakfast for today 4 weetbix, 6 eggs scrambled drank the remainder of the 2litre milk
Between Breakfast and lunch had 2 Yopro 160g yoghurts mango and passionfruit
Lunch- Chicken and Bacon carbonara 350g and one banana
Afternoon snacks- One banana, Hillcrest triple choc protein bar 40g
Dinner- Homemade Satay chicken 700g of chicken breast, one cup brown rice and 5 rice cakes, drank 3 litres of water so far


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Breakfast for today 4 weetbix, 6 eggs scrambled drank the remainder of the 2litre milk
Between Breakfast and lunch had 2 Yopro 160g yoghurts mango and passionfruit
Lunch- Chicken and Bacon carbonara 350g and one banana
Afternoon snacks- One banana, Hillcrest triple choc protein bar 40g
Dinner- Homemade Satay chicken 700g of chicken breast, one cup brown rice and 5 rice cakes, drank 3 litres of water so far
Yesterday's meals, had a 14 hour shift so didn't feel like being online when I got home,,,
Thursday 26th
Breakfast 2Ltr milk, Ham cheese and tomato wrap
Lunch Large Banana, Tuna ready bowl with brown rice and quinoa
Afternoon snack large banana
Dinner Health Vitality Bbq smokey Beef with mashed sweet potato 360g
Health Vitality Beef Burrito Bowl with brown rice 340g, lazy but still healthy


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Made my first order with Gearmaniac101.
Decided to go Test E, Deca, Boldenone, and dbol, will more than likely run dbol for just the first 6weeks and possibly introduce Anavar towards the end of the cycle, as for the rest I'm still undecided on dosages, possibly 500test 400 Deca and 400 boldenone, I'm open to any suggestions as this will be the first time running this stack
Lamb and Spinach Wrap for Breakfast, Tuna ready bowl for Lunch Rump steak corn and cauliflower for dinner with bananas and protein shakes for snakes inbetween meals


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Training Today
Arm Day All Last Sets til failure.
Dumbell Curls 5x10 20kg
Hammer Curls 5x10 20kg
Lateral Raise 5x10 20kg
Rev Curls 5x10 20kg
Skull Crushers 5x10 20kg
Seated Dip Body Weight
Wrist Ups 5x10 20kg
Lat Pulldown 5x10 30kg
Made my first order with Gearmaniac101.
Decided to go Test E, Deca, Boldenone, and dbol, will more than likely run dbol for just the first 6weeks and possibly introduce Anavar towards the end of the cycle, as for the rest I'm still undecided on dosages, possibly 500test 400 Deca and 400 boldenone, I'm open to any suggestions as this will be the first time running this stack
What you've proposed is fine. I would run it for at least 16 weeks. Split your pins so its twice a week.

Weeks 1-16:
Test E: 500mg week
Deca: 400mg week
EQ: 400mg week

Weeks 1-6:
Dbol: 40mg daily

Weeks 10-16:
Anavar: 50mg daily
What you've proposed is fine. I would run it for at least 16 weeks. Split your pins so its twice a week.

Weeks 1-16:
Test E: 500mg week
Deca: 400mg week
EQ: 400mg week

Weeks 1-6:
Dbol: 40mg daily

Weeks 10-16:
Anavar: 50mg daily
That's the plan right there mate
Breakfast for today 8 weetbix, 2ltrs milk
Lunch 2 bananas 2 apples, protein shakes inbetween meals, dinner 3 pieces porterhouse steak with baked potatoes cut into chips
Training Chest And back all last sets til failure
Bench press 60kg 5x10
Shrugs 20kg each hand 20x5 sets
Fly 15kg each hand x5 sets
Wide grip cable pulldown 40kg x5 sets
Seated cable rows 40kgx5sets
Overhead press 20kgx 5 sets
Lat Pulldown 40x 5 sets


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Mate the foods look cracker. Milk, meat, and rice are good, but if you're really looking to bulk you’ll wanna throw in more carbs like oats and pasta. Keep the protein up, but add more solid meals like steak, chicken, the usual. Shakes are good, but real food's gonna help pack on more mass.

If your body and joints are up to it increase the weights. With the gear you're on you should handle it. Try bumping up the bench to around 80-100kg over time and the other lifts too. Just keep pushing a little more each week.

As for your cycle sounds like a good setup. Just make sure you're keeping an eye on estrogen with the Dbol. Keep eating, lifting and you’ll see the gains roll in no doubt.
Scrambled eggs and rice again for breakfast today with 2ltrs milk
Lunch and snacks bananas got a bit slack with dinner after finishing work late and had a box of bbq chicken without the skin, only thought to take a pic of breakfast


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@Blasteroid you should be making some good progress. The food and training you've been posting is up there brother. Have you noticed a difference?
@shrekmode thanks mate, I have noticed a strength increase but not with my size, saying that I'm still not on cycle my order was held up in the post, it should arrive the next couple of days, been two weeks since I ordered, typical Auspost, I'm dying to get going on it