Approved Log My 10mg a day of Var Cycle Log


AGW Logger
G'day All, new forum member with a long post.

45 year old natty
30 year training history
15% bf, pretty healthy on all accounts
2500 cal is about maintainence
well developed physique
Excellent training form

Thinking Anavar only cycle
No other peds
6 - 8 weeks
10mg pre workout
Training days; 2 on, 3 off, 3 on, 2 off

Blood work - never done, no intention to do so if proceeding with proposed 10mg cycle, same goes with pct.

Limitations: money, I'm broke AF
& i won't use injectables as to not wanting obvious gear/needles in my house and fridge.

Hoping to get some improvements in strength, leg and arm size and maybe lean out to 10-11%. Been there before.
Generally happy with my chest and back.
Overall id be happy with 1-2kgs of legit lean muscle mass if thats doable.
My last natty bulk yielded me 2kg but i jumped 5% bf which took me ages to strip

Plenty of ligament and soft tissue injuries which prevent some movements and contractions so heavy compounds are out

Side effects
I understand libido will drop - Thats fine, as it is i could shag my misso ever 2nd day and i have more *** drive than her. She doesnt like to put out more than once a week anyways and i get pretty ***ually frustrated if i dont get it hahaha.
Aggression levels will lower - no problems, im an angry **** anyways.

Yes i understand the cycle is weak AF but considering my age, injuries, family and work life and major financial limitations, ive reckon hit my natural limits in terms of muscle mass

If i was cashed up and single id happily blast a gram a week 🤣

If im happy with results id probably give it 2-3 months off and consider 20mg for 6-8 w/ pct.

Legends ....... your thoughts
15% bf that s nice at 45. (i m 52)
According to what I read, you can make this 10mg quite more potent (and safer, bypasses the digestive system and liver metabolism) by getting it sublingually for 10 minutes and rinsing your mouth off with grapefruit juice.

I have just started 10mg avar + 25mg anadrol sublingual/grapejuice (probably 2-3 times a week at most, 1 hour before workout)
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G'day All, new forum member with a long post.

45 year old natty
30 year training history
15% bf, pretty healthy on all accounts
2500 cal is about maintainence
well developed physique
Excellent training form

Thinking Anavar only cycle
No other peds
6 - 8 weeks
10mg pre workout
Training days; 2 on, 3 off, 3 on, 2 off

Blood work - never done, no intention to do so if proceeding with proposed 10mg cycle, same goes with pct.

Limitations: money, I'm broke AF
& i won't use injectables as to not wanting obvious gear/needles in my house and fridge.

Hoping to get some improvements in strength, leg and arm size and maybe lean out to 10-11%. Been there before.
Generally happy with my chest and back.
Overall id be happy with 1-2kgs of legit lean muscle mass if thats doable.
My last natty bulk yielded me 2kg but i jumped 5% bf which took me ages to strip

Plenty of ligament and soft tissue injuries which prevent some movements and contractions so heavy compounds are out

Side effects
I understand libido will drop - Thats fine, as it is i could shag my misso ever 2nd day and i have more *** drive than her. She doesnt like to put out more than once a week anyways and i get pretty ***ually frustrated if i dont get it hahaha.
Aggression levels will lower - no problems, im an angry **** anyways.

Yes i understand the cycle is weak AF but considering my age, injuries, family and work life and major financial limitations, ive reckon hit my natural limits in terms of muscle mass

If i was cashed up and single id happily blast a gram a week 🤣

If im happy with results id probably give it 2-3 months off and consider 20mg for 6-8 w/ pct.

Legends ....... your thoughts

Hey brother, appreciate you sharing your detailed post and being open about your goals and limitations. It's great to see that you're committed to training despite your personal challenges.

Based on your situation, an Anavar-only cycle could be a reasonable option. Anavar is known for being mild and can subtly increase strength, muscle mass, and help with fat loss and muscle definition. Starting with 10mg pre-workout on training days seems like a cautious approach, especially considering your desire to avoid injectables.

However, if you're looking for more significant results, you could consider increasing the dosage to around 20-40mg per day.

Just remember with orals, it's best to keep the duration of the cycle to 6 - 8 weeks max.

I understand you don't want to do blood work, PCT or stack with Testosterone due to cost and personal preferences. This is your call but just make sure you've done your research on the potential risks. Make sure you monitor your health as much as possible.

If you're comfortable it would be good to see some pictures (just blur your face) and keep us posted on your progress. Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or updates. It would be good to see your progress before and afters.

You're wasting your time at 10mg.

Any meaningful dosage will be suppressive.

Test base + PCT.

Or don't bother.
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Bro honestly dont waste your time. You will see 0 gains or anything.

Your better getting some test e . Having syringes or anything isn't end of the world to have at home.
15% bf that s nice at 45. (i m 52)
According to what I read, you can make this 10mg quite more potent (and safer, bypasses the digestive system and liver metabolism) by getting it sublingually for 10 minutes and rinsing your mouth off with grapefruit juice.

I have just started 10mg avar + 25mg anadrol sublingual/grapejuice (probably 2-3 times a week at most, 1 hour before workout)
It's oral bioavailability is already 97%.
Sublingual with or w/o grapefruit juice is unlikely to make it more potent.
It is mostly metabolised in the kidneys, not the liver (like other anabolics).
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It's oral bioavailability is already 97%.
Sublingual with or w/o grapefruit juice is unlikely to make it more potent.
It is mostly metabolised in the kidneys, not the liver (like other anabolics).
Thank you for letting me know. I had assumed that it would work like Anadrol. My question is, since I train three days a week, is there any benefit to taking Anavar every day? Or should I just stick to taking it before my workout?
Thank you for letting me know. I had assumed that it would work like Anadrol. My question is, since I train three days a week, is there any benefit to taking Anavar every day? Or should I just stick to taking it before my workout?
I'm not sure about this myself. I've been given conflicting advice myself about whether to take Anavar daily or just on training days. I'm about to start my first cycle. Hopefully someone else can jump in here?
My question is, since I train three days a week, is there any benefit to taking Anavar every day? Or should I just stick to taking it before my workout?

I'm not sure about this myself. I've been given conflicting advice myself about whether to take Anavar daily or just on training days. I'm about to start my first cycle. Hopefully someone else can jump in here?

Every day.

Fred I'm assuming you're running a test base, you're not just dumping var and adrol?

If you're not, you should be.

And training 3 days a week is a waste of gear and money, you're running hepatotoxic compounds, and they're not going to do the work for you.

Increase your volume and frequency

If you want to train inefficiently stay natural.
Every day.

Fred I'm assuming you're running a test base, you're not just dumping var and adrol?

If you're not, you should be.

And training 3 days a week is a waste of gear and money, you're running hepatotoxic compounds, and they're not going to do the work for you.

Increase your volume and frequency

If you want to train inefficiently stay natural.
I am on TRT Sustanon 1000 every 10wk

Okay, I will increase. I am putting in a lot of effort, basically, quite a few sessions during the day, doing callisthenics and using a 7kg shot put and hammer. I thought taking one or two days of rest would be beneficial to allow my muscles to repair. Thank you
I am on TRT Sustanon 1000 every 10wk

Okay, I will increase. I am putting in a lot of effort, basically, quite a few sessions during the day, doing callisthenics and using a 7kg shot put and hammer. I thought taking one or two days of rest would be beneficial to allow my muscles to repair. Thank you

Idk who these clinics are that prescribe TRT like this.

Two weeks after your pin, your levels are on the floor.

If you're able to self administer, split your dose to 50mg twice a week and thank me later.



Multiple sessions a day? Calisthenics?

Mate what are your goals and what is your actual training?
Idk who these clinics are that prescribe TRT like this.

Two weeks after your pin, your levels are on the floor.
Sustanon1000 is a long release, 10weeks provide a relatively stable T (peak a bit the first week)
Multiple sessions a day? Calisthenics?

Mate what are your goals and what is your actual training?
Various types of pushup/various types of kettlebell swings/ quite few pullups/ quite a bit of weight throwing (Shortput/Hammer), 4-5 sessions (from home) during the training day, I can feel it the day after hence the break ;-). Today is my training day. I am trying to regain fitness / muscle up .
Sustanon1000 is a long release, 10weeks provide a relatively stable T (peak a bit the first week)
I'm gonna assume you mean reandron 1000.

Test U.

Half life is like 20 days.

I'm no mathematician but I'm pretty sure 10 weeks is in the area of 70 days.

That's 3 1/2 half lives between injections.

That's nearly elimation.

You're down to about 10% saturation.

Irrespective of the ester, more frequent pins means more stable levels.

Various types of pushup/various types of kettlebell swings/ quite few pullups/ quite a bit of weight throwing (Shortput/Hammer), 4-5 sessions (from home) during the training day, I can feel it the day after hence the break ;-). Today is my training day. I am trying to regain fitness / muscle up .

Ok I'm confused by this training and the need for PEDs.

What's your goal? To do a muscle up?
I'm gonna assume you mean reandron 1000.

Test U.

Half life is like 20 days.

I'm no mathematician but I'm pretty sure 10 weeks is in the area of 70 days.

That's 3 1/2 half lives between injections.

That's nearly elimation.

You're down to about 10% saturation.

Irrespective of the ester, more frequent pins means more stable levels.

Ok I'm confused by this training and the need for PEDs.

What's your goal? To do a muscle up?
yes Reandron, sorry. after few round of injection every 10wk, the T level stabilises. That s how it is, I am already lucky that a GP gave me the script (without even asking for it ;-) )

yes to muscle up for an athletic event LOL. At 52 it s not that easy
yes to muscle up for an athletic event LOL. At 52 it s not that easy
Actually it’s not as hard as you think, yeah it’s slower as you get older, but if you put your mind to it, and put your heart ant soul into your training, it still happens. For us older fellas, restrict your training to 4 days a week, 2 on 1 off, 2 on 2 off for recovery. Train upper one day, lower the next, rest, then upper and lower again, for example chest, shoulders, tris, day one, then quads day 2, day 3 rest, day 4 back and bis, day 5 hams and calves, or you could give my 10 day split a crack that I posted in the training section.
Make sure you meet your daily protein requirements, then make up your calories with carbs and good fats. Train for strength initially, then leading up to your event migrate more towards explosive training, I’m only guessing because I’m not sure what events you are competing in, so I won’t be specific.
Being older, you need to focus on recovery, so I’m not sure training multiple times per day will be productive, only you can gauge that.
Don’t let people tell you you shouldn’t train as hard when you get older, I train harder, but smarter, I’m 62 and still gaining.
15% bf that s nice at 45. (i m 52)
According to what I read, you can make this 10mg quite more potent (and safer, bypasses the digestive system and liver metabolism) by getting it sublingually for 10 minutes and rinsing your mouth off with grapefruit juice.

I have just started 10mg avar + 25mg anadrol sublingual/grapejuice (probably 2-3 times a week at most, 1 hour before workout)
Cool, let me know about your progress - is it your first cycle? Taking bloods?
Hey brother, appreciate you sharing your detailed post and being open about your goals and limitations. It's great to see that you're committed to training despite your personal challenges.

Based on your situation, an Anavar-only cycle could be a reasonable option. Anavar is known for being mild and can subtly increase strength, muscle mass, and help with fat loss and muscle definition. Starting with 10mg pre-workout on training days seems like a cautious approach, especially considering your desire to avoid injectables.

However, if you're looking for more significant results, you could consider increasing the dosage to around 20-40mg per day.

Just remember with orals, it's best to keep the duration of the cycle to 6 - 8 weeks max.

I understand you don't want to do blood work, PCT or stack with Testosterone due to cost and personal preferences. This is your call but just make sure you've done your research on the potential risks. Make sure you monitor your health as much as possible.

If you're comfortable it would be good to see some pictures (just blur your face) and keep us posted on your progress. Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or updates. It would be good to see your progress before and afters.

Thanks for the feed back - I appreciate your input and if I see enough improvement I may post a few photos up. I've decided to drop take a few weeks of my eating plan due to a large holiday coming and a few planned nights on the sauce. I'm then planning on slowly working my way down to 12% bf before I test the waters
You're wasting your time at 10mg.

Any meaningful dosage will be suppressive.

Test base + PCT.

Or don't bother.
Suppressive- I don't mind bro, I ain't getting laid as it is, i feel as if I add any test I'd be a walking circus tent. And
generally speaking I "feel" as though my test levels are decent - cost is a concern thus my thoughts that a "dabble" with 10mgs could reap some benefits - currently a little improvement is enough- I've mixed out my natural capabilities bro
Bro honestly dont waste your time. You will see 0 gains or anything.

Your better getting some test e . Having syringes or anything isn't end of the world to have at home.
To put it simply; I can't afford a decent cycle, bloods and pct, and my missus would ****ing kill me if she knew I was on gear, literally nothing I'm my house is private. Gear and needles would be located and I'd have he'll to pay. If I was to stash a bottle of Var tablets in my work bag, she'd never know. As I've mentioned I reckon I've hit my natty limits and a small boost is a good boost.