Where to add carbs?


Need some advice with this... been eating 2500 calories for a while now (250/250/56) and am about to go up to 2800. I’m hoping the addition of calories will help my urge to binge on the weekend. I’ll be going to 250/325/56 and I’m conflicted on where to place these extra 75g carbs. Would also like an overall critique of the diet as a whole. This has been a typical day...

Breakfast 7:30am
4 medium eggs
2 slices of 45 calorie toast
250g 0% Plain Greek Yogurt
20g chocolate brownie protein powder
80g strawberries
60g blueberries

Lunch 11:00am
225g turkey burgers

PWO Meal 1:30pm
90g cream of rice
25g chocolate brownie protein powder
5 calorie chocolate syrup
12g peanut butter powder
30g HBCD (intraworkout)

Post Workout Meal 4:30pm
2 slices 45 calorie toast with low sugar jelly
-30min later
225g chicken breast
300g sweet potato
5 calorie bbq sauce

Dinner 7:00pm
225g ground beef

These do not include veggies which are a lot during lunch and dinner. Probably 200 calories total. Would you guys add the 75g carbs for lunch or dinner? I worry about adding them with a higher fat protein. I could also do another scoop of intra workout HBCD for another 30 carbs and add a banana at some point during the day.

I guess I should add that I’m trying to drop a little fat and maintain muscle hopefully continue to get stronger. I’m at about 12% now and think
I can get down to 10% if I eliminate these weekend binges.

Trying to add volume to my meals as well.. I love to eat it’s pretty much all I think about between meals so looking for low cal high volume.
This is odd but I believe that's too much Tryptophan. I was eating 250g of chicken daily. I started having anxiety and my mate said it could be too much protein and the Tryptophan can screw with your serotonin.
I would add in some quality carbs in with your turkey at 11am. And maybe add some more at breakfast. What else do you eat for breakfast if you substitute the 45cal bread? And lots of research has shown meal timing is not very important but some high believe it is important. It’s whatever works best for you.
So I believe in both meal timing is important and I also believe it’s not important. Depends on goals and the actual Individual. I think meal timing is more important for someone that’s trying to prep for a show. But hey everyones opinion is different they have research that shows both are effective. I mean I’ve seen some ****ing jacked guys only eating 1x a day but they consume all their calories in that one meal. Now digestion is probably a ***** though lol

So most people who go on a cut of some sort like to eat more of the carbs in the morning. That gives the body plenty of time to burn it off because of your metabolism. You have some good fruits for breakfast. I might try some grits or oat meal along with your fruit. And if you did that you could add like 30 carbs with your turkey at 11.

I’m not a huge fan of just protein meals unless you going keto.
Possibly switch out the Turkey burgers for a more carb dense meal if you’re concerned about carbs in the evening.

I consume my last meal at 6.30pm which is 250g chicken breast with 300g jasmine rice. And I am currently on a cut. But I also go to bed at 11.30pm.

Oats and/muesli are a favourite of mine to use with yogurts or shakes and you can make them packing the carbs