Test E & Anavar - First Cycle


Hey legends,
Just after some advice from some veterens.

I am 28 yo male 178cm and 86kg

I have been cycling on and off over the last 2 years. 4 x 10 week cycle, doing it as i felt.

Keen to try add a steroid in just to see how my body reacts.

Looking to do the following

2 pins x test E per week 250mg each
25mg Anavar starting week 4
50mg Anavar starting week 7 and finishing by week 10
Finish test by week 12
.5 Arimidex daily during anavar use

PCT from week 14
2 weeks 20mg clovid
2 weeks 40mg clovid
Sounds good, just assess if you need arimidex, anavar won't contribute to higher estrogen levels either so have on hand from when you begin test.
Welcome my brother,

I would keep the duration of Anavar to 6 weeks max.

12 weeks is a good cycle. Add the Var on the last 6 weeks. Maybe taper up from the 25mg to 50mg quicker so by week 2 your on 50mg. If you want to add another compound to the stack you can try Tren E at 200mg a week (split into 2, pin on the same days as the test). 200mg is a low beginner dosage so sides would be very little. The Tren will give you strength and vascularity.
Good advice there, low dose of Tren way to go if you haven't used it before. You should get some noticeable results even with a low dose.

I would only change the Arimedex to 2 times a week during your whole cycle just to keep the estrogen levels stable. You can always adjust if you need. PCT, I would change Clomid to 50mg daily for 2 weeks, then 25mg daily for another 2 weeks.
If first time on Tren I suggest hit Tren A, just to see how your body reacts to the sides. It's got a shorter half-life so if you get bad sides it'll clear out quicker. Start with 50mg eod and adjust as needed.