Approved Log My Training Log - Fit, Filthy & Forty


AGW Logger
Hey AGW Fam!!

I am keen as mustard to get amongst these logs and the AGW community, to motivate myself and others, to remain accountable and share knowledge and experiences. Oh, and to get bigger and leaner of course 😌

I’m extremely lucky and thankful for @gearmaniac101 bringing me on as a sponsored logger. They’ve been awesome to deal with and very supportive, and I’ll continue to support them as they have me. 😘

I’ve got the generic log intro below. As you may be able to tell I tend to ramble a bit so be thankful I made it as short as it is lol.

39 (soon to be 40 and I’m not ok with it)

Current Weight:


Body Fat %:
18% (roughly, will update with scans throughout the log)

Training Experience:
13 years (somewhat consistently)

Cycle Stack:

Im currently dieting down so that my body fat % is lower when I commence my first 12 week cycle. Ultimately I’m aiming for at least 15% BF before I start my planned cycle on Mon 17th Feb. My plans for cycle are as follows:

12 Week Cycle:

• 12 weeks - 400mg Testosterone Enanthate by Quintrex Pharmaceuticals, Injected twice a week, Mon & Thu
• 12 weeks - 200mg Masterone Enanthate by Quintrex Pharmaceuticals, same frequency as Test (toying with the idea of increasing to 400mg for last 6 weeks)
• First 6 weeks - 50mg Anavar every day

AI & PCT :

• Arimidex - Will have on hand and use if required.
• Defend - Organ + Liver Support for entire duration of cycle

Post cycle I will drop back down to current cruise dose of Test E 250mg/wk

All gear to be used supplied by @gearmaniac101

Supplements Used:

• Cheap Protein from Chemist Warehouse (I try to rely more on whole foods for protein intake predominately)
• Pump Juice by Transparent Supplements
• Micronised Creatine (not brand specific)
• Cycle Support as stated above

Diet Overview:

Ultimately my goal is to get shredded AF and see what’s going on underneath. This will then give me the next starting point to reverse diet and gradually increase calories again.

I’m currently running at a slight calorie deficit of around 500cals. Daily calorie intake will sit around the 2600cals mark, with target for daily macros being as follows:

• Protein 200g (800cals)
• Carbs 300g (1200cals)
• Fats 70g (630cals)

Diet will consist predominantly of whole foods, however I do use protein powders in there for convenience due to work etc.

I eat the same thing, every day, day in, day out. It’s boring and repetitive, but it’s easy to maintain, prepare, is cost effective (which is a key component to me) and easy to manipulate down the track should I need to adjust macros.

I prepare my evening meals a week in advance and put in the freezer to be heated when required. Preparation is key, plus this allows me to still help in cooking meals for the family and having my own ready to roll.

I won’t bore you with the details now, but I will share the individual meals/macros throughout my posts moving forward.

Ultimately, I aim to keep calories/food intake as high as possible (reduces risk of falling off the wagon), and utilise early morning fasted cardio before work to aid in fat loss.

Training Schedule:

My training is typically 4-5 days per week. Sometimes work/family/life get in the way but you just work around it as best as possible.

Currently I am using a Push/Pull/Leg split. This has allowed me to increase frequency yet still allow enough recovery time between sessions.

Workouts consistent of mainly compound lifts, and I train with as much intensity as possible in every session. Lately, sessions have looked like this:

• 2-3 exercises per muscle group (I tend to hit legs a little more)
• 2-3 WORKING sets per exercise, with focus on form and time under tension
• 4-8 reps, either with 1 x RIR or to failure
• Generally 2mins rest between sets
• 10min LISS cardio to finish off

I’d always been a bro split, 10-12 rep kinda guy but recently decided to try something different and so far, so good!

Health Status

No medical concerns at all. Recent bloodwork came back pretty good.
Maybe a little cooked from younger me activities but otherwise I’m happy and healthy both mentally and physically.


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Hopped on the scales this morning fasted and post-poo, came in at 98.6kg. Not bad. I’ve been dropping about 4-500g a week which is bang on the rate I want to be at.

Stinking hot day today out in the field (I work in rail). The heat really fkn drained me to be honest, could not drink enough water haha swear I pumped about 6L. Water wasn’t cutting it so had to run some Electrolytes.


Always make sure I’ve got planned food with me every day so I don’t stray off the path..


Smashed my pre-workout meal on the way back to the depot then dragged my moist ass to the gym for Push Day 🤘🏼


200g Rice, 185g Tuna, Soy Sauce, Diced Beetroot & Chickpeas
Macros: 51C, 40P, 12F

Definitely felt weaker in the gym today. Frustrating, but just adjusted the weight and went as hard as I could.

Session looked like this:

Flat Bench (Plate Loaded)
1 x 8 @ 60kg
1 x 5 @ 60kg

Pin Loaded Fly (Pec Deck)
1 x 10 @ 66kg
1 x 8 @ 79kg
1 x 6 @ 86kg

Incline DB Press
Chest was already cooked. Attempted 40kg (normally can do no worries) but felt off with form so dropped the weight.
3 x 12 @ 25

DB Lateral Raise
3 x 8 @ 15kg (threw in double drop on last set for good measure, and the pump 😅)

Behind The Neck Press (Smith Machine)
2 x 7 @ 60kg
Supersetted these with some front raises (20kg plate)

Tricep Pushdown (V-Bar)
3 x 8 @ 50kg

Overhead Extension (Rope)
2 x 8 @ 43kg

Still felt like a good sesh but wasn’t entirely happy/satisfied. All exercises performed with TUT, usually around a 3sec negative with explosive + controlled contractions.

Hey AGW Fam!!

I am keen as mustard to get amongst these logs and the AGW community, to motivate myself and others, to remain accountable and share knowledge and experiences. Oh, and to get bigger and leaner of course 😌

I’m extremely lucky and thankful for @gearmaniac101 bringing me on as a sponsored logger. They’ve been awesome to deal with and very supportive, and I’ll continue to support them as they have me. 😘

I’ve got the generic log intro below. As you may be able to tell I tend to ramble a bit so be thankful I made it as short as it is lol.

39 (soon to be 40 and I’m not ok with it)

Current Weight:


Body Fat %:
18% (roughly, will update with scans throughout the log)

Training Experience:
13 years (somewhat consistently)

Cycle Stack:

Im currently dieting down so that my body fat % is lower when I commence my first 12 week cycle. Ultimately I’m aiming for at least 15% BF before I start my planned cycle on Mon 17th Feb. My plans for cycle are as follows:

12 Week Cycle:

• 12 weeks - 400mg Testosterone Enanthate by Quintrex Pharmaceuticals, Injected twice a week, Mon & Thu
• 12 weeks - 200mg Masterone Enanthate by Quintrex Pharmaceuticals, same frequency as Test (toying with the idea of increasing to 400mg for last 6 weeks)
• First 6 weeks - 50mg Anavar every day

AI & PCT :

• Arimidex - Will have on hand and use if required.
• Defend - Organ + Liver Support for entire duration of cycle

Post cycle I will drop back down to current cruise dose of Test E 250mg/wk

All gear to be used supplied by @gearmaniac101

Supplements Used:

• Cheap Protein from Chemist Warehouse (I try to rely more on whole foods for protein intake predominately)
• Pump Juice by Transparent Supplements
• Micronised Creatine (not brand specific)
• Cycle Support as stated above

Diet Overview:

Ultimately my goal is to get shredded AF and see what’s going on underneath. This will then give me the next starting point to reverse diet and gradually increase calories again.

I’m currently running at a slight calorie deficit of around 500cals. Daily calorie intake will sit around the 2600cals mark, with target for daily macros being as follows:

• Protein 200g (800cals)
• Carbs 300g (1200cals)
• Fats 70g (630cals)

Diet will consist predominantly of whole foods, however I do use protein powders in there for convenience due to work etc.

I eat the same thing, every day, day in, day out. It’s boring and repetitive, but it’s easy to maintain, prepare, is cost effective (which is a key component to me) and easy to manipulate down the track should I need to adjust macros.

I prepare my evening meals a week in advance and put in the freezer to be heated when required. Preparation is key, plus this allows me to still help in cooking meals for the family and having my own ready to roll.

I won’t bore you with the details now, but I will share the individual meals/macros throughout my posts moving forward.

Ultimately, I aim to keep calories/food intake as high as possible (reduces risk of falling off the wagon), and utilise early morning fasted cardio before work to aid in fat loss.

Training Schedule:

My training is typically 4-5 days per week. Sometimes work/family/life get in the way but you just work around it as best as possible.

Currently I am using a Push/Pull/Leg split. This has allowed me to increase frequency yet still allow enough recovery time between sessions.

Workouts consistent of mainly compound lifts, and I train with as much intensity as possible in every session. Lately, sessions have looked like this:

• 2-3 exercises per muscle group (I tend to hit legs a little more)
• 2-3 WORKING sets per exercise, with focus on form and time under tension
• 4-8 reps, either with 1 x RIR or to failure
• Generally 2mins rest between sets
• 10min LISS cardio to finish off

I’d always been a bro split, 10-12 rep kinda guy but recently decided to try something different and so far, so good!

Health Status

No medical concerns at all. Recent bloodwork came back pretty good.
Maybe a little cooked from younger me activities but otherwise I’m happy and healthy both mentally and physically.
On Point.cobber
Staple breakfast this morning before work.


100G Quick Oats, 50G Blueberries, Scoop of Protein Powder and a Banana

62C, 37P, 11F

Cruisy day at work today and not 1000 degrees so was keen for a big pull session this arvo.

Decided to hit Rear Delts 1st this sesh as they’re often left till last. Definitely had a better connection and felt like I worked them quite well.

Workout looked like this:

Bent Over DB Fly
3 x 8 @ 17.5kg

X Body Cable Fly (felt awesome)
2 x 10 @ 14

Rack Pulls
2 x 9 @ 90kg
1 x 7 @ 110kg

T-Bar Row (V Handle/Grip)
3 x 7 @ 60kg


Fkn Handlebar Pull Down lol (refer pic)
2 x 8 @ 59kg
Got horny on these at they felt really good and gave a great ROM. Decided to superset with some straight arm Pulldowns as well.


Seated Row - Pin Load (higher seat to target lower lat)
2 x 10 @ 36kg

DB Curl (one arm at a time)
3 x 8 @ 15kg

Cable Curl (each arm separately)
2 x 7 @ 18kg
These felt really good, slow negatives (as always) and constant tension the whole way through the movement

Had the deadly tunes pumping as well so really got me hyped to lift lol


Home for dinner and pumped a prepared meal out of the freezer.

Thai Green Curry w/200G Chicken Breast and 200G Rice. Fried shallots because YOLO


It’s also PINNING DAY! Still gets me excited!

Still just cruising on 250 Test E for now. Trying to diet down before I kick things off in Feb..


Need Gear? 👇🏼👇🏼
AGW & Telegram
Standard breakfast as always! Fills me up without feeling bloated and rubbish, and all the right macros to start the day 🤌🏼


Cruisy day at work. Work mate wanted to train with me this arvo so I took him through a solid Leg session 🥵

The Pin Punishment consisted of:

Hammer Strength V-Squat
2 x 12 @ 120kg
1 x 8 @ 140kg
Close shoulder width stance on these to focus more on the quad, driving through balls of the feet. Controlled tempo, constant tension and explosive lifts left my quads pumped AF and cooked after the first exercise lol.


Wide Stance Leg Press
3 x 12 @ 120kg
No crazy weight on this. Slow controlled negatives and explosive lifts

3 x 10 @ 40kg

Adductor/Abductor Superset
3 x 12 @ 46kg

Finished off with some Leg Extensions
3 x 10 @ 26kg
Again, slow negatives, 2 sec hold at the top, then just repped it out with assistance until failure.

Walked outta there looking like I’d sh!t myself lol.

Really wanted to tame a Maxs cookie too but they’re quite calorie dense so I resisted 🥺


Home, Thai green curry again for dinner. Hit all my macros for the day and feeling gooood!

Also, I love my Pepsi Max and you won’t take it away from me!! Basically zero calories, and just takes the edge off craving something sweet without consuming rubbish calories 🤙🏼




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Weighed myself fasted and post-poo this morning, 99.1kg, 500g up on last week.


Not too disheartened. Had a busy, unorganised weekend as I was on call for work and didn’t make the best choices food wise. But oh well back to the grind this week.

Limit myself to 1 coffee a day nowadays. Yes with milk. I just make sure it’s part of my macros and account for the milk etc and I’m all sweet. Love an iced long black but too!


Helps that we have a decent coffee machine at work too 🥰

Meals throughout the day standard as always. Boring and repetitive but it works..


Mate from work wanted to train with me again this arvo and it just so happened to fall on Push Day 😍

Favourite pre down and we got stuck into it 💪🏼


Gym was fkn packed! Good ol’ International Chest Day! Had to change the plan a bit given the availability (or lack thereof) of equipment. The session looked like this 👇🏼

Incline BB
3 x 8 @ 80kg
Much prefer DB but this just had to do.

Incline Cable Fly (on bench, vid attached)
2 x 10 @ 18kg
1 x 8 @ 23kg
LOVE this. Stretch, squeeze, tension 🤌🏼

Flat Bench Machine (plate loaded)
2 x 10 @ 40kg (per side)
1 x 7 @ 50kg (per side)
Awesome ROM on this one.

Iso Cable Lateral Raise
2 x 8 @ 18kg
1 x 6 @ 23kg (assistance required)

We decided to then do 100 reps DB lat raises, starting at 10kg and working down to 1kg, 10reps per weight/drop etc.
Was fun, pulled some funny faces and got a mad pump 😂

Tricep Pushdowns (straight bar)
2 x 12 @ 36kg
1 x 8 @ 46kg

Overhead Cable Extensions
Forgot what we did lol, but we mixed it up between the rope and the v-handle/bar. Bit more weight moving on the V-Bar but still strict ROM.

Felt like mixing it up with dinner tonight.
So instead of normal chicken/rice I ran this bad boy! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


100G Turkish Bread, 150G Chicken Breast, Slice of Low Fat Cheese + 15G Nandos Sawssss

Macros came out around 50P, 44C, 9F 😌

Happy Pinning Day! 🙌🏼

Need Gear? 👇🏼👇🏼
AGW & Telegram


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Killer training log @YAT35Y really impressive on the details bro 👊

Honestly, foundation you have is really good. Keen to see how you'll look when you do a shred.
Killer training log @YAT35Y really impressive on the details bro 👊

Honestly, foundation you have is really good. Keen to see how you'll look when you do a shred.

Thanks bro I appreciate the feedback!! And yeah I can’t wait to see what I can do 👊🏼

Also, the Breville Touch is unreal! Used to sell them when I managed retail and they’re an awesome machine!