My next cycle...


I’m looking for some advice on my next cycle. Just finished #1. 500 test/700 Deca 2x per week. Built up to this during 16 weeks.

Really liked the strength gain, bloating went away dropped fat weight. Feel vibrant.

I want to gain some size, get more lean. Any thoughts?
Your first cycle you ran test/deca? Brave man lol
Well just like everyone that wants lean size I’ll suggest the same thing I always do.
Test cyp/sust- 600mg
Npp- 400-500mg
Tbol/dbol- 50mg per day
I appreciate that. How is the npp going to respond vs the Deca? I know it’s quicker but same in the long run?

The test and npp dose. Is the the full week or are you pinning 2x?
I appreciate that. How is the npp going to respond vs the Deca? I know it’s quicker but same in the long run?

The test and npp dose. Is the the full week or are you pinning 2x?
Npp I pin m/w/f and I seem to put on a drier mass than with the deca. And I don’t get the libido problems with npp like deca. Test sust I do m/w/f cyp just m/f
Your first cycle you ran test/deca? Brave man lol
Well just like everyone that wants lean size I’ll suggest the same thing I always do.
Test cyp/sust- 600mg
Npp- 400-500mg
Tbol/dbol- 50mg per day
That's a good cycle there. I agree. Only thing I would add would be masteron e @ 400/week. I love running masteron with just about everything. Proviron is also decent if you cant run masteron.

For the AI I personally would run aromasin. I don't need much in the way of ai so aromasin works perfect for me. Not much like 10 mg/eod or e3d as needed.

Make sure not to run the orals for more than 4 weeks or so. 5 weeks tops for me with orals. No more.
Like I said above I’m currently doing 1000 test and 1400 deca. I’m pinning m/t. I’m taking winny oral 50/day. I’m also taking ai everyday.

From what I’m reading the ai may be too often. Is that bad?

I really want to dry the npp. Will it work as well as the deca?

Masteron, I’ll have to look into that one. How will that effect the entire cycle?

Thanks for everything.
Test e/c 350mg 12-14 weeks
Mast prop 700mg OR tren a 525mg 12-14 weeks
Anavar 80-100mg 8 weeks
Adex 1/2 Monday and Thursday
Caber 1/2 every 3 days with the tren a
I can’t believe a beginner taking that much shit, I’ve been using for over 30 years, competed over 15 years, have won Australians twice and never used that much. Each to their own, but in my experience more gear = more side effects, not more gains. My first cycle was 500mg of sust, 200mg deca and I gained 10kg in 12 weeks. I really think beginners should concentrate more on training and nutrition than mega doses of drugs. I mean if you are starting on 2.5g a week, where do you go from there ? Just my thoughts from a lifetime of training and comp prepping people. At the end of the day, you do what you want, it’s you body and your decision, I’m not telling you what to do, I just get concerned when I see what some people do on their first run.
Dudes these day just load up doses and don't do any research.. do you homework on any compound you are thinking about and read as much as you can on people's experiences 👍
Dudes these day just load up doses and don't do any research.. do you homework on any compound you are thinking about and read as much as you can on people's experiences 👍
I just read where he is taking 350mg winstrol a week as well, that’s 2750mg/wk ! Won’t be long and you will be reading about his hospital holiday experience. Please stop reading every piece of bullshit on the internet or YouTube and do heaps of research, understand what each compound does, how it works, how to eat while on cycle, how to train, how to hold your gains after a cycle, don become one of these muppets that blows up and deflates 4 times a year. Most of all, be patient, it takes 8 to 10 years to build a great physique, not 8 to 10 months.
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Just for context I'm on 225 test and mast 100 mg every 7days and 30mg of stanno .. this was a few weeks ago .. those doses are ridiculous