Approved Log My Anavar/Decca/Test Log Cycle

Feeling good. Sick today though


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Hey man so sorry for the late reply.

The training is going good like I said I've been sick and it's just lingering so haven't been doing a lot lately and been so into MMA, kickboxing and jujitsu. The cycle has helped tremendously I don't want to get off. But I'm about too. Got my PCT setup. I want to keep running it but I just can't plus my skin hates me.

I do
back and biceps - I focus on the big muscles more as biceps and triceps are a smaller muscle and you work them with the major muscles I usually stick to just doing 4 sets of a super set and leave and it's been good sometimes I'll do more just purely because I feel like it

Chest and triceps - same deal

Shoulders and legs - Ive had a shoulder injury a couple years back it's been good this cycle so I've been doing decent sets with shoulders finally again. Legs. I hate legs so thats minimal and also I do kickboxing so i get them worked out there.

Sometimes I'll do arms again just because but usually I'll start the routine again and go about 5-6 days a week and martial arts about 2-4 nights per week inbetween work.
I also try walk the dog where possible I have a handsome rottweiler.

I do have excersizes that I do stick to and just change reps. I'll load up 8 reps higher weight for a few weeks then jump to 10 reps for longer and sometimes towards the end I'll go about 12 reps before going back to the 8. Over the years that seems to get results for me through research and the help of my brother who use to be a PT and other body building mates. It's always a learning curve so any help is good help.
Bro, I'm doing the same workout at the moment... nice and simple. I had a week off last week and just got back into it this week. It's crazy, after a week off and getting back to training, my muscles are actually sore. Sounds odd but I miss that feeling. It's interesting why that happens. Now I'm questioning if I'm not pushing myself enough to get sore all the time lol?

MMA is also a great way to do cardio. I was doing that with Jujitsu but recently put my membership on hold for 6 months. Just haven't had the time to fit it all in. Hopefully I'll get back into it again.

Nice hearing from you brother!
Yeah man that soreness is something that is missed and when you get the real pumped up feeling at the gym you feelin' swole and jacked nearly gets me hard it's so good and taken for granted untill you have a break definitely great impact on my life as well as martial arts and yeah life be crazy sometimes. I just put my needs forward and made time.