Approved Log My $5k Competition Log - MrThepagedog


AGW Logger

Current Weight:


Body Fat %: 14-15%

Training Experience:
Trained since I was 14, started taking powerlifting and strongman seriously at 18 and did that for 8 years, have done a power building style until about a year ago where I switched to just hypertrophy

Current Cycle:
This is week 3 of a cycle I've already started
20 weeks
Test E 500mg wk 1-10
Test E 750mg wk 11-20
Deca 200mg wk 1-10
Deca 400mg wk 11-20
Proviron 50mg ED wk 6-20
Aromasin 12.5mg Ed wk 1-20

Diet Overview:
3000 cal a day
Focus on hitting 180-200g of protein
Carbs and fats I regulate based on my energy levels and how my sleep is going.
Aiming for 300-350g carbs
Remainder fat.
Mostly all clean eating. Home cooked meals made by my other half or really simple protein plus a carb source style meals if I'm chasing extra calories for the day.

Training Schedule:
5 days a week
Upper, Lower, Upper, Lower, Full Body
Try and keep my training as balanced as possible.
Forearm training for this cycle will drop slightly to counteract the pumps I get from Deca
Cardio depends on how my work week has gone. Some days I get over 20,000 steps in so will cut out my scheduled cardio that day when that happens.

Goal for the Competition:
Chasing 110kg at 12-15% body fat (not expecting to hit that during the comp)
Add some more visible mass to my arms and keep working on bringing up the overall size of my legs back and chest.
Wanting to really focus on adding size without going to hard on gaining bodyfat.

Will get some photos up today and try and keep a fortnightly schedule with the progress pics
@NickLovesCybexHack I've run deca on quite a few blasts now, I'm personally a big fan, makes my joints feel great the whole way through the blast and I find as long as I run it lower than my test dosage I don't get any sides at all.
The only thing I have to watch for is when I start to run higher doseages I get some pretty intense forearm pumps but that is pretty easily cleared up by adding in some taurine
Personally I try to avoid nor19 PEDs, Decca for me is to watery but great for strength and size, sometimes joints feel better, where NPP is short acting and has a much better profile for me as aesthetics it has a fuller dryer appearance. Just finished blast with NPP/Mast and was happy with the outcome.
Yesterday's workout:
Chest focus, with arms and calves

Incline Bench
95 x 9
95 X 7

Cable Fly
21 X 13
21 X 12

Overhead Cable Tricep Extension (bar attachment)
41 X 15
41 X 13

Calf Raise (Leg Press)
110 X 15
110 X 14

Cable Upright Row
38.5 X 13
38.5 X 11
38.5 X 11

Low Incline Dumbbell Curl
12.5 X 10
12.5 X 9
12.5 X 9

Day 1 of a new training block, went until close to technical failure without hitting failure.
Emphasis is on slow eccentric with a pause and then a fast controled concentric.
Will go closer and closer to failure each week until week 5 of the block which will be to absolute failure.
@MrThepagedog @Dunstone my coach says I will never be taking 19-nors due to the mental aspects. Did you guys notice any mind**** with either deca/npp?
They can really ramp up your anxiety levels, decca probably less then but sticks around due to longer 1/2 life, then NPP, and both are very mild compared with Tren.

My last NPP use was 25mg ED injection which I tolerated very well. Been almost 10yrs since using Decca for me.
They can really ramp up your anxiety levels, decca probably less then but sticks around due to longer 1/2 life, then NPP, and both are very mild compared with Tren.

My last NPP use was 25mg ED injection which I tolerated very well. Been almost 10yrs since using Decca for me.
I'm someone who is anxiety prone. I reckon I'll just stick to the basics (test, primo/mast, gh). Do you reckon EQ is any good in comparison to 19-nors or maybe as an additional to basic DHT compounds?
I think we have Hi- jacked @MrThepagedog post… apologies!

Eq is a very long-acting PED have used it in the past at very high doses, but not for me. I'm with you test/DHT/maybe NPP and then ment/sDrol in short uses.
Yesterday's workout

Seated Cable Row
59 X 13
59 X 12

Normal Grip Lat Pulldown
59 X 12
59 X 9

Lat Prayer
36 X 11
36 X 11

EZ Bar Curl (Narrow Grip)
30 X 12
30 X 11
30 X 10

Dumbbell Bench Wrist Curl
10 X 12
10 X 10
10 X 9
Thursday Workout

Cable Tricep Push down
50 X 12
50 X 11

Machine Tricep Push down
70 X 12
70 X 11

Bench Press
100 X 11
100 X 9

Dumbbell Flat Bench Press
32.5 X 12
32.5 X 11

Leg Press Calf Raise
112.5 X 15
112.5 X 12

Cable Lateral Raise
14 X 12
14 X 10
14 X 10

Cable Curl
29.5 X 12
29.5 X 11
29.5 X 10
Yesterday's Workout

Good Morning
70 X 14
70 X 12

Hack Squat
127.5 X 13
127.5 X 12

Glute Focused Walking Lunge
BW X 16 (per leg)
BW X 15 (per leg)