Knocked back by Endocrinologist for TRT


Hola Amigos,
So basically my Free test levels came back as 250 and was told that this is quite low by my gp. Unfortunately the endocrinologist that I saw said that it’s normal for a 45 year old and won’t put me on trt. Any suggestions to raise it without paying an arm and a leg for questionable internet suppliers?
Hello mate
Firstly that endo has no idea, these are people who have read a few books passed a test and now are doctors, this prik has missed the point, yes even if 250 is normal for a 45 year old that does not mean it's a good thing, what they also do not understand is that what shows on paper results is one thing however how one feels is a totally different story, this is the reason why so many men do TRT treatment themselves, they get their bloods done etc, in other words U r ur own best doctor, I can keep talking for hours about this topic but in a Sunday I'm getting annoyed Just seeing this, U have a better chance approaching a men's health clinic, or find a good source do ur homework and do this thing urself, FK doctors, Endos etc, all a bunch of idiots
Hola Amigos,
So basically my Free test levels came back as 250 and was told that this is quite low by my gp. Unfortunately the endocrinologist that I saw said that it’s normal for a 45 year old and won’t put me on trt. Any suggestions to raise it without paying an arm and a leg for questionable internet suppliers?
Either go self medication ( @gearmaniac101 is your go to trusted supplier)

Or sign up to a private men's clinic and be monitored by them and pay privately. I am under a TRT clinic happy to chat private about prices and how it works
I had same problem for 10 years- as I got older My levels were not below the minimum range . New endo is fantastic- told them my levels were taken during TRT ( which matched GP referral information). Levels eventually got a bit high but other blood health measures improved substantially so it was worth the big bucks & cheaper than most try clinics. It’s handy to have you GP’s approval and blood screening for other risk factors so consider finding one and telling them that you are or were on Trt. Gearmanic or nexus can supply you with sustenon or test E much cheaper than prescription for the same.
Medical doses are often 250mg every 2-3weeks.( levels don’t build up & natural system still has to work a bit ) I found 100mg weekly is more stable and effective which endo eventually endorsed after bloodwork results. Athletic use is different
I had same problem for 10 years- as I got older My levels were not below the minimum range . New endo is fantastic- told them my levels were taken during TRT ( which matched GP referral information). Levels eventually got a bit high but other blood health measures improved substantially so it was worth the big bucks & cheaper than most try clinics. It’s handy to have you GP’s approval and blood screening for other risk factors so consider finding one and telling them that you are or were on Trt. Gearmanic or nexus can supply you with sustenon or test E much cheaper than prescription for the same.
Medical doses are often 250mg every 2-3weeks.( levels don’t build up & natural system still has to work a bit ) I found 100mg weekly is more stable and effective which endo eventually endorsed after bloodwork results. Athletic use is different
Forgot to add that your GP can put you on . Be honest about all your low test symptoms and ask nicely after going through your bloodwork results. If still reluctant ask if he can recommend a GP familiar with replacement therapy
Hi mate

I am 45 also. Test levels at last bloods was 216. I got approved through one of the private clinics no problem. My plan is that can be my "foundation", then add via quality suppliers like @gearmaniac101 as needed. Happy to chat via DM if you want.
Hola Amigos,
So basically my Free test levels came back as 250 and was told that this is quite low by my gp. Unfortunately the endocrinologist that I saw said that it’s normal for a 45 year old and won’t put me on trt. Any suggestions to raise it without paying an arm and a leg for questionable internet suppliers?
My GP has been perfectly fine with prescribing TRT (I did not even asked for it but was at 170) as long as it wasn't reimbursed. I'm okay with this, as it only costs me about $95 every 10 weeks.
My GP has been perfectly fine with prescribing TRT (I did not even asked for it but was at 170) as long as it wasn't reimbursed. I'm okay with this, as it only costs me about $95 every 10 weeks.
Is that the standard 250mg every 3 weeks ? I tried that for a few months, worked ok with Sustenon.
Lots of people here dose 2x weekly so it’s often not TRT as levels build above range quickly.
yeah I was surprised, I did not even asked for it, I was on TRT few years back but the endocrino was so shy prescribing it and going through all the gov controls (wanted me to use antidepressants instead :mad:)
I had a similar experience a few years back, got put on SSRI's, tired all different types, nothing worked. Fast forward to now, I had a different issue that led to testing for low-t. T is low, psych and GP were like "whoops sorry, you better go to a men's health clinic".

So I don't know what all these different SSRI's have done to my body and my brain, and all because TRT is such a taboo subject to a lot of GP's.
I had a similar experience a few years back, got put on SSRI's, tired all different types, nothing worked. Fast forward to now, I had a different issue that led to testing for low-t. T is low, psych and GP were like "whoops sorry, you better go to a men's health clinic".

So I don't know what all these different SSRI's have done to my body and my brain, and all because TRT is such a taboo subject to a lot of GP's.
Yeah it annoys the shit out of me the amount of regulations and guidelines they have around this...
Hola Amigos,
So basically my Free test levels came back as 250 and was told that this is quite low by my gp. Unfortunately the endocrinologist that I saw said that it’s normal for a 45 year old and won’t put me on trt. Any suggestions to raise it without paying an arm and a leg for questionable internet suppliers?

Paying an arm and leg from internet suppliers? I am scripted test C from an Australian trt clinic its $490 per 10ml of test. I can buy directly from @gearmaniac101 for under $100 per 10ml vial of test c

Just cause your buying from a pharmacy and with a script doesn't mean it cheap.

Paying an arm and leg from internet suppliers? I am scripted test C from an Australian trt clinic its $490 per 10ml of test. I can buy directly from @gearmaniac101 for under $100 per 10ml vial of test c

Just cause your buying from a pharmacy and with a script doesn't mean it cheap.
So can you be looked after by a TRT clinic but not use the script and just buy ie gearmaniac , or can they somehow see script not used
So can you be looked after by a TRT clinic but not use the script and just buy ie gearmaniac , or can they somehow see script not used
Yes and no
You still are required to do bloodwork and they expect you to buy script

So I keep my script for my travel so always have legal medication my script is always 2.5ml vial so easy to travel with

And use my @gearmaniac101 test when home as easier having a 10ml vial in my home kit