Old boy wanting info on re doing a test cycle

Yeah mate everything has gone digital hard to even just buy a bag of coke now days with out needed crypto and special apps

If you fear the worse jump on roid test aus and grab a test kit

Then make a small order with gear product of what you like ( i personally prefer the test E 250mg/ml)

When it arrives in 2 to 3 days test it with your kit and you will become a loyal customer.

The quintrex pharmaceutical is the product which gearmaniac has supplied.
Thanks trespassing, i appreciate the info re test kit, and yes your right. i also prefer the E 250, i may purchase a test kit as final peace of mind
toxic avenger
Thanks mate for your reply, and as you said, and as i feel, its hard to find someone or something today that is real and not a scam, its just the way most things are today hence my caution.
Yes I'm aware as you say about Bitcoin transactions no paper trails and a safer method agreed, i have done it this way for other stock.
It was good that you verified Janoshik, i also went on their site and they appear legit.
Im sure you have been around and know the scams out there, but the proof is in the pudding with these and one will know with strength gains, and other positive factors, plus having bloods done is the best way for authenticity.
I appreciate your positive feedback, and if you are confident with their products being effective then that's a good marker for me.
Ok YAT35Y, thanks again for your prompt reply appreciate it cobba.
Have a good week ...👍

You’re welcome mate no problems 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽
Thanks mate for your reply, and as you said, and as i feel, its hard to find someone or something today that is real and not a scam, its just the way most things are today hence my caution.
Yes I'm aware as you say about Bitcoin transactions no paper trails and a safer method agreed, i have done it this way for other stock.
It was good that you verified Janoshik, i also went on their site and they appear legit.
Im sure you have been around and know the scams out there, but the proof is in the pudding with these and one will know with strength gains, and other positive factors, plus having bloods done is the best way for authenticity.
I appreciate your positive feedback, and if you are confident with their products being effective then that's a good marker for me.
Ok YAT35Y, thanks again for your prompt reply appreciate it cobba.
Have a good week ...👍
Geez it's so bloody great that you've done the hard yards research and shown proof of purchase. Ive been looking for a site like this forever. I'm so happy reading your no nonsense posts. I'm ordering tomorrow. Thanks 👍
Geez it's so bloody great that you've done the hard yards research and shown proof of purchase. Ive been looking for a site like this forever. I'm so happy reading your no nonsense posts. I'm ordering tomorrow. Thanks 👍
Gotta do your homework/research these days Big Bear, in almost all facets of life, so many lies and cons and scams, i believe nothing what i hear and half what i see, that's my motto with most things, and when it comes to putting something into my body, i will search hard and thorough to hopefully get what i am paying for and it is authentic.
gearmaniac, has been endorsed by some on here, i have also done my research on them and so far no red flags, time will tell as they are relatively new on the block, but for total peace of mind, a legit testing kit, available online, followed by blood work on the endocrine system, before starting and then about 6-10 weeks after starting cycle, will give the truth, and also if it is top shelf stuff, you will feel it in your workouts, your emotional and libido drive and physique will change, for the better, providing your training correctly, eating with correct amount of macros and calories, resting and recovering, although the gear helps recovery remarkably.
toxic avenger
Gotta do your homework/research these days Big Bear, in almost all facets of life, so many lies and cons and scams, i believe nothing what i hear and half what i see, that's my motto with most things, and when it comes to putting something into my body, i will search hard and thorough to hopefully get what i am paying for and it is authentic.
gearmaniac, has been endorsed by some on here, i have also done my research on them and so far no red flags, time will tell as they are relatively new on the block, but for total peace of mind, a legit testing kit, available online, followed by blood work on the endocrine system, before starting and then about 6-10 weeks after starting cycle, will give the truth, and also if it is top shelf stuff, you will feel it in your workouts, your emotional and libido drive and physique will change, for the better, providing your training correctly, eating with correct amount of macros and calories, resting and recovering, although the gear helps recovery remarkably.
toxic avenger
Hey toxic

What are you thinking of ordering and cycle plans?

Whats your goal? Trt, bulk , hulk , cut?
Diet? Calories macros?
Hey toxic

What are you thinking of ordering and cycle plans?

Whats your goal? Trt, bulk , hulk , cut?
Diet? Calories macros?
Hi Trespassing.

I have done and tested over many years, different mixes in cycle plans.

My best products that worked well for me, were, Test E, Sus 250 and both Trenbolone Enanthate and Trenbolone acetate, along the way during my years in this arena, i have tried Dianabol, Anavar 50 {Oxymetholone} these were so strong {The Anavar} and i got results in the first week, but very strong and toxic especially to the liver, i have also done Winstrol, Clembuteral for cutting.

The Trem Acetate, was a great medium time releaser, problem being is to inject 3 times a week to get full effect, That oil will put muscle on a tomatoe, but beware, its one of the strongest test's available, and many that have used it can attest to the infamous "Tren cough", trust me trespassing, i thought i was going to die, but the cough and feeling lasts a few minutes, but not a good feeling, but it gave me great gains and is a great cutter, and builds big strength and size.

Anybody starting a beginners cycle thru to intermediate to an advanced cycle are not doing it to stay normal or get smaller, they want good gains both in aesthetic look, and strength, and excess fat burn, life's to short to be small. Balls to walls training.

My goals cobba, are not what i used to want, which was mass with being shredded, who doesn't want that on the gear, this cycle, i am dosing small, -5ml once a week on Test Enanthate, and then change to Sus 250 being very conservative, i will stay on this dose for 6 weeks and then up it to 1ml a week, for 6 weeks then back to -5ml a week. I'm wanting to gain weight on the scales {Muscle and reduce body fat}. I have to stay on it indefinitely as my own test production will take for ever to come back even with clomid.

Do you know the longer your on the juice, say 12 weeks, then when you come off, its a good idea to stay off for that period, that's the rule of thumb.
Problem is that once you come off the cycle, and depending the anabolic last injected, the half life starts to happen that's where the gear breaks down 50% then 25% then 12.5% then 6.25% then 3.12% finally 1.56%, so at about the 3-4 week period you can start to feel the post cycle crash, both physically and mentally, it sux. Because your own production has to come off baseline and your teste's work hard to get the level back up, clomid speeds that up, but before your test levels come back to a normal level, we all produce the stress hormone called "Cortisol" the enemy to our body and muscle.

Research "SERMS" friend, and PCT, {Post cycle therapy}, one product recommended is Clomid, oral form, read up on it there's plenty of good info on how to dose and when to start it.

Im going to stay on the gear indefinitely, with my low dose, have my bloods done every 6 months.
My nutrition is and always has been sound, i have extensive knowledge on Macro's and micro's, macros are your Proteins/carbs and fats, and micros your vit's and minerals".

I balance my Heme proteins {Animal meats} with Kangaroo meat, beef, Chicken, fish, eggs, and most carbs thru fibrous carbs which are veges and also sweet potatoes, and bio dynamic rice, and some fruits and berries.

Trespassing, venturing into the world of Anabolics can be very rewarding, and also very dangerous, no one talks about the latter, and side effects both serious and mild that can occur are many.

Do you research well and don't just jump in with eyes shut, I'm sure you wont and never have, but its good to hear these things from someone who has had a lot of experience with them, both great results and no so great.
All the best Trespassing

Hi Trespassing.

I have done and tested over many years, different mixes in cycle plans.

My best products that worked well for me, were, Test E, Sus 250 and both Trenbolone Enanthate and Trenbolone acetate, along the way during my years in this arena, i have tried Dianabol, Anavar 50 {Oxymetholone} these were so strong {The Anavar} and i got results in the first week, but very strong and toxic especially to the liver, i have also done Winstrol, Clembuteral for cutting.

The Trem Acetate, was a great medium time releaser, problem being is to inject 3 times a week to get full effect, That oil will put muscle on a tomatoe, but beware, its one of the strongest test's available, and many that have used it can attest to the infamous "Tren cough", trust me trespassing, i thought i was going to die, but the cough and feeling lasts a few minutes, but not a good feeling, but it gave me great gains and is a great cutter, and builds big strength and size.

Anybody starting a beginners cycle thru to intermediate to an advanced cycle are not doing it to stay normal or get smaller, they want good gains both in aesthetic look, and strength, and excess fat burn, life's to short to be small. Balls to walls training.

My goals cobba, are not what i used to want, which was mass with being shredded, who doesn't want that on the gear, this cycle, i am dosing small, -5ml once a week on Test Enanthate, and then change to Sus 250 being very conservative, i will stay on this dose for 6 weeks and then up it to 1ml a week, for 6 weeks then back to -5ml a week. I'm wanting to gain weight on the scales {Muscle and reduce body fat}. I have to stay on it indefinitely as my own test production will take for ever to come back even with clomid.

Do you know the longer your on the juice, say 12 weeks, then when you come off, its a good idea to stay off for that period, that's the rule of thumb.
Problem is that once you come off the cycle, and depending the anabolic last injected, the half life starts to happen that's where the gear breaks down 50% then 25% then 12.5% then 6.25% then 3.12% finally 1.56%, so at about the 3-4 week period you can start to feel the post cycle crash, both physically and mentally, it sux. Because your own production has to come off baseline and your teste's work hard to get the level back up, clomid speeds that up, but before your test levels come back to a normal level, we all produce the stress hormone called "Cortisol" the enemy to our body and muscle.

Research "SERMS" friend, and PCT, {Post cycle therapy}, one product recommended is Clomid, oral form, read up on it there's plenty of good info on how to dose and when to start it.

Im going to stay on the gear indefinitely, with my low dose, have my bloods done every 6 months.
My nutrition is and always has been sound, i have extensive knowledge on Macro's and micro's, macros are your Proteins/carbs and fats, and micros your vit's and minerals".

I balance my Heme proteins {Animal meats} with Kangaroo meat, beef, Chicken, fish, eggs, and most carbs thru fibrous carbs which are veges and also sweet potatoes, and bio dynamic rice, and some fruits and berries.

Trespassing, venturing into the world of Anabolics can be very rewarding, and also very dangerous, no one talks about the latter, and side effects both serious and mild that can occur are many.

Do you research well and don't just jump in with eyes shut, I'm sure you wont and never have, but its good to hear these things from someone who has had a lot of experience with them, both great results and no so great.
All the best Trespassing
Wow thanks for the detailed response.

I'm actually on TRT (Genuine TRT) I had never touched PEDs and my body just gave up - i have a pretty detailed blog on here if you can be bothered reading my story its bit long winded.

So I am scripted by a clinic 150mg of test C per week which i give as 3 injection.

The Australian pharmacy love making a big dollar return so my. Script test is 490 per 10ml

As i travel a lot i keep my script vials for travel and use @gearmaniac101 product at home to save me few bucks here and there.

I do my bloods every 12 weeks which are reviews by clinic and doctor which keeps me on track

Being my body naturally stopped producing test (my first bloodwork my test was 109) I am on trt for life
@toxic avenger this is how I received my order from @gearmaniac101 today, just FYI. Ordered mid/late last week..

This is what I used last year for 2 mths till my source dried up. 1.5ml of each, every 3rd day. I've always been very fit and I felt like I could tackle a bus. Lol. Then no more, bloody hell I was pissed off. Been looking forever till I found this totally Amazing website with top blokes like yourself full of the correct information coupled with years of experience. I just didn't want to buy counterfeit shit. Especially when I'm jabbing myself. Thanks for putting a smile on my face again.


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Glad you found your smile man!! 😁

And I’m stoked for you to have found this site, just as I was not too long ago.

I store mine out of the sunlight in a cool dark place. No problem storing in fridge but you’d need to let it come to at least room temp before you injected it.
Hi buddy, Ive seen your pics, you look tops bro. I virtually have the same physique as you. And eat the same. I work as a treelopper, I'll flick you a pic tomorrow. I was just winging it last year when I was on the gear. What you ordered I believe is what will work for me. If you don't mind cld you pls share with me your course plan details ie; what day and days to inject, what product to use and when, and how much, and when to increase amount, timeframe etc. I know your a busy man, and you've got my total respect m8, but Ii have nothing planned and to be honest not to sure how to. One thing I'm good at is working bloody hard and training even harder. I'm just over being sore all the time lol. Even though I know it's a good sore. Thanks heaps for your time and knowledge. I very much appreciate it.
Wow thanks for the detailed response.

I'm actually on TRT (Genuine TRT) I had never touched PEDs and my body just gave up - i have a pretty detailed blog on here if you can be bothered reading my story its bit long winded.

So I am scripted by a clinic 150mg of test C per week which i give as 3 injection.

The Australian pharmacy love making a big dollar return so my. Script test is 490 per 10ml

As i travel a lot i keep my script vials for travel and use @gearmaniac101 product at home to save me few bucks here and there.

I do my bloods every 12 weeks which are reviews by clinic and doctor which keeps me on track

Being my body naturally stopped producing test (my first bloodwork my test was 109) I am on trt for life
Hi again Trespass.

Please clarify to me, quote "I have never touched PED's", there is the company PED that supply the testing kits is that what you mean.

You sound similar to me. I recently found a clinic here on the GC, they are authorized to prescribe pharmacy injectables, however the cost for consultations and product is way to high for my liking, albeit they sell scripted pharmaceutical grade, which sometimes can be slightly up or down from the strength indicated but not by much, so nothing to worry about.

Sheesh mate, that's an extraordinary price for Test Cypionate, that's why i declined the visit.

In regard to gearmaniac, any Anabolic both injectable or oral, i am going to test, you mentioned PED Test. i researched their site, and it looks legit, so i will in future order the test kit for what I'm using which will be sustanon and test Enanthate, and if i order from gearmaniac, i will order just 1 bottle to test, hopefully it comes up as that product and has the indicated potency. If it doesn't come up to what they say in test, i will send the result by photogragh on the cloured chart in the kit to PED test for their info on the test result, if the product i tested doesn't come to what i have bought then I've blown my $80 or thereabouts, but better to be safe then sorry mate.

PED will then put this info of the product i bought on their site under the scamming alert section. I did a search on their site for gearmaniac and they were not on it, but two previous companies i bought from were.

You are onto your game Trespassing, getting your bloods done like that.
The dosage of the test C you are on is low however this is good as your on it indefinitely and 3 injections a week is good as it keeps the levels balanced in your blood, without a peak then a drop.

Did you have the product from gearmaniac tested, if not i would.

I will also have to stay on it indefinitely as my levels never came back naturally and i was slowly wasting away, loss of appetite, drive, energy and strength all diminishing, so to stay on it indefinitely i have to be sure as you do, that any oils outside a registered clinic are tested first before using, to be legit and contain the potency stated.