Old boy wanting info on re doing a test cycle

Hi Toxic, looking forward to seeing those results, I too am about to purchase an amount. Thanks for your information and helpful post buddy
Hi again Trespass.

Please clarify to me, quote "I have never touched PED's", there is the company PED that supply the testing kits is that what you mean.

You sound similar to me. I recently found a clinic here on the GC, they are authorized to prescribe pharmacy injectables, however the cost for consultations and product is way to high for my liking, albeit they sell scripted pharmaceutical grade, which sometimes can be slightly up or down from the strength indicated but not by much, so nothing to worry about.

Sheesh mate, that's an extraordinary price for Test Cypionate, that's why i declined the visit.

In regard to gearmaniac, any Anabolic both injectable or oral, i am going to test, you mentioned PED Test. i researched their site, and it looks legit, so i will in future order the test kit for what I'm using which will be sustanon and test Enanthate, and if i order from gearmaniac, i will order just 1 bottle to test, hopefully it comes up as that product and has the indicated potency. If it doesn't come up to what they say in test, i will send the result by photogragh on the cloured chart in the kit to PED test for their info on the test result, if the product i tested doesn't come to what i have bought then I've blown my $80 or thereabouts, but better to be safe then sorry mate.

PED will then put this info of the product i bought on their site under the scamming alert section. I did a search on their site for gearmaniac and they were not on it, but two previous companies i bought from were.

You are onto your game Trespassing, getting your bloods done like that.
The dosage of the test C you are on is low however this is good as your on it indefinitely and 3 injections a week is good as it keeps the levels balanced in your blood, without a peak then a drop.

Did you have the product from gearmaniac tested, if not i would.

I will also have to stay on it indefinitely as my levels never came back naturally and i was slowly wasting away, loss of appetite, drive, energy and strength all diminishing, so to stay on it indefinitely i have to be sure as you do, that any oils outside a registered clinic are tested first before using, to be legit and contain the potency stated.

I had never touched PED( performance enhancement drugs) my body just naturally stopped producing testosterone
Unlike some guys who need TRT cause they had previously done cycles i had never touched this.

As for cost of Australian TRT clinic yes it is astronomical. The big pharms must be making a killing .

Yes the company i brought test kit off is called ped test. They are really good and happy to help with results if you don't understand them you can send photos to them and they will help you understand results ..

I have tested Gearmaniac test C and E and anavar as they are the products I used. All tested positive for compound they are sold as.

At 150mg per week of test c or e my free testosterone is sitting nicely at 1285 up from 109 so I'll respond well to the injections.

Would say 80% of my injections are using Gearmaniac products as I keep my script vials for my work and pleasure travels as is easier to travel with

You will be very happy with the range and products they supply
Go thru thoroughly the website PED Test, its an Aussie testing and info site, spend a lot of time on it mate as the info in it is invaluable. Especially the blog on scammer list 2025, and all the relevant in on this site, also read up on Roidsafe testing, im going to utilise it as the GP's are reluctant to give it and when they do, its not as extensive to what we need on the gear.
Thats my advice to you Bigbear
Hi buddy, Ive seen your pics, you look tops bro. I virtually have the same physique as you. And eat the same. I work as a treelopper, I'll flick you a pic tomorrow. I was just winging it last year when I was on the gear. What you ordered I believe is what will work for me. If you don't mind cld you pls share with me your course plan details ie; what day and days to inject, what product to use and when, and how much, and when to increase amount, timeframe etc. I know your a busy man, and you've got my total respect m8, but Ii have nothing planned and to be honest not to sure how to. One thing I'm good at is working bloody hard and training even harder. I'm just over being sore all the time lol. Even though I know it's a good sore. Thanks heaps for your time and knowledge. I very much appreciate it.

Is this for me mate?