UGL to TRT Clinic?


AGW Logger
I'm currently with a clinic and am starting to weigh up the pros and cons. I'm very comfortable now with reading my blood work etc, I just have issues with meeting specific arbitary cut offs for presecriptions and everytime end up having to go through additonal blood tests to get the right levels. I do like the benefit of travelling with a prescription, although I've never been asked to show it. I guess I'd just do a larger shot before I get on the plane to last the two weeks.

I can't show them original bloodwork as surely they'd want me to retest, and I coudn't do so with say 1100ng/dl levels? Am I going to have to completly crash my levels to get represcribed?

If I stop the clinic and go the UGL route how do I go back to a clinic? Have you done this?
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I’m unsure why you would be required to show your meds or prescription ( unless you did something silly- then it may be helpful for the courts)
If serious bodybuilding is your goal you won’t be passing blood tests year round & clinical supplies won’t be sufficient.
If only doing sports cycles your levels won’t drop substantially with a couple of weeks off.
I would take photo or keep receipts of prescription- it’s not mandatory to use them straight away. Pharmacy labeled gear, prescriptions or vials could be saved for longer travel if you are concerned about being searched or setup. Be tidy and well behaved - needles and vials should not be carried onto planes anyway
I'm not looking to be a body builder, but yes looking for optimial sports performance, don't plan on using more than 300mg a week.

With travel outbound/inbound it's a requiremnt by the TGA to:
  1. Carry a prescription or a letter from your doctor
  2. Keep the product in its original packaging
Customs have the right to confiscate, and airline guidelines are that medicines (inc needles) are always stored in carry on. I've taken my TRT kit on planes and no issues at all with security, they're used to see needles for diabetics. However if randomly searched by customs you're likely to have to show a prescription.
The blood work cut-offs are there for a reason. You may not like it and will seem very low to you but that is the playing field you are in. You have good reasons to be with a clinic so keep using them. Just pay closer attention to your yearly schedule (Excel spreadsheets come in handy for this) so you can time your blood work for your tests.

Let's not forget, if you have been prescribed TRT then your hormone and testosterone levels were shit, to begin with. TRT brings test levels back up to a normal range (for your age), you just want to play at a higher range (As we all do.. ha ha). Personally, I feel good at a free test of 700 but even that is high prior to bloodwork. Timing is everything.
1/4ly bloods are the issue... will try and convince them for me to go longer in between. I didn't realise how there's so much variance in the speed of drop from test for the same person which makes it very hard to time, so need to cut back way earlier than possibly needed.