Tren + Boldenone Cycle


I plan to start a 16 week Tren Ace/Boldenone/Test prop cycle.

Week 1-8 Tren Ace 420 mg/wk 60mg/day
Week 1-8 Test prop 210 mg/wk 30mg/day
Week 1-8 Bold 600 mg/wk 300mg/ Mon+Thurs

Week 8-16 Bold 800 mg/wk 400mg/Mon+Thurs
Week 8-16 Test prop. Same as above
Possibly thinking about primo for the 8 week in addition to the above.

Arimidex from start to finish
Dostinex from start to finish
B vitamin complex+ Vitamin E
HCG 500iu/week. 250iu mon+thursday

I don't want to run Tren past 8 weeks and want to keep test low to minimise sides/bloat.
Bold in at its full 16 weeks. First half of cycle is to increase appetite and give a slight boost to the Tren.
Second half is to continue when the Tren has reached its max. I'm also hoping that by finishing with the Bold it will make recovery shorter and easier because it's less harsh. And the Tren will have had 10 weeks to clear my system before PCT.

Pct will just be Nova 40/40/20/20. Pretty easy.
Looks good but why continue dostinex after dropping the tren? Also, clomid has been shown to do a better job restarting test production and fertility than Nolva. Might want to throw some clomid into that PCT since you'll be on for 16 weeks.

Watch your BP with tren and EQ together. Some have BP trouble.

Forgot to mention, why test prop for 16 weeks? A longer ester test would go really well with that EQ. Pinning that often gets old on a long cycle, plus scar tissue with more pinning.
Dostinex because of the ***ual side effects. The prop is because the short esters tend to cause less bloating and more stable blood levels. I dont drink alot of water.

I think Nova will be fine since I'll be running the HCG while on. Testes/body wont be totally down.

I'm looking for a recommendation for a good aas to run with the Bold the last 8 weeks that is light on sides, retainable gains and doesn't convert.

I plan to donate blood once per month as well. To help the BP issues.
Plenty of guys running EQ... just do some research. As far as Primo for 8 weeks... save it until you can run it for at least 16 weeks. If you're under 10% BF you may consider running Masteron E or P for 8 weeks, better yet, 10 weeks. Or, instead of adding another injectable, why not add tbol for the last 4-6 weeks?

I'd also consider Test E or C instead of Prop. I'd also suggest waiting until week five or six to start the HCG but continue it right up to PCT (but not during PCT).

Be sure to get labs pre/mid/post cycle. You'll want to donate blood at 8 weeks and again at 16 weeks due to the EQ raising RBC.

Keep an eye on the BP throughout the cycle. Again, seriously consider switching the Prop out for a longer ester... unless you already have the Prop.
Nolva is very good at restarting test. I think I am biased toward clomid. It's actually good for sperm production ;)