Timing your Protein


Standard practice, as well as science, suggests that for optimum muscle recovery, you should consume 40-60 grams of quick-absorbing protein within 30-60 minutes after lifting.

Interestingly, 2 guys that keep me humble in the gym, in both strength and physique, have independently told me that they utilise a quick-absorbing protein 20-30 min before lifting, and don't particularly worry about it immediately post-workout. This is the first time I've heard experienced bodybuilders say whey before a workout is better than whey after a workout. Anyone else feel this way?
I've heard of people doing before and after. After makes more sense to me as you need to give your muscles the nutrients to repair.
I've read heaps of studies on this subject and there's no real evidence that suggests consuming protein before working out has any significant effect on protein synthesis.

The time frame of absorption between different types of whey protein is such a minuscule number that it's nothing you should really concern yourself with. Seeing that its liquid it makes it into your stomach quickly where the pepsinogen can begin to break it down the protein is administered via the small intestines in the bloodstream at about the same rate as any protein powder that has been mixed with water.
I put like 4 scoops in my mixer cup drink half before and the other half after so like 50g before 50g after. Works pretty well for me.
I always drink it after, but I find sometimes that if I drink it before, it kinda fuels me for my workout as well. It's usually only happens if I'm hungry and don't have time to eat anything due to timing.