New cycle opinion


Hey guys
Just wanted to get thoughts on my next cycle will be my last bulking cycle before I start a cut.
Weeks 1-8 /500sus 250deca 40dbol
Weeks 8-16/ 500sus 200 deca 200 tren E
I currently cruse 300 test E a week should I add this into the cycle or just run with the sus.
Stats are

Cheers let rip
Have you done a cycle before?

If so what are the details on that?
125kg af 6f 3.

What are your stats? Are you ripped and maasive or higher bf%?

What is the goal of the cycle?
Yeah done a few cycles years ago this is my third cycle since coming back
Currently sitting at 20%bf
Cycle goal is to build a little bit more size before a pretty aggressive cut
I prefer sus but it doesn’t really matter as long as you have a test base( finish whatever you got handy)
I personally don’t like increasing test with BF over 15% as it seems to aromatise & I get heavy rather than strong. If you’re after long term gains-EQ or Primo might keep the weight lower and strength/energy levels better ( could also make a future cut easier)
The cycle you propose is fine. I'd use the sus.

Are you planning on doing a clean bulk? Just makes it easier for your cut.