I want to continue steroids all my life after the cycle


Guys after this cycle that i will start soon i was wondering if i could stay on steroid treatment for life. What should i be aware ?
On this cycle i want to get some test e 250mg/week, deca 250mg/week + danabol, tamoxifen and liv 52. This is my 10 weeks plan. What do you think about it ?
I want a little bit of bulk from this 10 weeks cycle and after this i want to stay on steroid treatment permanently, without post cycle. I have 37 years old and i would like to keep up in shape. I did some cycles before, i stopped like 5 years ago and now i want back in business.

Week Testosterone Enanthate Nandrolone D Danabol 10mg Tamoxifen Liv 52
1 1ml/week (Monday) 1ml/week (Thursday) 2 pills/day 2 pills/day
2 1ml/week (Monday) 1ml/week (Thursday) 3 pills/day 10mg/day 2 pills/day
3 1ml/week (Monday) 1ml/week (Thursday) 3 pills/day 10mg/day 2 pills/day
4 1ml/week (Monday) 1ml/week (Thursday) 4 pills/day 10mg/day 2 pills/day
5 1ml/week (Monday) 1ml/week (Thursday) 3 pills/day 10mg/day 2 pills/day
6 1ml/week (Monday) 1ml/week (Thursday) 3 pills/day 10mg/day 2 pills/day
7 1ml/week (Monday) 1ml/week (Thursday)
8 1ml/week (Monday) 1ml/week (Thursday)
9 1ml/week (Monday) 1ml/week (Thursday)
10 1ml/week (Monday) 1ml/week (Thursday)
I would probably bump the test to around 400-500mg a week. At 250mg you’re just a bit above cruise levels, so you’ll get some gains but I don't think they'll be massive.

Deca at 250mg per week is fine but I'd watch out for prolactin levels. Have Caber or Prami on hand to manage that but don’t just go by 'feel, get bloodwork done to dial in the dose. You’ll also need an AI like Arimidex to keep estrogen in check especially with Dbol in the mix. Start at 0.25mg eod and adjust based on how your body reacts.

When it comes to staying on permanently, you’re basically talking about TRT/Cruise. Test E at 100-200mg per week is sustainable long-term. Be sure you’re getting regular bloodwork done to monitor your hormone levels and other health markers.
What's your diet and training like as most your bulk will be coming from the food you consume. Push the test to 500mg and run the cycle for 12 weeks.
l been using juice since l was 17 and am now 48, just be sure to cycle of properly and give your body a break every now and then and using it for life is possible. At the same time just be aware that when your older and you decide to stop there may be a few issues to address so you can function normally. Be prepared for the possibility that after long term use you may need medical doses of test to function normally as your body can fail to produce test on its own when your older . Trust me low test levels are a nightmare . Enjoy your days on the jazz and enjoy all the chicks and attention big muscles attract.