Gear maniac sent me


New member, 20 year old male, been researching AAS since I was 16 and have decided to take trt into my own hands after a blood test came back at with testosterone at 200ng/dl.
Spoke to my GP who’s an expert in endocrinology. He says as long as I’m only taking a trt level dose of test I shouldn’t bother with hcg and I’ll almost definitely still be able to regain fertility when trying to conceive.
gear maniac coming in clutch with basically everything I need but just want access to testosterone Undecanoate as it’s got a long half life and I’ll probably switch to this ester before I travel overseas as I do this about twice a year.
Hope I can get some opinions on my situation as well as possible advice where to access testosterone Undecanoate.
Cheers guys
Hey man, glad to see you on the forum. It's awesome that you took the time to do your own research.

I'm interested to know, what's the story behind your low T levels at such a young age? Having 200ng/dl at 20 is really low. Apologies for prying... you don't have to respond if you don't want to...

Regarding your question, Test Undecanoate is a good option for less frequent injections, especially considering your travel schedule. About sourcing it, you mentioned that Gearmaniac doesn't have any... have you checked Nexus Pharma? They're also a sponsor here.

Stay positive, man! Keep us updated on your progress and if you need more advice, we're here for you!
Hey man,
So my GP said that the low test is likely a result of over exposure to endocrine disrupters, sounds strange but most likely from handling receipts at work and heating foods in plastics ect.
I can’t imagine that this is the only factor at play but it’s all I got I guess.

Cheers for taking the time to help out with my question as well,
I haven’t actually checked nexus pharmacy, however I sent him a message earlier today so hopefully I get full list of his products because I wasn’t able to see clearly in the photos which he posted under someone else’s question. Hopefully he’s got it though 🙏

Thanks for the response I’ll report back here how I’m feeling when iv started. Seems like such a good community, glad iv found it.
Test u is one compound I very rarely see stocked by suppliers. I guess just given the fact it isn’t highly sort after compared to prop, cyp and enathate esters.

Hopefully you get it sorted though brother
Your GP should be able to help with Reandron
cheers for the reply. unfortunately my GP isn’t supplying me with my testosterone. He’s giving me NAD injections in order to treat my symptoms of low test but doesn’t want to give me trt until I’m older. He knows I’m getting it from the black market though and understands the decision.
Do you think he’d help with reandron if I told him I was travelling and needed it as a one off?
Appreciate all the help guys, wish I could give back more. My time to help others will surely come.
Best way to find out is by simply speaking to your doctor mate.

if they are an expert in endo I think you’re going to find he will do it all by the book in treating you every which way possible before giving you anabolics.

Given the fact you are young you may have a tough time. But honesty always goes a long way.

Or seek a new doctor.
cheers for the reply. unfortunately my GP isn’t supplying me with my testosterone. He’s giving me NAD injections in order to treat my symptoms of low test but doesn’t want to give me trt until I’m older. He knows I’m getting it from the black market though and understands the decision.
Do you think he’d help with reandron if I told him I was travelling and needed it as a one off?
Appreciate all the help guys, wish I could give back more. My time to help others will surely come.
If not reandron he maybe more helpful with PCT style drugs. Probably not what you want to do but they combine well with testosterone boosting herbs ( best strength from registered naturopaths, TCM or intergrative Dr)
I’m not sure what’s still available to GPs but Proviron was 20 years ago. Many of the others are specialist only so he may offer a referral if you ask nicely.
Hey mate, sorry to hear about your situation. The boys have given you some great advice. The actual NAD injections can help with energy levels and overall well-being, but they won't directly address low testosterone levels. I know you said that your GP is an expert in endocrinology but I would still try my luck with an actual an endocrinologist instead. As you know these guys specialise in this stuff and can possibly get you set up with Reandron. I think you should give that a go.
Cheers bro really appreciate all the help I’m getting from you guys.
So iv kinda asked this question a bit but I’m not gonna go entirely infertile forever from my sports trt right? Especially if I’m adding regular hcg and enclo?
Most guys will retain fertility with this by my understanding?
And what would be better for long term fertility, cruise + blast or blast then pct to come entirely off?
Iv heard blast and cruise is a good option to do for longer term sustainability. You agree with this stuff?
Cheers bro really appreciate all the help I’m getting from you guys.
So iv kinda asked this question a bit but I’m not gonna go entirely infertile forever from my sports trt right? Especially if I’m adding regular hcg and enclo?
Most guys will retain fertility with this by my understanding?
And what would be better for long term fertility, cruise + blast or blast then pct to come entirely off?
Iv heard blast and cruise is a good option to do for longer term sustainability. You agree with this stuff?
Glad you're finding the advice helpful.

TRT itself doesn't necessarily make you infertile, but it can reduce sperm production. Using HCG and enclomiphene can potentially help maintain your fertility while on TRT. Many guys do retain fertility with these protocols, but it's crucial to monitor your levels regularly with an endocrinologist.

Long-term fertility, it's a bit of a personal choice. Cruising and blasting can be a sustainable option for some.. but on the other hand doing PCT after blasting could also help your body reset and maintain natural hormone production, which could be better for long-term fertility.

I'm not a Doctor as these are just my opinions, best to discuss these options in detail with an endocrinologist brother. I don't know if this answers your question but I just want to be careful as you are still very young and in your situation I would really would be advising to get advice from a specialist. Keep us posted on how things go!
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Cheers bro really appreciate all the help I’m getting from you guys.
So iv kinda asked this question a bit but I’m not gonna go entirely infertile forever from my sports trt right? Especially if I’m adding regular hcg and enclo?
Most guys will retain fertility with this by my understanding?
And what would be better for long term fertility, cruise + blast or blast then pct to come entirely off?
Iv heard blast and cruise is a good option to do for longer term sustainability. You agree with this stuff?
At your age it would be best to avoid a lifetime of cruise/ blast. If you’re concerned about the risk minimise your exposure until you know more.
Take time to get a few opinions from endocrinologist or TrT clinics as treating symptoms without knowing the cause isn’t good long term. I’m guessing most of the good advice here is from people more than double your age who have made a lifestyle choice later in life
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At your age it would be best to avoid a lifetime of cruise/ blast. If you’re concerned about the risk minimise your exposure until you know more.
Take time to get a few opinions from endocrinologist or TrT clinics as treating symptoms without knowing the cause isn’t good long term. I’m guessing most of the good advice here is from people more than double your age who have made a lifestyle choice later in life
Cheers for this.
Appreciate the help, could I get your opinion on the reasons you suggest avoiding a lifetime cruise+blast protocol? From my current understanding, if I have kids within the next few years I should be alright as long as I’m using hcg very regularly, keeping my doses near trt level and I guess have kids soon before this goes on too long. Besides the infertility from long term use what are other potential negatives to this approach?
I’m okay with hair loss, am not pro to acne and avoid acne causing foods.
Thanks everyone I’m learning a heap from this.
Cheers for this.
Appreciate the help, could I get your opinion on the reasons you suggest avoiding a lifetime cruise+blast protocol? From my current understanding, if I have kids within the next few years I should be alright as long as I’m using hcg very regularly, keeping my doses near trt level and I guess have kids soon before this goes on too long. Besides the infertility from long term use what are other potential negatives to this approach?
I’m okay with hair loss, am not pro to acne and avoid acne causing foods.
Thanks everyone I’m learning a heap from this.
I believe @musclemaniac is just trying to tell you to consult more with the people who specialise in this route mate as you are at a younger age.

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to steroid use. Trt can completely switch your body off and be a real struggle to turn it back on. Or you could blast blast blast and run a quick hcg and clomid protocol and be back on like a light switch.

There is no definitive answer. Just opinions and being that you are young I guess one would say that fertility shouldn’t be taken lightly.

I think you will find a doctor or endo is going to focus more on why you have low T and what can be done to fix that particular problem. If you were say 35-40 then I can assure you they would be onto the TRT right pretty quickly.

In the end it’s your chance brother but just understand that everyone is different in the way the respond to anabolics
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