First cycle help


Hey gym whores, newby here looking for some advice, I'm about to start my first cycle of test e and was curious if its worth taking any orals etc to help put on muscle fast, I am 36 83kg training upper body only hypertrophy for 1 hour 5 days a week, im looking at starting low at only 250mg a week appreciate any advise
Personally I would see how you go with just test-e as this is your first cycle, BUT.......

if you were to go with an oral, then I suggest Anavar might be a good place to start.

I say this because at 58 years of age I began my first ever cycle on test e only (TRT 250mg 2 x per week) a couple of months ago. It was suggested that to get that extra "edge" I could try some 10mg anavar orals.

A couple of weeks ago I started 10mg tablets twice a day for the first week, then 2 x tabs twice a day after that.

My nutrition and training is on point, very happy with the results thus far.

Good luck.

PS....... also suggest don't skip lower body day. Uncomfortable movements sometimes, but well worth the effort for a balanced body composition.
Personally I would see how you go with just test-e as this is your first cycle, BUT.......

if you were to go with an oral, then I suggest Anavar might be a good place to start.

I say this because at 58 years of age I began my first ever cycle on test e only (TRT 250mg 2 x per week) a couple of months ago. It was suggested that to get that extra "edge" I could try some 10mg anavar orals.

A couple of weeks ago I started 10mg tablets twice a day for the first week, then 2 x tabs twice a day after that.

My nutrition and training is on point, very happy with the results thus far.

Good luck.

PS....... also suggest don't skip lower body day. Uncomfortable movements sometimes, but well worth the effort for a balanced body composition.
Thanks for your reply, also What size needles do you recommend and is it legal for chemist to sell these or just buy online?
Thanks for your reply, also What size needles do you recommend and is it legal for chemist to sell these or just buy online?
Hi I used to get my needles and syringe’s from oz vials or glass vials Australia. I now get them from Kogan . Only because I have been doing Trt for the last 3 years and also blasting in between blood tests so I now know which needles I like . I recommend 25 gauge (orange) 1inch (25mm) if your using 1 ml or less per injection into delts or venture glutes where there isn’t much fat. Less scar tissue build up then using 23 gauge ( blue )
1.5 inch needles. . To draw out of vial just use either a 20 or 21 gauge needle. Hope that helps. I would also split the 1 ml up twice a week (0.5 ml) if you start to feel any side effects and that might help.
First cycle would not be the best time to test “bulking up “ orals. Less androgenic orals go well but not usually used to speed up bulk for a first cycle.Test only is sensible-you’ll probably respond well and enjoy a few months off before designing your next cycle with the knowledge of how your body responds before, during & after
First Cycle = Testosterone Only

Normal chemists won't sell what you need. You can try needle exchange clinics or online.
Hey guys just an update I did my first injection last Friday, is it normal to feel like shit ? I have massive anxiety and bad mood swings no energy almost feel like my body is fighting an infection or virus
Slight fever occasionally for day or so. Guess it depends what & how much you put in.
Maybe your body doesn’t like the compound or you went a bit close to blood vessel. Google side effects or you’ll find many of those symptoms listed on medication literature available from chemist
Hey guys just an update I did my first injection last Friday, is it normal to feel like shit ? I have massive anxiety and bad mood swings no energy almost feel like my body is fighting an infection or virus
Hey kippa88 some people might say it’s test flu but from my experience and research I would say it is probably the carrier oil and solvents. Like if they (ugl) use Ethyl Oleate as a solvent or PEG, MEG or Glycol these are industrial solvents and can cause systemic inflammation. Which feels like the flu. If you can contact your supplier and ask them what used in the brewing. I now only use MCT oil and BA and BB. A lot of injectable orals (dbol, Anadrol ) are made with those solvents and they cause sever systemic inflammation. If you go and get a hi sensitive crp test (blood) your normal levels should be no higher then 1-2 . If you want to know more about solvents and oils check out Vigorous Steve , carrier oils on YouTube. Hope this helps . 👍
Forgot to mention my glute has been swollen for 4 days and painful, it's going down now and almost back to normal, is test flu something that will go away with time or is my body having a reaction to the oil?
Forgot to mention my glute has been swollen for 4 days and painful, it's going down now and almost back to normal, is test flu something that will go away with time or is my body having a reaction to the oil?
Hi it almost sounds like you had a bad shot . Like hitting a nerve or something can make your glute swell. I would check the oil and solvents with your supplier if they can tell you. I won’t recommend any way of testing if you’re allergic because I am not a dr lol . But you can google it and there are few simple tests you can do at home. Good luck and hope everything goes alright.

Ps keep an eye on the swelling draw a circle around it and see it gets any bigger or smaller because it also could be an infection as well. This sort of stuff happens from time to time so don’t let it worry you to much. Just make sure everything is very sterile when you inject.

Forgot to mention my glute has been swollen for 4 days and painful, it's going down now and almost back to normal, is test flu something that will go away with time or is my body having a reaction to the oil?
Could have been a careless shot and bruising but Sounds like a reaction. Some are slightly allergic to Peanut or coconut oil as well as solvents- usually get a little rash too.You might have to stick with chemist gear ( check ingredients) until you work it out. Maybe check in with a Dr or nurse if you don’t have an experienced friend nearby. I keep cortisone & anti histamines close whenever testing new gear
Hi it almost sounds like you had a bad shot . Like hitting a nerve or something can make your glute swell. I would check the oil and solvents with your supplier if they can tell you. I won’t recommend any way of testing if you’re allergic because I am not a dr lol . But you can google it and there are few simple tests you can do at home. Good luck and hope everything goes alright.

Ps keep an eye on the swelling draw a circle around it and see it gets any bigger or smaller because it also could be an infection as well. This sort of stuff happens from time to time so don’t let it worry you to much. Just make sure everything is very sterile when you inject.

Appreciate your help I'm hoping it was just a bad shot, would you recommend injecting into the upper quad? Was a struggle trying twist and jab the glute
Could have been a careless shot and bruising but Sounds like a reaction. Some are slightly allergic to Peanut or coconut oil as well as solvents- usually get a little rash too.You might have to stick with chemist gear ( check ingredients) until you work it out. Maybe check in with a Dr or nurse if you don’t have an experienced friend nearby. I keep cortisone & anti histamines close whenever testing new gear
There is no rash or bruising just heaps of swelling definitely felt like I was coming down with a fever, i was very careful with the shot and felt like it all went well.
Appreciate your help I'm hoping it was just a bad shot, would you recommend injecting into the upper quad? Was a struggle trying twist and jab the glute
Hey kipp88 I usually use my venture glute (hip area) and my Delts. I had a bad shot in my upper quad one time and couldn’t walk for a week. So now I just do my delts or venture glutes. Hope that helps 👍👍
There is no rash or bruising just heaps of swelling definitely felt like I was coming down with a fever, i was very careful with the shot and felt like it all went well.
Not sure why you would want to do it again but If you do -a smaller shot into delt might be easier to monitor. I personally don’t like Quads or vents despite being theoretically better.
Not sure why you would want to do it again but If you do -a smaller shot into delt might be easier to monitor. I personally don’t like Quads or vents despite being theoretically better.
I was going to do another smaller shot to rule out if its my body rejecting or just a bad injection on my part.
I was going to do another smaller shot to rule out if it’s my body rejecting or just a bad injection on my
Emotional symptoms indicates that you’re pretty sensitive to Test ( which could save you lots 🤑) Your first test only cycle is to see how you react so don’t rush to load up. Dr’s prescribe enanthate every 2-3 weeks so it doesn’t build up which is worth keeping in mind. Most of us veterans want the opposite effect and know how we respond so protocol is different
Emotional symptoms indicates that you’re pretty sensitive to Test ( which could save you lots 🤑) Your first test only cycle is to see how you react so don’t rush to load up. Dr’s prescribe enanthate every 2-3 weeks so it doesn’t build up which is worth keeping in mind. Most of us veterans want the opposite effect and know how we respond so protocol is different
First shot was only 250mg test e, I might drop down to 100 or 150pw and see how I go, it's all trial and error
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