Anavar support supplements?


AGW Logger
Hi all, I had this question a few days ago but is buried in my log so thought best to post a specific question which may also help others.

I've decided to up my TRT to 250mg a week and inject MWF to hopefully help keep HCT from increasing further, and 20mg a day (10mg AM + 10mg PM) Anavar for 7 weeks. Have just ordered N-Acetyl-Cysteine 600mg capsules and Citrus Bergamot 9750mg for support.

I've heard I should take it with either grapefruit juice or caffeine, how do you take it?
I've read sublingual is the best approach but it requires a different formulation for it to be effective, I assume the UGL Anavar is oral only?

Anything else I should consider?
Hey mate, bumping your TRT to 250mg and hitting multiple times a week is fine and also helps level things out and keep the bloods in check. Running Anavar 20mg daily can work as well just depends how you feel and the way your body reacts but keep it to 7 weeks maxxx. NAC is always good, there's other sups you can also take like Milk Thistle etc.. Not too sure about the grapefruit juice, I heard that too much of it can mess with other things but dont quote me on it. Sublingual Anavar... don't know. I just to the orals.
Came across this video which shows that you can crush up the tablet to be able to use sublingual.

Too much hassle for me.
I don’t really get his point. From what I understand, SHBG binds testosterone so only free T (and the portion loosely attached to albumin) can bind bind with receptors. That’s why I take Anavar to lower SHBG, boost free T, increase bones density, reduce visceral fat, and a reduced appetite
Hi all, I had this question a few days ago but is buried in my log so thought best to post a specific question which may also help others.

I've decided to up my TRT to 250mg a week and inject MWF to hopefully help keep HCT from increasing further, and 20mg a day (10mg AM + 10mg PM) Anavar for 7 weeks. Have just ordered N-Acetyl-Cysteine 600mg capsules and Citrus Bergamot 9750mg for support.

I've heard I should take it with either grapefruit juice or caffeine, how do you take it?
I've read sublingual is the best approach but it requires a different formulation for it to be effective, I assume the UGL Anavar is oral only?

Anything else I should consider?

Why are you taking 20mg? Why are you doing it for 7 weeks? Why do you want to take Anavar?

Why are you taking 20mg? Why are you doing it for 7 weeks? Why do you want to take Anavar?
Because everything I've read, says this is a good starting dose for a first cycle, and that first cycle should be between 6-8 weeks. Which is also exactly the amount 100 tabs gives me.

The reason for anavar is that it causes very low increases to HCT, compared to others, has less water retention, I'm on Telmisartan, and is one of the safer compounds.
I don’t really get his point. From what I understand, SHBG binds testosterone so only free T (and the portion loosely attached to albumin) can bind bind with receptors. That’s why I take Anavar to lower SHBG, boost free T, increase bones density, reduce visceral fat, and a reduced appetite
Yeah neither as for the SHBG, my SHBG sure isn't over 35. Would have been good if he stated the rationale for this.
Keep it simple. Anavar is a great compound for many reasons ( not for bulking or saving money). It will absorb a bit quicker if you chew or suck it- bit slower on stomach full of fatty food. As it’s an oral all liver / lifestyle care is important. Personally I would only take it on training days and give the liver a day or two off.
Keep it simple. Anavar is a great compound for many reasons ( not for bulking or saving money). It will absorb a bit quicker if you chew or suck it- bit slower on stomach full of fatty food. As it’s an oral all liver / lifestyle care is important. Personally I would only take it on training days and give the liver a day or two off.
When is a good time to go on Anavar?
It was my first ever compound. Prescribed by an Olympic sports Dr in the 80’s . It worked as a stand alone compound ( not for body building though) It’s still something I will occasionally add to any cycle for lots of reasons ( not same as your reasons) .
I would use up to 200mg test & Anavar for first 6 weeks of a sports cycle. In your situation it’s possible to use it pre training at anytime throughout cycle. I find 5-10mg is heaps as it’s not for bulk or gaining weight. Strength, energy, motivation, minor injuries and balancing out the wetter/ heavier compounds are the main reasons I would use it. Also works well on lower caloric levels and my bloodwork actually improved using it this way ( training day’s not 7 days) . It’s really useful anytime that you limit calories or miss big meals.
I don’t really get his point. From what I understand, SHBG binds testosterone so only free T (and the portion loosely attached to albumin) can bind bind with receptors. That’s why I take Anavar to lower SHBG, boost free T, increase bones density, reduce visceral fat, and a reduced appetite
Further reading on this and Anavar can significantly drop your SHBG , too low SHBG is associated with many diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis, and liver disease.