Test E Mast E where to start


Hi dudes.
I've been blasting and cruising on test e for a while now. Done 2 blasts up to 500mg Test e only for 12 weeks each with zero sides. Been cruising on 200mg in between blasts.

Next blast I'm going to add Mast e with my test. Question is what dose should I start at?
I'm 6ft4in 100kg 10% bf looking to ad some lean muscle and get that chiselled look.

Was thinking starting at 300mg test 200mg Mast for the first couple of weeks just to see how my body reacts. Then up to 400 test 300 Mast of all goes well

Hey mate, with those stats you’re already in a great place. Adding Mast should help achieve your goal, but proper diet and training are key.

When you did your previous blasts and cruise, were you running an AI? Even if you didn’t have noticeable side effects, it’s always wise to have an AI on hand just in case. Estrogen levels can sometimes creep up without obvious signs. While Mast might help with its anti-estrogenic properties, it’s still smart to monitor your E2 levels and be prepared. I'd also recommend getting some bloodwork done. Better safe than sorry.

Start with your planned doses and if you handle them well, moving up to 400mg Test and 300mg Mast should help you get that chiselled look you’re after. Something like this for you to consider...

Wk 1 - 2: 300mg Test E, 200mg Mast E
Wk 3 -12: 400mg Test E, 300mg Mast E
Hey mate, with those stats you’re already in a great place. Adding Mast should help achieve your goal, but proper diet and training are key.

When you did your previous blasts and cruise, were you running an AI? Even if you didn’t have noticeable side effects, it’s always wise to have an AI on hand just in case. Estrogen levels can sometimes creep up without obvious signs. While Mast might help with its anti-estrogenic properties, it’s still smart to monitor your E2 levels and be prepared. I'd also recommend getting some bloodwork done. Better safe than sorry.

Start with your planned doses and if you handle them well, moving up to 400mg Test and 300mg Mast should help you get that chiselled look you’re after. Something like this for you to consider...

Wk 1 - 2: 300mg Test E, 200mg Mast E
Wk 3 -12: 400mg Test E, 300mg Mast E
Thanks mate. No I have never needed an Ai. I have never had any E2 issues
2:1-1.5 is generally the sweet spot for most.

Some people like 1:1.

I like how old mate wrote a whole book to basically tell you to do what you were going to do anyway.

"Diet and training are key" was it for me.
That's how you know he really knows what he's talking about.

If you've been BnC for a while and already up to 500mg test with no issues there's no reason to start low and titrate up.

Start around your last known maximum tolerable dose and work from there.

W01-W04: 400/200 Test Mast
W05-W08: 500/300 Test Mast
W09-W12: 600/400 Test Mast
W13-W16: 750/500 Test Mast

You don't need to "worry about oestradiol levels creeping up with no obvious signs".

If there's no estrogenic sides to deal with, then you don't need to bombard your body with AI. It's that simple.

High E2 on paper means nothing. It's how your body responds that matters.

That said, an AI on hand is a good idea pushing new limits, in the case that sides actually do present.

Mast is not an AI, it's not an anti estrogen.
It doesn't prevent aromatization or lower serum E2.

It simply binds to estrogen receptors in the chest preventing E2 from binding thus should minimise your risk of E2 gyno.

High E2 is still high E2, and if you're sensitive you'll still cop other E2 sides.

From your history this doesn't sound like it'll be an issue, but you don't know how much extra test it takes to go from being sweet to copping sides, until you do.
2:1-1.5 is generally the sweet spot for most.

Some people like 1:1.

I like how old mate wrote a whole book to basically tell you to do what you were going to do anyway.

"Diet and training are key" was it for me.
That's how you know he really knows what he's talking about.

If you've been BnC for a while and already up to 500mg test with no issues there's no reason to start low and titrate up.

Start around your last known maximum tolerable dose and work from there.

W01-W04: 400/200 Test Mast
W05-W08: 500/300 Test Mast
W09-W12: 600/400 Test Mast
W13-W16: 750/500 Test Mast

You don't need to "worry about oestradiol levels creeping up with no obvious signs".

If there's no estrogenic sides to deal with, then you don't need to bombard your body with AI. It's that simple.

High E2 on paper means nothing. It's how your body responds that matters.

That said, an AI on hand is a good idea pushing new limits, in the case that sides actually do present.

Mast is not an AI, it's not an anti estrogen.
It doesn't prevent aromatization or lower serum E2.

It simply binds to estrogen receptors in the chest preventing E2 from binding thus should minimise your risk of E2 gyno.

High E2 is still high E2, and if you're sensitive you'll still cop sides. From your history this doesn't sound like it'll be an issue.
Yeah copy. I've always had AI on hand. I've never used it or needed too. I'll wait until I see any symptoms.

Diet. I'm at maintenance Calories atm
Been holding steady at 100kg for a month now. Doing Cardio 4 times a week
Ready for another blast
I like how old mate wrote a whole book to basically tell you to do what you were going to do anyway.

"Diet and training are key" was it for me.
That's how you know he really knows what he's talking about.
No need for the sarcasm. We’re all here to help each other out.