Tbol thoughts...


Hi everyone, I'm 49 years old and my main focus is training for grappling competitions, so it's important for me to maintain the right weight. Currently, I stand at 180cm and weigh 89kgs. My goal is to increase my strength without adding too much weight.

I am using TRT, and in addition to my regular 150mg/week TRT dose, I typically take anavar at around 40mg per day. I don't experience weight gain or water retention from it, and usually see strength gains of 10-20%. I follow this cycle around 2 times per year.

I'm interested in trying something new, so I've been thinking about trying Tbol. For those who have used it, what kind of results can I expect by adding it to my TRT dose? Can I anticipate significant weight gain and strength gains? Also, what would be the recommended daily dosages if I'm aiming for moderate strength gains?
I would take Tbol at the start of your cycle. 50mg a day for 6 to 8 (max) weeks. I think it can be slightly better than var for your purpose, maybe a little more weight gain but it would be minimal. Generally, Tbol will give you lean, quality muscle mass without much water retention. Var is more for cutting fat and retaining muscle.
Run it at 40-60mg ed. It’s not Dbol or Anadrol so weight won’t move to much if diet is kept the same. Strength should be more noticeable than Var. I prefer it over Dbol but Anadrol is a different monster IMO.
I like Tbol. The only additional info I will add to this, is let's say you run 60mgs ED. Don't take it all at once

Rather take say 20mgs 8am, 12 noon and 4pm. Always break it up into smaller dosages more often. This will eliminate high spikes in blood pressure.
I've tried pretty much all the orals at some point. I like Var... what's not to like? It's mild, I don't get any side effects. But Tbol has become my new favourite. I don't train for any competition, but I like to maintain my current weight and enjoy the strength from Tbol without the bloating of Dbol or the side effects. When I run Tbol, I take 50 mg a day for 7 weeks.
One of the sides of TBol I've heard is lower back pump/pain. Some experience it, some don't. Personally I've never had an issue.
What do u mean by lower back pain from tbol? As in like kidney pain?

No it's not kidney pain. It's actually a 'pump' sensation in the lower back that some people can get and do describe it as 'pain'. It's literally the increase in blood volume which causes the muscle pumps. So basically, the muscles usually swell and feel tight, especially during or after workouts.
I finished a cycle with Dbols but very keen to hit Tbols for my next. Love the fact that therers minimal water retention.