The majority of your results are self-explanatory which is really good. The elevated GGT levels suggest possible liver stress. Suppressed FSH and LH levels are common with steroid use. Always important to take supplements like milk thistle, NAC and turmeric. Best to do all year round,
With last lot of blood results, I'm no expert with these but the only things that stand out for me is your testosterone level which is high. This is obviously expected
Typical upper limit is around 29 nmol/L and yours is 69.6 nmol/L
Most of your bloodwork is in good shape... glucose and lipids are normal. Your estrogen is a bit high so it might be worth keeping an eye on. Maybe start on a low dose ai. Your liver enzymes and creatine kinase are a bit elevated, this can happen happen from with intense training.
But overall looks fine to me.