

AGW Logger
Just wanted tp pick everyones brain on Proviron. Have you used it, what are the benefits, how do you stack it, dosages etc...? Does it actually work?

I'm looking at starting a cycle soon... can I fit it in and is it worth throwing it into the mix?

Thanks guys!

Week 1-16:

Test E: 500mg per week (divided into two injections)
Tren E: 200mg per week (divided into two injections)

Week 1-6:
Tbol: 50mg per day
Hey bro, Proviron is a solid choice. I would definitely add this to your cycle. The main benefits are that it boosts your free testosterone, boosts libido and helps harden you up. Great for definition and cutting.

With your stack, I would go with 50mg a day split into 2, morning and night for the entire cycle.

On the sides, they say it promotes hair loss but that's said for every oral and oil ...
All of the above my brother. I personally can't say anything bad about Proviron.
While I haven’t personally used proviron. I know a few who have and the only side effect I’ve ever really heard mentioned is the boys constantly saying they think they are gonna cheat on their significant other due to the libido being uncontrollable
While I haven’t personally used proviron. I know a few who have and the only side effect I’ve ever really heard mentioned is the boys constantly saying they think they are gonna cheat on their significant other due to the libido being uncontrollable
Interesting you say that bro... Just curious why you never tried. I ran it a few times and loved it. But true about the libido, bloody crazy!
Interesting you say that bro... Just curious why you never tried. I ran it a few times and loved it. But true about the libido, bloody crazy!
In all honesty mate I tend to choose to stay away from orals.

No real reason behind it at all. I think knowing orals can be that bit harsher on your liver I simply choose to not add them in the mix.

I’ve used dbol, anadrol, Anavar, stana and they all have their benefits in some form.

I’ve brewed my own injectable dbol and anadrol and can confirm the kilos added within short time and strength is out of this world.

I may actually consider throwing proviron into the next blast so I can add my 2 cents. Currently on the back end of my cut blast and will cruise for 8-12 weeks before blasting
Total respect bro. Orals can be harsh .. I actually got a blood test this morning just to check on everything.

I may actually consider throwing proviron into the next blast so I can add my 2 cents. Currently on the back end of my cut blast and will cruise for 8-12 weeks before blasting
I'd like to know what you think :)
Just wanted tp pick everyones brain on Proviron. Have you used it, what are the benefits, how do you stack it, dosages etc...? Does it actually work?

I'm looking at starting a cycle soon... can I fit it in and is it worth throwing it into the mix?

Thanks guys!

Week 1-16:

Test E: 500mg per week (divided into two injections)
Tren E: 200mg per week (divided into two injections)

Week 1-6:
Tbol: 50mg per day
A mate of mine was raving on about how good it is the other day and I was also reseaching about it. So far everyhthing I've read including this thread sounds really good. I think I'll be hitting it