New member advice :)


Hey guys I’m new here from Brisbane, came across this forum after ages of scouring the internet for a scam free forum haha. Only a couple years into training still fairly new, any advice for a 21 year old looking to start their first ever low dose T cycle. Is PCT necessary if I’m on a short and weak cycle?
Always had fairly low test with minor impotence issues but have never been taken seriously enough by a doctor to go to a proper clinic. Got a few friends into bodybuilding and they recommended a low dose cycle might be a good way to see how my body responds. I understand the risk implications and how I’m not quite at my genetic plateau in terms of natural hormones too :)
Always had fairly low test with minor impotence issues but have never been taken seriously enough by a doctor to go to a proper clinic. Got a few friends into bodybuilding and they recommended a low dose cycle might be a good way to see how my body responds. I understand the risk implications and how I’m not quite at my genetic plateau in terms of natural hormones too :)
Fair enough. Big taboo for Gps and prescribing Test. They just don't do it. Something like 250mg Test E per week is a good start for beginners.

Even with a low dose and short cycle your natural test production takes a hit. PCT will help you bounce back faster. Here's a simple plan for you.

Start PCT 2 weeks after the last injection.

PCT Plan (4 Weeks):
Weeks 1-4:

Week 1: 50 mg twice daily (100 mg total per day)
Weeks 2-4: 25 mg twice daily (50 mg total per day)

Weeks 1-2: 40 mg daily
Weeks 3-4: 20 mg daily

My advice, get blood tests done before and after your cycle.
No disrespect but I'm just curious (happy to help but) just want to know why you want to start at the age of 21?
I started my first cycle about 1.5 months after turning 21 and I don't regret it. (touch wood).

The questions you should be asking yourself are 1. What is the reason you're REALLY wanting to use PEDS 2. Will this be a long term or short term thing 3. Do you actually know how to diet and train? Plus what is your current progress like.
I started my first cycle about 1.5 months after turning 21 and I don't regret it. (touch wood).

The questions you should be asking yourself are 1. What is the reason you're REALLY wanting to use PEDS 2. Will this be a long term or short term thing 3. Do you actually know how to diet and train? Plus what is your current progress like.
Spent the last year or so really prioritising my diet and training to the point where I think i can say I have more discipline than most of my gym bro mates, still obviously not perfect but I’ve been doing an extensive amount of research outside of ‘bro science’ from big guys I know irl. Yeah I’m not going to sit here and pretend like I know exactly how it will feel and go down, I think the best play is to just see how my body responds before I commit to it being a regular thing
Fair enough. Big taboo for Gps and prescribing Test. They just don't do it. Something like 250mg Test E per week is a good start for beginners.

Even with a low dose and short cycle your natural test production takes a hit. PCT will help you bounce back faster. Here's a simple plan for you.

Start PCT 2 weeks after the last injection.

PCT Plan (4 Weeks):
Weeks 1-4:

Week 1: 50 mg twice daily (100 mg total per day)
Weeks 2-4: 25 mg twice daily (50 mg total per day)

Weeks 1-2: 40 mg daily
Weeks 3-4: 20 mg daily

My advice, get blood tests done before and after your cycle.
Yeah been researching into different PCT methods but everywhere I go it looks like people have different opinions on what to use (welcome to the internet I guess right haha). Is it necessary to use both clomid and nolvadex to mitigate the risks? Or is one preferred over the other?
At your age get your PCT in order before anything else, just for the record I ran my first proper cycle at age 42, that's after 28 years natural, these days young men want quick shortcuts, anyways U r gonna do this so do all ur research and do it properly,
At your age get your PCT in order before anything else, just for the record I ran my first proper cycle at age 42, that's after 28 years natural, these days young men want quick shortcuts, anyways U r gonna do this so do all ur research and do it properly,
Yeah that’s completely fair, I get that it comes from a place of worry about people who rush into this sort of thing too eagerly. Doing intermediate levels of PCT research as we speak into a few research articles, it’s hard using data from a controlled environment under constant supervision when I’m neither of the two. Is there anything anecdotal you might be able to recommend that I likely wouldn’t come across at an academic level ?
If you have done blood work and it's very low for a man your age then yes however if blood work returns fine then I would make sure my diet and training is on Target, I would go full out training for a number of years, I would make sure I have reached my genetical limits then I would reases things, remember young brother diet training etc, gear is like I say just the cherry on the Top, it should never be a main priority when we talking training
I am not a doctor, what I say here is for entertainment purposes only, do not follow my advice, remember we are all like fingerprints, they look the same but they all different, what works for one may not work for another
I am not a doctor, what I say here is for entertainment purposes only, do not follow my advice, remember we are all like fingerprints, they look the same but they all different, what works for one may not work for another
Thanks bro really appreciate all the advice. Will definitely take it all to heart and remain cautious. All the best to you
Usually Nothing needed if you keep dose low and cycle short .Your natural system will start to adapt after a couple of months so I would taper down from there. I’ve seen people under 30 bounce back well after a short cycle but you are taking a risk. Adding extra stuff will have side effects( google them) and probably won’t be necessary, find a sympathetic doctor and get bloodwork done if you’re concerned.
Hey Doc for a young man on a low dose short cycle ur opinion how long do U reckon he can go for?? 8 weeks at like 250?? Then bounce back naturally
What @doc is saying is 100% possible to recover from a low dose and short cycle (8 weeks) but it's risky imo. PCT is the safer route to ensure quicker and smoother recovery. Relying on the body's natural resilience alone is taking a chance and could lead to prolonged issues with low test. I would highly recommend considering PCT just to be safe. It helps kickstart your natural production faster. But your call.
Yeah been researching into different PCT methods but everywhere I go it looks like people have different opinions on what to use (welcome to the internet I guess right haha). Is it necessary to use both clomid and nolvadex to mitigate the risks? Or is one preferred over the other?
Both Clomid and Nolvadex are effective for PCT and using them together can give you the best chance for a strong recovery. Clomid boosts your natural test production but can bring some emotional side effects. Nolvadex helps prevent gyno and is milder in terms of side effects. If you're worried about side effects, you might just go with Nolvadex. But combining them covers all bases.
Hey Doc for a young man on a low dose short cycle ur opinion how long do U reckon he can go for?? 8 weeks at like 250?? Then bounce back naturally
Yes- 250 a week would be quite effective. Wouldn’t expect to go any higher and bounce back. Might even get results with half that for first time- results can stick around for a few months if you’re careful with diet & adjust training ( avoid overtraining afterwards but keep intensity & rest or you won’t bounce)