Injection Question


Hi all, I have a random question about injecting. It seems like no matter how much I stretch, rub, and inject slowly, I get a lump on buttock a little bigger than a golf ball, and its hard. Im only doing 1.5ml of test e. Does this affect absorption or cause any problems I should know about? Thanks!
Is there a reason why you keep pinning the same spot thats sore and swollen? You need to leave that spot alone so it can heal and start pinning somewhere else and always rotate.
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Try running the filled syringe under hot water for a minute before injecting. This will make it easier to inject and easier to absorb. But regardless, change sites.
Is there a reason why you keep pinning the same spot thats sore and swollen? You need to leave that spot alone so it can heal and start pinning somewhere else and always rotate.
I was only hitting the same spot because I was new to it all and it was easier for me to do (yeah I know it pretty ****ed up). A guy from my gym has helped me out and showed me how it hit other spots.

I just didn't know how long it would take to go back to normal. Thanks for the input. Much appreciated!!!
Yeah... not a good idea to inject the same spot all the time. Especially when the spot you're injecting into is the size of a golf ball.

These lumps are usually harmless and caused by irritation or inflammation of the surrounding tissue. No need to panic, but it's important to monitor the lump closely and see a Doctor if it gets worse. Massaging the area can help break up scar tissue and reduce the discomfort.
I was only hitting the same spot because I was new to it all and it was easier for me to do (yeah I know it pretty ****ed up). A guy from my gym has helped me out and showed me how it hit other spots.

I just didn't know how long it would take to go back to normal. Thanks for the input. Much appreciated!!!
Try massaging it with a heating pad. It should help it go down.
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