First oral cycle


Hi all looking for a 8 week oral cycle to lose fat and one to bulk as going overseas sep what best orals to take I'm 5ft6 89kg and train 4days week . Please advise thank you.
It's best if you stack orals with a test base. I would suggest a very simple 14 week cycle.

Wk 1 to 14- Test E 250mg Sunday/Test E 250mg Wednesday
Wk 1 to 4 - Tbol (50mg) every day
Wk 10 to 14 - Anavar (50mg).

During your cycle take Anastrozole 0.5 mg every other day (adjust the dosage based on your blood work and any symptoms). If you do experience high estrogen (e.g. water retention, gyno), you might need to increase the dosage to 0.5 mg every day.

Standard PCT: (start 2 weeks AFTER your last injection)
If you can access both compounds, do both, if not you can get away with just doing one of them.
Clomid- 50mg daily first 2 weeks, then 25mg daily for next 2 weeks
Nolvadex: 40mg daily for the first 2 weeks, then 20 mg daily for the next 2 weeks

Liver and organ support during your cycle
Milk Thistle
Omega-3 Fish oil

If you follow this plan with a strict diet and train (train hard), you should see some good results.
Hi all looking for a 8 week oral cycle to lose fat and one to bulk as going overseas sep what best orals to take I'm 5ft6 89kg and train 4days week . Please advise thank you.
I agree with @hubbles

Honestly, doing an oral-only cycle will just crash your test and produce small gains. Not worth it imo.
Anavar & Primobolan are ok for short term fat reduction stuff. Not smart to use oral’s only for bulking up- more toxic compounds , higher doses & it takes more than 2 months. SARM’s may suit you if you don’t want oils but don’t expect same results